Now that things have come to this point, he decided to sacrifice Feng Chuge!

For him, Feng Chuge only gave him two bottles of Tianling holy water, which was far less than the strength of Fushengmen.

You know, once Fushengmen really cedes 30% of the power to him, then his Burning Heavenmen will become the largest family in the Wuji Realm.

Not only that, after the strong alliance in the future, the future is really limitless!

Thinking so, Xuanyuan Zhan narrowed his eyes lightly, clenched his fists on both sides and then loosened them, and finally, he just smiled faintly...

"Come on, call Master Juechen to come! Remember, only let him come." Xuanyuan Zhan said suddenly.

At that moment, a guard responded and hurried towards the direction where Di Juechen was.

at the guest room.

Because of Yao Ye's arrest, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen were very upset, and they were discussing countermeasures when a guard came to invite Di Juechen to leave.

Di Juechen didn't shirk, he stood up and went to the front hall, Feng Chuge followed behind and was about to go, when the guard suddenly faltered in disappointment and embarrassment. "This... the sect master ordered, only young master Juechen is allowed to go alone."

The two paused slightly.

Only one person is allowed to go? Could it be that there is something shameful?

Feng Chuge raised her red lips lightly, "Nachen, you go first. I'll wait here for your return."

"Well, I'll go back as soon as I go." Di Juechen said, and went to the front hall.

After Di Juechen left, Feng Chuge looked at the guard who came to inform him. "Did something happen just now?"

Her eyes were too sharp, so sharp that the guard didn't dare to lie at all, but spoke tremblingly. "Just now, the people from the Floating Life Sect came just now, and, strangely, they brought a lot of people and a lot of things."

"Oh?" Feng Chuge raised his eyes.

People from Fushengmen are here, it seems that this matter is really lively!

"Well, you go down first."

The guards were ordered to retreat in a hurry, not daring to stay here any longer, as if Feng Chuge would eat people.

Seeing the figure of the guard leaving, Feng Chuge's face overflowed with a little chill, she stared slightly, then revealed a touch of divine consciousness, followed Di Juechen, and went to the front hall.

Di Juechen soon arrived at the front hall.

As soon as he arrived at the front hall, he heard Xuanyuan Zhan's laughter. "Jiechen is here."

"What do you want from me?"

"It's like this, people from Fushengmen just came here." Xuanyuan Zhan was thinking about how to speak to Di Juechen about those things.

Right now, he really can't speak.

"So?" Di Juechen still didn't understand Xuanyuan Zhan's intention.

"Yesterday, you were arrested and taken to Fushengmen."

"Yes." Di Juechen narrowed his eyes coldly, and the lavender eyes shone coldly. "People from Floating Life Sect came here just now, what's the matter?"

"It's like this..." Xuanyuan Zhan thought for a while, and finally spoke. "Leng You, Leng Yangyan's daughter, you should have met yesterday, right? How do you feel?"

"I have no impression." Di Juechen spat out these three words expressionlessly.

At that moment, cold sweat poured out from Xuanyuan Zhan's forehead.

Di Juechen was so uncooperative, how could he continue the conversation?

However, the matter has developed to such a point that he must continue to speak, otherwise it will be difficult to find opportunities in the future. "Haha, there will still be impressions in the future."

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