The young master's strength is naturally not to be underestimated.

So now, as soon as he saw Xuanyuan Yuche, shopkeeper Wu couldn't wait to complain about his suffering, completely ignoring Feng Chuge's eyes.

"Young master, you are so powerful, you can definitely kill them!" Shopkeeper Wu glared at Feng Chuge bitterly. Thinking of this journey, Feng Chuge almost used himself as a handyman, and shopkeeper Wu was even more resentful.

As for Xuanyuan Yuche, his complexion was already extremely ugly at this moment.

He originally planned to go to Di Juechen after his own strength improved, but now, he has come to him! !

Before he could say anything, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen flew out of the sedan chair and landed directly in front of shopkeeper Wu.

"Hey, shopkeeper, don't you want the antidote?"

Feng Chuge's eyes were smiling, on top of that stunning face, there was an unparalleled beauty at the moment.

But it was her who made the shopkeeper back away in fright.

Thinking of something again, the shopkeeper ran to Xuanyuan Yuche in a hurry. "Young master, you must save me, please."

Xuanyuan Yuche's face was terribly gloomy.

In front of him, Feng Chuge smiled after hearing shopkeeper Wu's words. "Xuanyuan Yuche, this person asked you to kill us."

Xuanyuan Yuche clenched his fists tightly, not knowing what to say.

He was defeated by Di Juechen in just a few days.

The two failures in life were all at the hands of Di Juechen!

Shopkeeper Wu didn't know the situation at all, he just hid behind Xuanyuan Yuche in fright.

When necessary, pay back the debt and reach out to grab Xuanyuan Yuche's sleeve. "Young master, you must be able to save the little one!"

However, before she could finish speaking, Xuanyuan Yuche suddenly raised his hand, and in an instant, an extremely powerful air flow surged from his body, and rushed back the shopkeeper Wu who was behind him.

Caught off guard, shopkeeper Wu flung his whole body straight back under the impact, until finally, he fell to the ground not far away.

Xuanyuan Yuche's strength is indeed very strong.

In addition, Xuanyuan Yuche had the intention to kill.

With this blow, shopkeeper Wu's internal organs were all shattered.

So, shopkeeper Wu, who didn't even know what he did wrong, died on the spot just like that!

On the side, the little girl was so frightened that she fainted when she saw this scene.

He knew that if the shopkeeper died, he would be doomed for a while!

The surrounding area returned to tranquility.

All the guards stood aside in shock, unaware of the situation.

Xuanyuan Yuche, Feng Chuge and his party stood facing each other.

He clenched the whole body tightly, gritted his teeth and looked at the person in front of him. "How dare you come to this infinite realm?"

"Why not?" Di Juechen narrowed his eyes coldly. "The defeated generals are all here, why can't I come?"

The words "defeated general" pierced the scar on Xuanyuan Yuche's heart thoroughly, and his expression froze.

He raised his head again, but thought of something, and ecstasy radiated from his entire face.

"The aura of the eighth-level god in the suburbs of Beijing yesterday was exuded by you! Hahaha!! It really didn't take much effort! That aura was actually exuded by you!"

The Jin Yuan Dan was stolen, and in order to shirk responsibility, Xuanyuan Yuche lied that he had witnessed someone stealing it.

Coupled with the scene that happened in the suburbs of Beijing last night, Xuanyuan Yuche pushed the boat to that person.

However, who would have thought that that person was actually Di Juechen? !

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