After a while, golden light overflowed from her body.

The golden light was flying above the Lingquan, looking at the Lingquan, the ancestor was very surprised. "This, what is this?"

"Tianling holy water." Feng Chuge looked at the ancestor and said lightly.

"How is it possible? Girl, are you lying to me?" Tianling Holy Water, that is an extremely rare and precious thing, how is this possible?

"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

Emperor Patriarch moved forward with half-belief, and when he sensed the breath of the spring water, he was so excited that he was about to recite it.

This turned out to be the holy water of the heavenly spirit!

After drinking that small bottle last time, his soul became much stronger. Unexpectedly, there was this whole spiritual spring here.

"Old Ancestor, drink slowly if you like, but beware of overnutrition."

Seeing that Feng Chuge agreed that he could stay here, Patriarch Emperor was so excited! His golden light suddenly became stronger and stronger, and then, a force sucked up the spiritual spring.

In just a moment, as if a gate had been opened, the Lingquan was sucked away by the emperor's ancestor.

Looking at this scene, Feng Chuge almost vomited blood.

According to the old ancestor's method of absorbing, will the Lingquan be completely absorbed by him?

However, Feng Chuge's worries were obviously superfluous. As this side of the spiritual spring was sucked away, the other side, like running water, gradually rose from there, and the water level of the entire spiritual spring was full again.

Looking at this scene, Feng Chuge's mouth grew into an "o" shape.

After a while, she collected her thoughts.

From this moment on, she can no longer look at the world with any common sense.

It seems that in this world, anything is possible.

When he came out of the five-color space, the emperor emperor had already eaten and drank enough, and obediently ran into Feng Chuge's body to protect the two children.

In the room, Feng Chuge leaned beside Di Juechen. "Chen, it's a man and a woman."

"What?" Di Juechen was a little confused.

Feng Chuge sat up straight, and stared fiercely at Di Juechen. "Children, a boy and a girl!!"


"Why lie to you? Di Juechen, you haven't even cared about my child."

Di Juechen reached out and stroked Feng Chuge's stomach.

One month pregnant, the belly looks flat, nothing unusual. Looking at Feng Chuge, thinking that this is his and his wife's child, Di Juechen was overjoyed.

"Sanggong, talk to the child, the baby must be picked up from an early age, or you will lose to other children in the future." Feng Chuge raised his eyes, and a pair of dark pupils rolled around.

"Our children will not be worse than others."

"But what if, you don't know, early education is popular."

"You think too much." Di Juechen comforted Fufeng Chuge's hair.

Feng Chuge pulled her lips. "Don't you want to tell the child?"

"The child is too young to understand." Di Juechen responded indifferently.

"No, I must say something." Feng Chuge insisted.

Seeing Feng Chuge being so persistent, Di Juechen sighed slightly. "Okay, just say something, let me think about it."

After finishing speaking, he squinted his eyes while stroking Feng Chuge's lower abdomen lightly.

After a long time, he popped out a sentence. "Baby, are you still used to living here?"

live! of! return! habit! used! ! !

Feng Chuge only felt tens of thousands of muddy horses galloping in his heart.

Are you still used to living there? ?

If you're not used to living here, is it possible that you still have to visit other people's stomachs?

Sometimes men are really idiots!

Feng Chuge stared at Di Juechen twice. "I'm going to take a lunch break!"

Di Juechen touched his nose lightly, did he say something wrong?

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