Long Live the Wild Wife: The Black Bellied Evil King Against the Princess (Long Live the Mad Wife!)

Chapter 965 [The Promise Realm] One pot, subdue the Floating Gate 4

Leng Yangyan twisted his body desperately, but as the emperor said before, he took the elixir, and now, his body is completely frozen.

On the opposite side, the emperor's ancestor just smiled lowly, and then, a golden air current flashed, lifting Leng Yangyan's body, and followed the emperor's golden light, and went out.

"Look carefully, patriarch, how did I carry your Fushengmen!" After speaking, Patriarch Di landed in a courtyard.

This courtyard is obviously where Leng Long lived.

Leng Long was taking a nap in the yard, when he heard someone coming to report from outside, he hurriedly went outside, when Leng Yangyan fell to the ground as soon as he went out.

"Father, what's the matter with you?" Leng Long was startled, and was about to help Leng Yangyan up, when a joking voice sounded in his ear. "Leng Yangyan, is this your son?"

Hearing this sound, Leng Long realized the golden figure beside him.

Looking at the human figure like a ray of light, Leng Long opened his mouth in surprise.

This... what is this thing?

"Long'er, find someone quickly!" Leng Yangyan couldn't move, just shouted. "Call all the spell masters and alchemists in the door!"

At this juncture, Leng Yangyan also realized something.

This human figure claiming to be the ancestor is not a human being. Come to think of it, it would be the soul.

He has also heard a saying that once a person's cultivation has reached a certain level, the soul will not disperse after death, and the soul is very powerful.

Now it seems that this monster is like this.

Indestructible, only a charmer can control the soul! !

Hearing the sound, Leng Long hurriedly walked out, but how could Patriarch Di give him this chance?

Just when Leng Long turned around, a golden light flashed suddenly, blocking Leng Long.

"What do you call the talisman master? Leng Yangyan, are you trying to trap me, Patriarch?"

The scene in front of him made Leng Yangyan turn pale with anger.

The Emperor Emperor didn't give Leng Yangyan a chance to speak at all, "I told you, the ancestor, I want you to watch the Floating Life Gate be destroyed with your own eyes! Otherwise, you really don't know how powerful I am!"

As the words fell, the golden light suddenly slammed towards Leng Long, and Leng Long was also trapped.

The surrounding guards were about to come forward, and the Emperor Patriarch made another move.

In just a moment, those guards all rushed to the street, fell to the ground one by one, and fainted.

"Girl Chu Ge, how's my skill?" After those people fainted, the Emperor Patriarch looked at Feng Chuge as if asking for credit.

Feng Chuge has been following behind and watching everything here. Hearing what the emperor said, she stretched out her hand and gave a thumbs up. "good!"

The emperor's ancestor became more and more proud.

Girl Chu Ge is praising him! This is the first time!

When was she not the one who hurt him to death before?

Patriarch Di shook his head slightly, "Girl, you wait, I'll bring you the entire Fushengmen!"

After the words fell, the golden light shone, the ancestor didn't stop at any place, but directly brought up Leng Yangyan and went in another direction.

That direction is exactly the direction where Leng You's courtyard is located!

"Is it Leng You's turn now?" Seeing the direction they were going, Feng Chuge slightly raised his brows, and then asked aloud.

The Emperor Patriarch smiled lowly, and responded coldly. "That's right, it's Leng You. She actually wanted to harm you at the beginning, and she even wanted to hurt that kid Xiao Xiangjuechen. Now, Patriarch, I have to teach her a lesson for you!"

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