Xuanyuanzhan raised his eyes and looked at Feng Chuge, only to see that there was a confident light in her eyes.

He suddenly became a little confused, could it be that Che'er was really lying?

After a moment of hesitation, Xuanyuan Zhan finally nodded. "Alright! Let Elder Feng come over."

Saying that, Xuanyuan Zhan ordered his guards to summon Elder Feng to come.

Inside the hall, Xuanyuan Yuche looked very ugly right now.

Elder Feng is loyal to Xuanyuan Zhan, he knows this very well.

The reason why he followed him to make trouble a while ago was because he accidentally saved Elder Feng's life back then.

But after what happened last time, Elder Feng didn't seem to listen to him at all.

Xuanyuan Yuche took a deep breath, praying secretly in his heart.

At this time, Elder Feng came from outside.

When he saw a few people standing in the hall, Elder Feng paused, with a little horror in his eyes, and then he saluted Xuanyuan Zhan. "Master."

"Elder Feng is here." Xuanyuan said warily.

"The sect master called me, why?"

"Elder Feng, do you know a few people on the field?" Xuanyuan Zhan asked suddenly with a serious look on his face.

Seeing Xuanyuan Zhan's expression suddenly changed, Elder Feng was startled.

He only thought that Xuanyuan Zhan knew what Xuanyuan Yuche had done with him before, and immediately fell to his knees. "Master, the old minister was confused before! You shouldn't go out with the young master to hunt them down."

In a word, like thunder, it exploded in the entire hall.

Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes widened immediately, "What did you say?!"

His voice was loud, full of surprise in his tone.

The whole person looked at Elder Feng, and those eyes almost popped out.

"Sect master, isn't this what you want to investigate?" Elder Feng finally saw the strangeness of the sect master, his beard moved, and finally made a trembling sound.

"What's going on? Tell me!!"

With a stern voice, it seemed to carry the aura of destroying the world.

Elder Feng knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

At this juncture, it is impossible for him not to tell the truth.

He trembled, and finally spoke. "Yes, the young master discovered the aura of this son before, and knew that he was the child back then, so he asked the old minister to go to the mainland with him to hunt and kill him. The old minister was confused, and the old minister should not have done this in the first place."

Xuanyuan Zhan stood aside, clenched his fists tightly.

The whole body was trembling with anger.

"You bastard! You bastard!" He looked at Xuanyuan Yuche, wanting to tear him apart.

"What about Jin Yuan Pill? What's going on with Jin Yuan Pill?" Xuanyuan Zhan continued to ask.

Little did they know that at this moment, with every question Xuanyuan Zhan had, Xuanyuan Yuche's face became more and more ashes.

"Golden Yuandan, the young master said before that he wanted to deal with them, so he wanted to steal the Jinyuandan."

Elder Feng said these things truthfully.

He was indeed grateful to Xuanyuan Yuche before, so he has been tying Xuanyuan Yuche to do those things.

But after Xuanyuan Yuche actually wanted to put him to death that day, all the gratitude Elder Feng had towards Xuanyuan Yuche had long since disappeared.

At this moment, facing Xuanyuan Zhan, he just told the truth and revealed everything he knew.

So, this time, Xuanyuan Yuche was completely miserable!

Seeing that Xuanyuan Zhan's expression changed, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked Xuanyuan Yuche viciously...

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