He wants to see who is so courageous to steal the treasure of his Burning Heaven Clan! !

Outside, Xuanyuan Yuche and Di Juechen were still confronting each other.

He didn't dare to touch Di Juechen easily, but was just waiting for Xuanyuan Yuche's arrival.

After a long time, from the mid-air not far away, a cyan figure bothered to come!

At the same time, it was accompanied by Xuanyuan Zhan's stern voice. "Arrogant child, you dare to steal something from my Xuanyuan Zhan, I will kill you today!"

As he said that, he saw the black figure clearly, and went straight up.

Di Juechen was taken aback by the unexpected powerful momentum.

Seeing him attacking, Di Juechen took two steps back abruptly.

There was a breeze on his legs, and immediately, he raised his hands, and when he wore the robe, he showed the aura of the eighth-level god.

The golden light was dazzling, directly facing the light that Xuanyuan Zhan attacked.


The two streams of air are directly facing each other.

At this moment, the eighth level of the gods did not have the slightest disadvantage against the ninth level of the gods.

Xuanyuan Zhan didn't expect the opponent to counterattack like this, his body moved slightly in mid-air, and finally stopped in place.

"Huh, the eighth level of the gods, you really stole the gold yuan pill from me, me..." Just as I was saying this, the light smoke in front of me had dispersed, and at the same time, Xuanyuan Zhan could see clearly The figure of the man in black robe.

Wearing a loose black robe, with a face as handsome as jade.

However, all of this was not enough to shock him.

What shocked him was that he was 50% similar to Xuanyuan Yuche, and had two similar faces to himself.

Also, the faint purple glow from the bottom of those eyes...

Xuanyuan Zhan's body paused slightly.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Di Juechen, his thin lips trembling slightly. "Who are you?"

Di Juechen looked at the person in front of him, his fists on both sides clenched slightly.

What needs to be faced will eventually come.

His thin lips were raised lightly, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed. "Xuanyuan Yuche said that I am his younger brother."

boom! !

A loud noise struck Xuanyuan Zhan's head.

He widened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Di Juechen.


It's so similar!

His eyes are too similar to Tian'er!

Xuanyuanzhan looked at him in astonishment, and finally penetrated a touch of divine sense into Di Juechen's body, and was dumbfounded the next moment. "You... are you really that child?"

"Father, this is the person who stole your Golden Yuandan, Father. He frequently goes in and out of Burning Heaven Clan, and does things that are not good for our Burning Heaven Clan every now and then. Father, this person cannot be kept!" Looking at Xuanyuan Zhan Xuanyuan Yuche's pupils shrank slightly.

He absolutely does not allow Di Juechen to return to Burning Heaven Clan, he will definitely destroy the relationship between Di Juechen and Xuanyuan Zhan!

Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes dimmed slightly. "Jin Yuan Dan, did you steal it?"

"I said no, do you believe it?" Di Juechen's thin lips curled slightly, and his purple eyes met Xuanyuan Zhan's directly.

Those eyes made Xuanyuan Zhan stunned.

After a while, Xuanyuan Zhan suddenly laughed out loud. "I believe, I believe! How could Tian'er's child do such a thing?"

After this laugh, Xuanyuan Yuche's face changed completely.

He has already calculated all of this.

As long as his father is sure that Di Juechen stole the Golden Yuan Pill, then Di Juechen will be in his father's heart, and there will be no room for him to turn around.

And this Young Master of the Burning Heaven Clan is only his, no one can threaten his status!

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