"Could it be that you want to control Leng You and let Leng You kill Leng Yangyan?" Patriarch Emperor suddenly thought of something again, a little surprised.

"What do you think?" Feng Chuge raised his eyes and asked.

Hearing the sound, Patriarch Di twitched the corners of his lips fiercely.

It turns out... this girl is really scheming like this.

But this seems a bit too ruthless!

After thinking about it, the ancestor shook his head.

Where is it?

Leng You and Leng Yangyan have already done something wrong, and they must bear the consequences for what they did!

Thinking about it, Patriarch Di relaxed his heart. "Girl, let's do this."

Underneath, Leng Yangyan heard the conversation between them, and his pupils became wider and wider.

He moved his lips and whimpered to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

The effect of the medicine given by Feng Chuge has gradually spread to the whole body. From the beginning when his body was stiff and he was still able to speak, now he can't even blink his eyes.

He could only stare blankly, his pupils could not stop turning, those eyes were full of fear.

Never at one moment has Leng Yangyan been so scared.

His gaze happened to be facing the direction where Feng Chuge was.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he only felt that she was a devil.

That's right, demons from purgatory.

Feng Chuge has already started to drive the insect Gu in his hand.

Suddenly, the spiritual power leaked out, and she transmitted her thoughts to the insect Gu.

Insect Gu flickered with light, and following this light, Leng Youmo slowly moved forward.

At this moment, Leng You's hair had already parted, and the blood on her forehead was dripping down, flowing all over her face, and she looked how embarrassed she was going to be.

She came forward step by step, her eyes were empty and cloudy.

And with every step she took, the fear in Leng Yangyan's eyes became more and more profound.

If possible, he really wanted to yell loudly to stop Leng You.

However, there was nothing he could do.

Feng Chuge stood aside, her red lips pursed slightly, watching this scene, there was a bone-chilling chill in her eyes.

She is not a good person, and she will not see herself being bullied without resisting or repaying.

Right now, what she is doing is to return everything that Leng You and the others did that day with Ben Dali.

You can't blame her for being too cruel, but you can only blame the survival rules of this world.

If you don't want to be someone else's fish, you can only work hard to become Daozu...

Now, she is the Dao Zu of Leng You and Leng Yangyan.

A strong wind blew up the fallen branches and leaves on the ground.

Leng You still moved forward step by step, and finally, she stopped in front of Leng Yangyan.

Feng Chuge jumped up, his figure drew an arc in the air, and jumped directly on the courtyard wall not far away.

Looking at the scene below, she gently stroked the insects with her fingertips like green onions.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his red lips curved slightly in a cruel way.

After a long time, he uttered a sentence in a cold voice——



After receiving the order, Leng You had a whirlpool in her eyes, she raised her hand, and an air blade emerged from the palm of her hand, slashing towards Leng Yangyan fiercely.

Leng You's strength is at the fourth level of the gods, although it is not as good as Leng Yangyan in the fairy realm, but now, Leng Yangyan's body is trapped, except for the state of consciousness, he is like a disabled person.

This palm landed on Leng Yangyan completely and impartially. Leng Yang couldn't cry out, he just died tragically on the ground, only his eyes were staring wide open, declaring that his death was not in peace.

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