"Dust!!" Feng Chuge's heart was broken watching the scene in front of him.

She rushed forward and hugged Di Juechen tightly in her arms.

Snow and ice flew and landed on him.

His body is so cold.

He closed his eyes tightly, and there was no warmth in his whole body.

Feng Chuge's hands and heart were shaking violently.

She poured in spiritual power over and over again, but his body couldn't recover at all.

"Chen, wake up..." Feng Chuge called loudly, but Di Juechen seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The blood on his body has already flowed halfway through.

A handsome face was so pale that it was almost transparent at the moment.

The four elders had already stood up straight, looked at the person who fell on the ground in front of them, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuanyuanzhan wiped the dust off his face, looked at Di Juechen coldly, and smiled faintly. "You want to fight with me, you're still young!"

After saying that, Xuanyuan Zhan swept away the four elders. "Go, kill Feng Chuge too! You can't keep this demon girl!"

She is a goddess, and she has a body protected by a beast.

If she is allowed to continue to develop, then he will only have a dead end!

Of course, the four elders also realized this, and they raised their bodies one after another and stepped forward.

Seeing this, Routuan and Huahua stepped forward one after another, blocking Feng Chuge.

The two big spell masters slammed, and at that moment, the fire element in the air was mobilized, and the raging fire burned towards Huahua and Roudao.

Seeing this, Huahua's pupils shrank violently.

It opened its lips and swallowed the fire all at once.


With a sound, the flames overflowed, and all of them spewed out from Huahua's mouth, towards those people.

Seeing this scene, Elder Yu and Elder Dian looked at each other.

The next moment, the spell revived.

The wind and snow in the air were driven by the two of them.

The ice element came very quickly, almost from all directions, and fixed Huahua and Routuan in the air. The two of them stared at the ice cubes coming from all sides, their eyes widened...

If this ice block traps them, only a great spell master will be able to unfreeze them in the future, just like the white tiger that was once frozen on the Shenwu Continent!

Seeing that the ice cubes were about to trap Huahua and the meatball, Feng Chuge's expression froze!

She absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt those around her.

Her eyes flickered, she jumped up and charged at the two elders.

Seeing Feng Chuge attacking, the other two elders stepped forward to stop him!

With a dignified expression, Feng Chuge was so furious that he let out a low cry. "Four Divine Beasts, come out!"

In just a split second, the four great beasts emerged one after another!

Elder Feng and Xuanyuan Zhan had experienced the power of these divine beasts, and seeing this divine beast now, they were startled.

The other people looked at these divine beasts and stopped their hands in shock.

"Sect master... this... is this... a divine beast?" The three elders, who had never seen a divine beast before, looked at the four long-toothed grinning monsters with uncontrollable astonishment in their beautiful eyes.

"Yes! She is the woman who owns the four great beasts. Kill her, otherwise, we will not have a good life in the future." Xuanyuan Zhan gritted his teeth and said.

Having reached this point, it is impossible to make up with Feng Chuge again.

That being the case, then, just give it a go! !


The two great spell masters manipulated ice, wood, water, fire, and earth through spells, suppressing these beasts from all aspects.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other two elders, together with Xuanyuan Zhan, directly attacked Feng Chuge, Huahua and Flesh!

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by ten degrees!

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