"That's not the case. The four great beasts will unlock the entire bracelet. Don't worry, master. As long as you reach the high-level spiritual monarch, the second floor can be opened." Sweetheart said cutely, tilting her head. "If you don't believe me, master, come in with me and have a look."

Feng Chuge suppressed the surprise in his heart, and penetrated into it with some divine sense.

Feng Chuge was shocked again when his spiritual sense went in.

Inside this bracelet, there is actually a space.

The first floor of the space.

It was a land of beautiful mountains and clear waters.

There are mountains and waters, and between the mountains and rivers, there is a thatched house...

Feng Chuge walked into the thatched hut, and suddenly saw all kinds of secret books piled up in the thatched hut.

Some are about spiritual power training, some are about refining medicine, and some are about spell masters.

Not only that, but inside the thatched cottage, there is a huge cauldron.

The little sweetheart had already flapped its wings and flew to her at some point, "Master, how is it?"

Feng Chuge swallowed. "Well, very, very powerful."

"Haha." Little sweetheart spun a circle in mid-air, seemingly extremely happy. "Of course, Master, you are the second Goddess, so I can't check the things given to you."

"Goddess, what the hell is that?"

"The one who saved the common people..."

"Pfft..." Feng Chuge laughed.

Save the common people? As long as she doesn't kill people, let her save her? !

"Master, you are not elegant. My first master was very elegant and ladylike." Sweetheart looked at Feng Chuge with disgust.

Feng Chuge's eyelids raised slightly, she suddenly reached out and grabbed Tianxin. "Little thing, tell me, can I not want this bracelet? Can I not be this goddess?"

"No way." Little Sweetheart shook her head. "The bracelet has chosen you, and your bloodline has been subtly changed these days. Not only you, but even the bloodline of the baby in your womb has changed."

Mentioning the child in Feng Chuge's arms, Feng Chuge's heart became vigilant.

"Oh master, don't worry, nothing will happen to your babies, it will only make them stronger. At that time, the young master and the young lady will both be born geniuses."

Young master and young lady?

Surprise flashed across Feng Chuge's eyes.

She reached out and stroked her stomach gently.

Here, a pair of dragon and phoenix twins were born.

"Master, do you want to continue to come and see me?" Feng Chuge's thoughts were interrupted by Tianxin's words, Feng Chuge raised his head, and finally nodded slightly.

Tianxin walked in front, Feng Chuge followed, and walked around the entire space on the first floor.

"Oh, by the way, master, I forgot to tell you, this spring water is a spiritual spring. Do you still remember that old man in the Shenwu Continent drinking the heavenly holy water? This is it."

Heaven, heaven spirit holy water? ? ?

Feng Chuge's shock today is that she has hooked up.

She remembered that at the beginning, Tianling Holy Water was the treasure of the Mo family's town house in the Shenwu Continent.

Just because the holy water of Tianling was stolen, Mo Su from the Mo family angrily killed Mo Yangtian without blinking an eye.

This is enough to prove the preciousness of Tianling holy water.

But today, this little thing told her that the entire spring water is the Holy Water of Heavenly Spirit...

Feng Chuge felt that what she experienced at this moment could no longer be described as shock.

"Are you kidding me? Is this the Holy Water of Heavenly Spirit?"

"No kidding." Sweetheart blinked again. "Besides, this holy water of heavenly spirit is of high purity. Back then, the one from Mo's house was mixed with water. The whole bottle is actually only equivalent to one drop here."


Feng Chu Gemo.

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