Long Live the Wild Wife: The Black Bellied Evil King Against the Princess (Long Live the Mad Wife!)

Chapter 925 [The Promise Realm] Continuous Advancement of Abnormalities

With the radiance of spiritual power between his palms, the female worm began to squirm unceasingly, and the white light of the whole body became more and more intense...

"Insect Gu, summon your worms, let your worms obey me."

The faint voice resounded throughout the room.

Following these words, a powerful and dazzling light shines out!

There was ecstasy in Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes, he turned his head, gave Xuanyuan Yuche a look, and signaled him to watch carefully.

However, when the light penetrated to the extreme, the insect Gu's whole body suddenly twitched, and then circled around in place, like a headless fly.

"Father, what's going on here?" Xuanyuan Yuche had been carefully staring at the insect Gu just now, but seeing this change, he was immediately startled. "Could it be that the worm was removed from Di Juechen's body?"

Xuanyuan Zhan stared at the insect Gu for a long time, then made a sound. "The worm hasn't moved out, but I can't find the location of the worm. I don't know where Di Juechen has gone."

"As long as it is still in his body, father, let me do this first. I don't believe there will be any masters in this small Fengyuemen. I will definitely destroy all of Fengyuemen in one go." It's done." Xuanyuan Yuche's expression changed, and he continued.

Hearing the sound, Xuanyuan Zhan nodded lightly. "Also."


At the same time, in another place, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen were practicing in the colorful space.

The second layer of space is opened, and the various resources inside are far more than the first layer. Not only that, but even the concentration of spiritual power has increased countless times.

Even though the higher the spiritual power, the more difficult it is to advance, but with the help of the colorful space, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen made another big breakthrough in a short period of time.

Right now, within the space, little golden light glowed around Di Juechen, and that powerful air flow was as if it had broken through to the fairy realm!

Beside him, Feng Chuge was also cultivating hard.

After practicing for the past few days, Feng Chuge has also successfully advanced from the realm of spiritual saint to god!

Little Sweetheart, the guardian elf, waved her wings and stared dumbfounded at the cultivation situation of the two. Even though this was not the first time she had seen the perverted|abnormal talents cultivated by the two of them, but now, looking at them, Little Sweetheart couldn't help but exclaim!

"These two people are really scary!!"

"What are you talking about?" At this time, Feng Chuge opened his eyes, and the bottom of his eyes shone sharply.

She raised her eyes and looked at Sweetheart, who was flapping her wings, and said a little funny.

"Master, your strength has already reached the third level of the gods, right?" Little sweetheart flapped her wings and flew forward. After circling around Feng Chuge's body for a few times, she seemed to discover something unbelievable. Like something, she cried out aloud.

"Well, that's it." Feng Chuge exerted her last touch of spiritual power, straightened her dress, stood up, and said calmly.

Behind them, Huahua and Routuan also recovered from their training, and the two spirit beasts stepped forward, looking at Feng Chuge, shocked! !

"Oh my god, master, we've only been in the Promise Realm for less than a month, and your strength has actually been promoted from Lingjun to the third level of God..." Huahua said.

Rou Tuan also nodded vigorously, and after a long time, he sighed. "As expected of our master."

Feng Chuge's lips twitched slightly...

Is she cheating?

Nima, this space seems a little too powerful! !

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