Feng Yuanhang did not die.

She took out a black pill from Bing Po Heart, controlled it with spiritual power, opened his mouth, and threw it in.

This elixir is not a healing elixir, but it can stimulate every nerve of a person and make people in shock wake up immediately.

As a result, Feng Yuanhang, who was almost dying just now, woke up immediately.

His body was still extremely weak, but the blood on his neck had stopped, and the wound was still hurting.

This kind of pain made him almost faint again and again, but for some reason, his brain was always in a state of excitement.

The moment he opened his eyes, he met Feng Chuge's cold eyes, and at that moment, Feng Yuanhang turned pale with shock!

"Feng Yuanhang, I brought you back to life. If you don't thank me, what would you do if you're so afraid of me?" With her arms folded, Feng Chuge stood aside like that, looking down at Feng Yuanhang, as if looking down on the world.

Her eyes were cold, cold to the bone marrow.

Seeing Feng Chuge like this, Feng Yuanhang trembled all over.

"Feng Chuge, what... what do you want to do?" Because of the neck injury, Feng Yuanhang's voice was hoarse, but he could vaguely distinguish what he said.

"What do you think?" Feng Chuge raised an eyebrow. "You hurt my people, and you are against me again and again, so you want to die like this?"

Feng Chuge smiled lowly, the curve of the corners of her lips became more and more profound.

The very conspicuous cinnabar on the center of the eyebrows made her even more seductive.

This kind of Feng Chuge, like that manzhushahua, carries a fatal temptation.

It is beautiful, but it will kill people invisible.

Feng Yuanhang's entire pores were full of fear.

He looked at Feng Chuge in shock. "You devil, you devil!"

"Thank you for the compliment, I'm really a devil!" Feng Chuge said, his pupils flickered darkly.

Suddenly she took out a bottle.

The white bottle with a cold light made Feng Yuanhang startled.

However, not allowing him to resist at all, Feng Chuge dripped all the potion in the bottle on his body.

Almost at that instant, Feng Chuge felt a heart-piercing pain coming from his arm.

Looking at it, I saw that the part where the medicine dripped was slowly rotting at a speed visible to the human eye.

The flesh rots until you can see the bones inside.

However, with the penetration of the potion, even the white bones were completely rotten.

Feng Chuge took two steps back, covered her nose, and looked at Feng Yuanhang. "Feng Yuanhang, how does this taste feel?"

At this moment, Feng Yuanhang felt that life would be worse than death.

The heart-piercing pain, that feeling, is too clear.

However, his whole body was completely immobile, and the sensations from every pore were transmitted to all sense organs, stimulating his brain.

In the end, he just stared angrily at Feng Chuge. "You devil! You witch!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Feng Chuge stood not far away, with her arms folded around her chest, when she raised her hand, another medicine bottle was taken out.

Under the accusation of spiritual power, the potion bottle was swept away from mid-air, and finally, it dripped on his other hand and legs again.

"Ah!! Feng Chuge, even if I'm a ghost, I won't spare you!" Feng Yuanhang's low growl resounded throughout the room.

Feng Chuge just stood aside.

"Ghost? If anyone is against me, I will not spare him, even if it is a ghost, there will be no exception!"

He looked at Xiafeng Yuanhang coldly again.

At this time, both of Feng Yuanhang's legs and hands had been crippled.

The whole person is like a pig, only the body remains.

He stared angrily, and his eyes were bloodshot red!

Seeing him like this, Feng Chuge clapped his hands lightly. "What should we do now?"

Just thinking about how to deal with Feng Yuanhang, the little golden cicada in Feng Chuge's sleeve crawled out and turned into a giant eagle. "Second master, let me go, as long as I give the order, all the monsters will come up and gnaw it until there is not a single bone left!"

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