The snow came very suddenly.

But at the end of October, the weather suddenly became particularly cold.

Feng Chuge stood outside the courtyard, looking at the goose feather heavy snow, with joy in her crystal eyes.

"It's actually snowing." Yao Ye had already come out from the outside, he raised his hand, took a snowflake in his hand, stuck out his tongue, and licked lightly on the snowflake.

This is the first time he has seen snow in so many years.

After being sealed that year, I have never seen it again...

"Is it delicious?" Seeing Yaoye licking the snow, Feng Chuge raised his eyebrows lightly and asked.

"Delicious." Yao Ye narrowed her eyes and smiled like a child.

Outside, Huahua and Routuan were playing in the snow. Seeing them like this, Yao Ye curled her lips, "It's really childish."

The corners of Feng Chuge's eyes twitched slightly.


Compared to eating snow, I really don't know who is naive?

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Feng Chuge turned his head to look, and met Di Juechen's red eyes.

Holding a cloak in his hand, he went forward, stretched out his hand, put the cloak on Feng Chuge's body, and then twirled it lightly on her chest.

"It's cold, be careful."

Feng Chuge lowered his eyebrows slightly, and smiled lightly. "Ok, I know."

"Why are your hands so cold?" Di Juechen held Feng Chuge's hand, frowning.

Immediately, a spiritual force surged from his palm, warming up Feng Chuge's body.

"Okay, don't waste your spiritual power." Feng Chuge raised his hand to stop Di Juechen from moving. "Wasting spiritual power will be condemned by God."

"Where is it a waste? I am here to take care of you, my wife. And nothing happened recently."

Just as I was talking, the snow outside was getting heavier and heavier.

Seeing the flurry of snow, Feng Chuge's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Chen, let's play in the snow too."

Seeing the joy flashing in Feng Chuge's eyes, Di Juechen couldn't stop him, his thin lips curled slightly. "good."

After finishing speaking, Feng Chuge dragged him into the snow.

In the snow, large and small footprints.

Di Juechen walked in front, Feng Chuge followed.

Feng Chuge's little feet walked inside the big footprints left by Di Juechen.

God, it's cold.

But at this moment, the hearts of the two are extremely warm...

"Ah, Master and Your Majesty are here too!" Rou Tuan and Hua Hua were having a snowball fight, seeing the two of them coming, they were pleasantly surprised. "Huahua, we are usually no match for your lord and master, let's compare this time!"

After finishing speaking, Huahua threw a snowball at Di Juechen.

Di Juechen's mind was completely on Feng Chuge, and he was caught off guard by that snowball that hit him right in the middle.

At that moment, Huahua and Routuan laughed happily.

Di Juechen stood where he was, but shook his head helplessly.

In the snow, there is harmony.

Under the eaves not far away, Yaoye looked at this scene and shook his head lightly. He leaned lazily on the side, but there was a slight bitterness in the corner of his mouth.

However, just as they were playing, someone rushed in in the wind and snow.

"Sect Master, Xuanyuan Zhan, the sect master of the Burning Heaven Clan, is here to visit!"

This announcement made several people playing in the snow stop their actions.

Feng Chuge's footsteps stopped on the spot, and he turned his head to look at the person who notified him, narrowing his eyes slightly. "He, finally came..."

"Let's go and have a look together." After hearing that it was Xuanyuan War, Di Juechen had no other emotions in his eyes, only endless chill and killing intent!

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