Out of nowhere, he pulled out a flag.

When the flag was waved, at that moment, the surrounding air was stirred up.

It was at this moment that the three of them sensed an extremely powerful aura.

There was no room for any resistance from them, and the three of them were sucked in by the flag at once! !

It was so dark all around that I couldn't see anything clearly.

The surrounding temperature is also terribly gloomy.

Feng Chuge took out a luminous pearl from the heart of Bingpo, and the surrounding area became a bit brighter...

It seems that in a closed space, no matter how hard you try, you can't get out.

"Where is this place?" Yao Ye looked around and muttered to himself.

"Could it be the summoning banner??" Thinking of the banner that came out suddenly before, Feng Chuge was startled suddenly, and said aloud.

"Hahaha, the girl winked a little bit, yes, this is my soul-calling banner!" Outside, Leng Yangyan's voice reminded him like thunder. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I only want the king of beasts, I just want to make a contract with the king of beasts!"

Leng Yangyan laughed as he strode forward.

Since he didn't know which of these three people was the king of all beasts, he brought them back.

Moreover, Leng Yangyan is certain that one of these three people must be!

After a while, Leng Yangyan returned to Fushengmen.

Just stepped into the Floating Gate, he was overjoyed and laughed out loud. "Hahaha! Hahaha! This line of work is really rewarding!"

"Father found the Beastmaster?" From one side, a man and a woman came out.

The woman is delicate and exquisite, and the man is extremely handsome.

"Yes, You'er, Long'er, I found the Beastmaster! Look, the Beastmaster is among these three!" Leng Yangyan laughed loudly, and then, a big banner appeared in his hand again, narrowing his eyes slightly, There were bursts of white light around the flag, and then three figures came out from the soul-calling flag.

But he said that he was in the banner of summoning souls.

The three of them felt a strong suction attack again, sucking them straight out.

Di Juechen was shocked, he stretched out his arms and hugged Feng Chuge tightly, protecting her in his arms.

Immediately afterwards, the airflow sucked them out all at once!


All three bodies fell directly to the ground.

If it wasn't for Di Juechen's protection, Feng Chuge's body would have fallen to the ground right now!

Yao Ye grinned in pain.

"Oh, old man, how dare you throw me down!!"

Di Juechen was crushed under Feng Chuge, when he recovered, his face was full of anxiety and anger.

"How is the lady?"

Feng Chuge shook his head lightly. "I'm fine, but you..."

"It doesn't matter to me..."

At this moment, a crisp female voice came.

"Father, these three people look so weak, is there really a beast king among them?"

Looking along the sound, I saw a woman in white clothes not far from her forehead looking at this side with disgust.

However, when he saw the faces of these three people, he was completely shocked.

These three people look so beautiful!

The man in red is as evil as fire.

The woman in blue is as beautiful as a fairy.

The man in black robe is domineering and handsome!

For a moment, Leng You and Leng Long looked at them, their eyes widened in astonishment.

"Haha, what's the matter, am I right? These three people must not be ordinary people, and the Beast King must be among them!"


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