After the words fell, Yao Ye suddenly picked up the flag, raised his body, and walked away!

Leng Yangyan was shocked, he didn't expect Yaoye to make such a sudden move.

However, he is not afraid, because an enchantment has already been set up on the Fushengmen.

"Haha, do you really think that your little Fushengmen can really trap me? Dreaming! If it weren't for wanting to get this soul-calling flag, I wouldn't have stayed with you for a moment!" Saying, Yaoye suddenly raised his hand, and a burst of red light overflowed.


The barrier above the Fushengmen was suddenly broken by Yaoye!

On the spot, Leng Yangyan's pupils shrank suddenly! "Bastard!! You lied to me!"

He really thought that this enchantment could trap Yao Ye, but he didn't expect that Yao Ye stayed here on purpose, just for the last shot...

In the sky above, Yao Ye had already got up and left.

Leng Yangyan didn't dare to stay any longer, and chased straight after him.

However, just as he was about to step forward, the sky, which was originally clear, suddenly darkened.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "buzzing buzzing buzzing", a large group of flying insects, birds and beasts gathered not far away, and within a short time, Leng Yangyan was suddenly surrounded.

These are all monsters.

The order of the beast king is extremely powerful!

The trapped Leng Yangyan was furious, he raised his hand and let out a low growl.

In an instant, all the aura that belonged to the first level of the fairy was exuded.

At this moment, it seemed that the earth was turned upside down, and the whole earth was shaking.

The flying insects and beasts surrounding him all fell to the ground and died under his blow.

But just after this wave of beasts died, another wave of more beasts came from afar, trapping Leng Yangyan to the point where he couldn't even take a step forward.

Leng Yangyan stood on the spot, watching the red figure disappearing into the sky, clenched his fists tightly.

"Bastard, I must catch you!"

But Yao Ye, carrying the soul-calling flag, landed directly in the courtyard where Feng Chuge and Di Juechen were located without stopping.

It was noon.

During pregnancy, Feng Chuge was particularly lethargic and was taking a lunch break.

Also, because of her pregnancy, she slept deeply.

Yao Ye approached Feng Chuge who was lying on the bed, sat on the side, and looked carefully at the person on the couch.

She is really beautiful.

Luscious skin, long eyelashes.

Her eyes were closed tightly, hiding the sharpness in those eyes, but now she exudes a tranquil beauty.

Yao Ye sat on the side, looked at her, but sighed slightly.

It's a pity that she doesn't belong to her!

He shook his head and smiled wryly twice.

He suddenly realized that he couldn't even compare with Routuan and Huahua.

Those two spirit beasts have been following her, closer to her than him.

When the eyes flickered, Yaoye suddenly thought of something.

By the way, the contract! !

Huahua and Routuan were able to stay by her side precisely because they made a contract with Feng Chuge.

And he, who has no name and status, doesn't know why he should follow her.

There was a burst of ecstasy in his pupils, and the next moment, Yao Ye directly bit his hand.

At the moment, blood overflowed.

He reached out and dripped blood on her red lips.

"Use my strength to make a contract with you, from now on, life after life, never leave!"

After saying this, a burst of red light overflowed, filling the entire room.

Until the red light dissipated, Yaoye's eyes shone with ecstasy.

At this moment, Feng Chuge's eyelashes moved slightly...

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