At this moment, Xuanyuan Zhan and Elder Feng fled in fright, fearing that Feng Chuge would return again. After they left, Baihu and Suzaku asked puzzled questions.

It's not my master's style to easily let someone who wants to hurt her go.

"I won't move him." Feng Chuge turned around and said softly. "When Chen wakes up, let him decide everything."

He is Di Juechen's father, at least in terms of blood relationship.

Let Di Juechen decide by himself.

"Tch, what kind of shit father? You can't even compare to a stranger." Suzaku's sharp voice was full of injustice.

Such a person really insulted the word "father".

"Okay, you guys come in first." Feng Chuge raised his hand, signaling them to enter the space.

The White Tiger and Suzaku turned into two rays of light, one white and one red, and were about to penetrate into the colorful space, but when they approached the colorful space, Suzaku stopped.

"Aww!! Master, you actually brought that woman back!! My God!! It stinks!!"

Suzaku exaggeratedly whispered.

The corners of Feng Chuge's lips twitched slightly. "Are you a dog's nose? You can smell Lengyou?"

"Of course, I am the first to be contracted by the master, and I am much stronger than the other spirit beasts! Master, can that woman not stay there... I am timid, I am afraid of being frightened by her..."

Suzaku kept flapping its wings, looked at Feng Chuge, and said.

Three black lines appeared on Feng Chuge's forehead. "Don't be poor, go in quickly."

Suzaku pursed her lips in displeasure. "No, that woman is really disgusting. You even left her in the space. Master, are you not afraid that she will be promoted when she absorbs the spiritual energy in the space?"

"No, she has been poisoned by Gu. After three days, the poison will completely integrate into her body. The premise is that she must be in a coma for three days. I don't want any accidents to happen during these three days." Feng Chuge remained expressionless. As he spoke, while speaking, there was a hint of bloodthirsty faintly in his eyes.

Can't blame her for being cruel.

If you want to blame, blame Xuanyuan Zhan and Leng You herself!

"So, the master threw her in space to deal with her?" Suzaku asked, turning her head to the side.

That curious baby's expression really doesn't match her huge body...

Feng Chuge nodded speechlessly.

At that moment, Suzaku suddenly became excited. "Haha, so that's how it is. Well, let her stay here for three days. Master, I'm leaving first."

After all, she turned into a ray of red light again, and finally adorned the five-colored bracelet...

Calm was restored in the hall in an instant.

Feng Chuge caressed the five-colored bracelet lightly, and shook his head lightly.


On the other side, Elder Xuanyuan Zhan followed the wind and had retreated.

In the darkroom, the two stood by the window.

"Master, so Feng Chuge is really a goddess?" Thinking of the scene just now, Elder Feng was still a little terrified.

They had only seen the four great beasts in ancient books, but now they saw them with their own eyes! !

Just now... that Suzaku almost pecked them to death!

"That's right." Xuanyuan Zhan squinted, his face was ashen, stood aside, nodded.

"Then what should I do? Goddess, she is..."

Elder Feng was still talking, but Xuanyuan Zhan smiled faintly. "Let the wind out, when the time comes, someone will naturally come to deal with her, we don't need to do it!"

As he spoke, he looked into the distance...

In this this world...who would want to be trampled underfoot by a yellow-haired girl?

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