In the past week, they searched almost the entire Wuji Realm, but there was no trace of Leng You.

"Father, even if my sister is taken away by Feng Chuge and the others, there must be some news. Tell me, will my sister be..." Leng Long said, making a gesture of wiping his neck.

Leng Yangyan's pupils suddenly closed.

"Feng Chuge, if you dare to touch my You'er, I want you to look good!!" Leng Yangyan's teeth trembled with hatred.

He was sure that Yaoye must have given Feng Chuge the soul-calling banner that day after taking it away.

One day, he must kill Feng Chuge and get back the summoning banner!

Just when they were impatient, there was a surprise voice from outside.

"Master! Master! Miss is back!"

Hearing this, several people were startled, and immediately, overjoyed, they hurried out.

Sure enough, outside the door, a woman in white was standing outside.

"You'er, You'er is really you, where have you been for so many days? Mother Leng is so anxious!" Seeing that it was Leng You, Madam Leng hurriedly hugged her, without noticing the confusion in Leng You's eyes.

"Mother, father, I just went out to relax." Leng You turned her head and said.

"Let's relax? Do you know how urgent we are looking for you?" Leng Yangyan was furious.

For so many days, they all thought that Leng You had been taken captive, and sent people everywhere to search for her.

"Okay, okay, it's good to be back, it's good to be back." Seeing that Leng Yangyan was angry, Mrs. Leng went to smooth things over. "It's cold outside, come in first."

Mrs. Leng dragged Leng You into the room, and then, "What's going on?"

"Father, I've thought about it, Di Juechen is not suitable for me."

"What?" Leng Yangyan was startled. "you are not……"

Leng You didn't give Leng Yangyan a chance to continue speaking. "I thought about it, I like Xuanyuan Yuche, Xuanyuan Yuche is the most suitable for me. Father, I want to marry Xuanyuan Yuche."

Leng Yangyan's expression was ever-changing, for a long time, he just nodded. "Okay, if you like it, I will definitely agree to it for you as a father. I will go to Xuanyuan Zhan and talk about it in two days."

"Hmm!" Leng You said, lowering her head.

Leng Yangyan only thought that Leng You was shy, but he didn't know it at all. When Leng You lowered his head, his eyes became more cloudy.


Xuanyuan Yuche was still trapped in the summoning banner by Feng Chuge.

He had already woken up, but it was so dark that he didn't know where he was.

After an unknown number of days, a ray of light finally struck.

Then, his whole body was sucked into a violent vortex, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Yes, it's you!!" Xuanyuan Yuche cried out in shock after seeing the person in front of him before he had any other consciousness.

"It's me." Feng Chuge sat lazily on the chaise longue, smiling lightly.

"Feng Chuge, I'm going to kill you!" Xuanyuan Yuche said while intending to use his spiritual power to move forward, but after exerting all his strength, he felt his whole body go limp.

"Don't waste your energy in vain, your spiritual sea has been destroyed by me." Feng Chuge took a grape casually, put it in his mouth, and said lightly.

That plain appearance, as if she was talking about a very ordinary thing.

Xuanyuan Yuche was so startled that his whole body trembled!

He tried to use his spiritual power again, but it was all in vain.

Check the Linghai again, and sure enough, there is no spiritual power in the Linghai.

In an instant, he was trembling with anger...

" devil!! You devil!"

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