"I also heard that Guanghua Gate was destroyed, alas, what a pity." Xuanyuan Zhan shook his head. "By the way, I don't know if you have heard of the goddess in other continents before?" Xuanyuan Zhan finally remembered the goddess that made countless people fear.

"Goddess?" Feng Chuge's heart skipped a beat when he heard these two words. "I haven't heard of it, what's the matter?"

Xuanyuan Zhan shook his head lightly. "A while ago, someone detected the return of the four great beasts. Presumably, the Goddess has appeared. Once the Goddess appears, the world will merge. In the future, even my Promise Realm will submit to her."

"So?" Feng Chuge looked at Xuanyuan Zhan and asked. She really wanted to hear what Xuanyuan Zhan wanted to say.

"Help me pay attention, if you see a woman with a beast on her body, kill her for me!" Xuanyuan Zhan gritted his teeth lightly when he said this.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked into the distance, but he never noticed the difference between Feng Chuge and Di Juechen when he finished speaking.

Di Juechen moved his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end, being signaled by Feng Chuge's eyes, he never spoke again.

Feng Chuge concealed the treachery in her eyes, and responded softly. "Why?"

"Her existence threatens too many people, and no one will allow her existence." Xuanyuan Zhan gritted his teeth and said. "I don't allow it, and others don't allow it. Even if I don't kill her, someone will kill her."

Listening to Xuanyuan Zhan's words, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen had a meal!

Leaving from Xuanyuan Zhan, Di Juechen's expression was not good.

He turned his head and looked at Feng Chuge, "My lady, I will never allow anyone to hurt you."

Feng Chuge smiled lightly, and never spoke again...

goddess? Existing impermissibly?

Now that she exists, her bloodline has changed and she has become a real goddess.

Then in the future, she will surely block and kill gods, and Buddhas will kill Buddhas.

If anyone dares to block her way forward, she will definitely not let him go!

With her red lips hooked coldly, Feng Chuge continued to move forward...


Even though Feng Chuge had clarified, what happened that day was too sensational, and in addition, some people in the former Guanghuamen still refused to accept Feng Chuge.

In this way, Burning Tianmen got the news of the King of Divine Beasts, and it spread like wildfire.

Inside the Burning Heaven Clan, Xuanyuan Zhan was furious.

In the past few days, in Wuji Territory, countless people have flocked to Burning Heaven Clan, wanting to seize the King of Divine Beasts.

You know, once you get the King of Beasts and make a contract with the King of Beasts, you can summon ten thousand beasts!

With ten thousand beasts as company, who would dare to disobey in the future?

In a quiet courtyard of Burning Heaven Clan.

On the edge of the stone table, three people sat around.

Yao Ye, who was dressed in red, held her chin, and looked faintly not far away.

"Hey, it's really annoying."

"What are you bothered about?" Singer Feng Chu held a teacup on the side, then rolled his eyes at him abruptly, "Do you know that because of you, Xuanyuan Zhan is the one who is so worried that he is going to die now?"

Yao Ye raised her eyes, her peach-blossom pupils narrowed, and in an instant, the world seemed to lose its color.

He shook his head slightly. "You don't understand, my uncle's charm is too great, and he will cause a sensation wherever he goes. Hey, worry, worry, it's all because I'm too beautiful."

Feng Chuge just took a sip of water, and after hearing this, he spit it all out immediately!


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