It was also at this moment that all the branches wrapped around the giant eagle were cut off.

Dryads have always had the strongest perception of monsters, so when the giant eagle beast appeared at the same time as Di Juechen and others, the dryads attacked the giant eagle beast first.

But now, their attention was all on Di Juechen.

At this moment, all the surrounding trees are constantly changing and moving.

In just a short while, the trees around them completely changed their appearance.

Feng Chuge raised his eyes and looked at these tree demons.

She had to sigh, these tree demons were much stronger than the one she encountered last time!

After those dryads lined up, the dryads pulled out their branches at the same time and attacked them.

The temperature in the forest is still unrealistically high.

Di Juechen stood in the middle of the tree demon in a black robe, his cold purple eyes looked around, and the bottom of his eyes was full of cold light!

Seeing those tree demons attacking him, the corners of Di Juechen's thin lips twitched coldly.

With a flash in his eyes, he raised his hand again, and a stronger aura surged around him.

boom! !

A powerful airflow rushed away.

In the forest, all the water vapor that surged up due to the falsely high temperature turned into white smoke and rose upwards.

Di Juechen's blow went straight to the ground.

He knew that if he wanted to kill these tree demons, he had to dig from the bottom of the tree, otherwise, no matter how many of their branches were destroyed, there would always be more branches rising up continuously.

The strong air blast exploded on the ground, and holes were blown out of the entire ground.

His eyes flickered coldly, Di Juechen took advantage of the victory and pursued, attacking again!

The tree demons were obviously driven mad by Di Juechen's attack. At this moment, they frantically stretched out their branches, trying to pester God Juechen.

However, Di Juechen had already put a protective cover around them.

Even if this group of dryads wanted to work harder, there was nothing they could do.

He, after all, is the strength of the eighth level of the gods!

In the entire Burning Heaven Clan, the highest strength is only at the ninth level of the gods!

The eighth level of the gods, such a strength, even in the entire Wuji Realm, is second to none!

In the forest, the wind is blowing.

Di Juechen's black hair was blown up by the wind, driven by the wind, it brushed against Bai Yu's face.

The tree demons outside were still struggling crazily, trying to reverse the situation in front of them, and the corners of Di Juechen's thin lips curled up coldly.

He will never give these dryads a chance! !

Squinting his eyes slightly, a more powerful cold light was projected in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Di Juechen let out a low growl.

A burst of golden light exploded from his body.


boom! !

There was a loud noise, and within the mountain forest, a huge wave of air sprayed from the suburbs of Beijing to the sky, one wave after another, forming a high wall that covered the sky and the sun.

The sound was like thunder, and the momentum was overwhelming, and the raging momentum was astonishing! All the air currents completely broke through the miasma layer and went straight to the sky! !

When the smoke dissipated, all the tree demons surrounding them on the innermost layer fell to the ground, the leaves turned yellow and the branches withered...

On the outer layer, those tree demons pulled back their branches in fright, and the whole branch and trunk swayed slightly, as if they were afraid.

These tree demons are all familiar with human nature.

Now that they realized that they met someone they couldn't provoke, they didn't dare to provoke them anymore, and retreated one by one.

Except for the dozen or so trees that fell on the ground, at this moment, almost all the other trees have returned to their original posture, just like what they saw when they entered the forest...

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