On the contrary, all his tricks seem to be probing.

That's right, it's a test.

After all, Xuanyuan Zhan's strength is one level higher than that of Di Juechen. Even though Di Juechen has the blood of the dragon, the gap in strength lies here.

In particular, the higher the strength, the greater the gap in real combat power between levels.

After a while, Di Juechen took the upper hand.

The sword is overwhelming.

The sword that reflected a little bit of cold light came straight towards Di Juechen.

In the end, the sword swiped across Di Juechen's arm all at once.


Cloth was scratched.

Di Juechen's arm was cut open.

Blood gushed out.

But it was also in that instant, the sword immediately projected a white light.

Xuanyuan Zhan looked at the sword with great joy on his face.

He stood there excitedly. "It's you, it's really you!"

That sword just now is exactly the clan sword of Burning Heaven Clan, it can detect blood veins.

After all, Xuanyuan Zhan was a little more cautious, for fear that someone would intentionally come here and pretend to be the child from back then, so he did this.

At this time, Feng Chuge rushed forward and took Di Juechen's hand. "Dust, your hand."

"It's okay." Di Juechen shook his head lightly.

The wound on his hand was still bleeding, Feng Chuge took out a bottle of medicine and sprinkled it on his wound, the bleeding stopped after a while.

Then, she raised her eyes and looked at Xuanyuan Zhan. "Master Xuanyuanmen, now, are you sure that he is your biological son?"

"Yes, sure!" Xuanyuan Zhan nodded fiercely. "Your name is Chen? Already at the eighth level of the gods?"

Di Juechen pursed his thin lips and nodded slightly. "good."

"Hahaha, yes, my son! The son of me and Tian'er!"

Xuanyuan Zhan's excitement was beyond words.

Seeing him like this, Di Juechen and Feng Chuge exchanged light glances.

"Son, welcome back." Xuanyuan Zhan continued, and took two steps forward to hug Di Juechen.

Di Juechen avoided the body without a trace. "Back then, why didn't you want me?"

It was always a thorn in his heart.

Xuanyuanzhan was startled, he didn't expect Di Juechen to ask such a question suddenly.

"I didn't want you."

"That is?"

"Your mother was taken away by the people over there. I thought you were also taken away." Xuanyuanzhan said, his eyes suddenly widened, and there was endless guilt in his eyes. They did not protect their mother and son. Thinking of everything that happened that day, he clenched his fists tightly in hatred. "At that time, they kept saying that they were going to kill you. I wanted to stop them, but I was not strong enough. I could only watch you and Tian'er being taken away."

At this moment, a monstrous resentment poured out from him.

Di Juechen frowned slightly. "Over there, where is it?"

"It's where your mother is." Xuanyuan Zhan sighed, then said. "You have to believe that there are no parents who are unwilling to have their own children. The reason why I let you leave must be because of my difficulties."

Di Juechen's body shook slightly.

He looked up at Xuanyuan Zhan, only to see Xuanyuan Zhan looking at him with endless guilt in his eyes.

Clenching his fists tightly, Di Juechen stood where he was, his thin lips moved slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Chen, how is it? Let me tell you, I won't regret it when I come back." Looking at the posture in front of him, Feng Chuge felt a little joy from the bottom of his heart.

Di Juechen didn't say much, but raised his lips lightly.

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