The fiery red hair made him look more and more strange.

Ling Xiao had a bit of displeasure on his face, "My previous masters never treated me like this!"

"How many previous masters?" Hearing Ling Xiao's words, Feng Chuge raised his eyes in surprise, and asked back.

Ling Xiao turned his head sideways and snorted coldly.

Feng Chuge curled her lips, this Ling Xiao is really arrogant——

Feng Chuge didn't go into it too deeply, but thought of something, "Can you cut off the soul chain?"

"Of course." Ling Xiao nodded, with a hint of complacency in his eyes. "The chain of souls can only be broken by the Akasaka Sword!"

"Is that so?" Feng Chuge poured a cup of tea from one side smoothly, "A hundred hits?"

"Of course." Ling Xiao nodded again.

"Never made a mistake?"

Ling Xiao twitched his lips, "Master, what exactly do you want to do?"

This kind of conversation is so weird that Ling Xiao doesn't want to continue the conversation right now.

Feng Chuge's eyes flickered slightly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, she raised her hand, drank the water in her hand, and finally said slowly, "I want you to make a mistake..."


After driving for a whole day, Feng Chuge was really tired.

She had a good rest that night, and the next morning, after Feng Chuge finished washing, she opened the door and was about to walk out.

Just as she was passing by the next room, the door was suddenly pushed open——


A somewhat hoarse voice sounded, Feng Chuge followed the voice and looked at the person standing outside the door, but was slightly startled.

Standing in front of him was a thin boy with a slightly childish face, a round face, although not handsome, but more than cute, especially those big dark eyes, which were twinkling at the moment.

"Master, you are leaving." Wenren Zimo looked at Feng Chuge and asked.

Now Feng Chuge is completely sure that this is the dirty little beggar from yesterday, looking at the suddenly transformed boy in front of him, Feng Chuge pulled his lips lightly——

Sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles...


"I didn't promise to be your master, don't yell casually."

Wenren Zimo curled his lips, stepped forward, and stretched out his hand, wanting to hug Feng Chuge's shoulder, "Master, accepting an apprentice like me, it will be very honorable for you to walk outside, won't you?"

Just when his hand was about to approach him, Feng Chuge avoided it.

Although she doesn't dislike Wenren Zimo, she is not used to being easily touched by others.

Sensing Feng Chuge's vigilance and hostility, Wenren Zimo wrinkled his nose, "They are all men, why are you like this? Oh, master, if you don't touch it, you won't touch it—"

Feng Chuge glanced at him lightly, didn't say much, just walked downstairs.

This early in the morning, Feng Chuge was not in a hurry to hurry. After all, it is not too far from the destination, and it is estimated that it will be there in two hours. Moreover, I didn’t eat much when I was on the road yesterday. Although Bing Po There is dry food in the heart, but it is not as good as hot food.

On the first floor near the window, Feng Chuge ordered a cup of tea and some pastries.

Wenren Zimo was really familiar, and sat directly opposite Feng Chuge.

"Master, my name is Wenren Zimo, what's your name?"

Feng Chuge slightly raised his eyes, and glanced at him lightly, without responding.

Wenren Zimo immediately squinted his eyes, and a little smile hung on his cute round face, "Oh, yes, yes, Master is an expert, and an expert should not call him by his first name."

Hearing the sound, Feng Chuge suddenly hooked his lips——

This child's brain circuit is quite abnormal...

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