After listening carefully, he knew that it was impossible for Feng Chuge to be playing tricks.

What's more, Xuanyuan Zhan felt very clearly that the aura that bounced him away just now was too powerful...

"Who?" Xuanyuan Zhan felt vigilant.

Having reached this point, he will absolutely not allow any more accidents.

Today, he is bound to kill Feng Chuge, so as not to leave any trouble behind.

"Hahaha, your grandfather, me!!" The emperor's unruly voice resounded in the air again. "Stinky boy, you actually want to touch the ancestors and my descendants, I'm really tired of work!"

After speaking, the golden light suddenly flashed, and with a bang, it was about to hit Xuanyuan Zhan.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Zhan, who was at the ninth level of the gods, reacted particularly quickly, dodging almost subconsciously, and then avoided the attack.

That golden light made a big hole right in front of Xuanyuan Zhan!

Xuanyuan Zhan looked at the pit in front of him with lingering fear, raised his eyes, and looked around, but still saw no one. "Who is it? It's so elusive!"

"I am your grandpa!" Patriarch Di laughed again!

Then, attack with all your strength!

The Emperor's ancestor's attack is much stronger than anyone's before. It is a soul that has lived for thousands of years. It has absorbed the endless essence of heaven and earth for thousands of years, and has already matured.

Not to mention a master of the ninth level of the gods, even a master of the fairy realm or even higher, there is no way to be alone in front of the emperor's ancestors.

Now, Xuanyuan Zhan was forced to run around by the invisible aura.

His heart burst out!

"Four elders, let's see what kind of monster it is!"

"Bah, you dare to call grandpa a monster! You ignorant brat, I'll beat you to death!" A somewhat angry voice sounded, and after speaking, several gusts of air slapped Xuanyuan Zhan directly.

The changes here have already attracted the attention of the four great elders, and they have no time to take care of the four great beasts, so they come here.

However, now with the help of the four great beasts, plus the ancestor of the god, Xuanyuan Zhan and his party have long been unable to take care of themselves...

At this moment, the four elders worked together to deal with that particularly strange air current.

The four divine beasts trapped Xuanyuan Zhan even more.

For just a moment, Xuanyuan Zhan and the four elders couldn't escape completely.

Snow is still flying.

The blood dripping from Di Juechen's body had already been covered by white snow, but even so, the smell of blood in the air still couldn't be concealed.

Seeing the good situation, Feng Chuge was slightly relieved.

She turned around and picked up the man on the ground.

His body was still so stiff, Feng Chuge sealed his meridians and began to heal his injuries.

"Master, he'll be fine." Routuan also walked over from the side, seeing the anxiety on Feng Chuge's face, and comforted him.

Feng Chuge didn't say much, but continued to heal his wounds.

The wounds on his body were really too deep.

A total of one hundred and eight wounds, if it were someone else, I am afraid they would have died.


"Go and help deal with Xuanyuan Zhan, I'll put Chen in order first."

Hearing the sound, Routuan turned his head away.

Feng Chuge tightly held Di Juechen's hand, and poured spiritual power into his body over and over again, but the spiritual power was like a stone sinking into the sea, without any turmoil at all.

"Chen, you can't be busy, absolutely not..." Feng Chuge didn't know how he said this, his whole body seemed to be shaking...

Right now, all her attention was on Di Juechen, and she didn't even realize that one of the four elders quietly walked out from one side and had already arrived behind her...

Elder Lei raised his hand, and slashed at Feng Chuge's Achilles' heel with full strength, without any hesitation.

In the situation where Feng Chuge was completely unprepared and unconscious, Feng Chuge would definitely die after this blow.

However, just as Elder Lei's palm was about to fall, Di Juechen, who had been lying quietly on the side, suddenly had a vision.

From his body, a golden dragon suddenly rose...

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