A daughter, as beautiful as a banished fairy.

As they stepped into the room, the temperature in the whole room seemed to drop many degrees at once.

Looking at them, Elder Qian's expression froze.

He looked at Feng Chuge's eyes, full of anger.

However, now that Di Juechen was around, he didn't dare to act rashly for the time being.

"Hehe, it's Junshang and Miss Feng. I didn't expect you to come to my place. Come on, sit down quickly." When he said this, Elder Qian seemed particularly enthusiastic.

"I didn't expect Elder Qian to be promoted to Lingjun after only a few days." Feng Chuge narrowed her eyes slightly, and immediately found out the air flow on Elder Qian's body, she lightly raised her lips, and said.

Reaching the state of Lingjun is what Elder Qian is most proud of these days. Hearing what Feng Chuge said now, he couldn't restrain the pride on his face. "Haha, no matter what, I can't compare to you juniors."

"Elder Qian, don't be modest. Now that you have reached the realm of Lingjun, your status seems to have improved, and you don't even have to be so scrupulous about doing things." Feng Chuge sat on the side, stroking his hair scattered in front of him with one hand. Silk.

Elder Qian was still smiling at first, but he heard other meanings from Feng Chuge's words, and the smile on his face froze slightly. "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean, Elder Qian, don't you know? Encouraging other classes to pick troubles against Class Seven, Elder Qian, is this what you should do as an elder of Yuntian College?" Feng Chuge did not beat around the bush at all, she raised her eyes , the eyes flowed, and the cold light suddenly appeared.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Elder Qian's expression froze. "How could I do this?"

"You know in your heart whether you did it, Elder Qian, I warn you, if you dare to do anything to Class Seven again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Feng Chuge's words were harsh, and did not give Elder Qian any face, nor did he give him a step down.

While speaking, she stood up, intending to walk out.

In the same place, Elder Qian's face was livid with anger.

For so many years in Yuntian College, everyone has always only respected him, and it is the first person like Feng Chuge who does not pay attention to him time and time again.

Especially, once, Feng Chuge killed his only son Qian Ba!

He couldn't swallow the tone of killing Qian Ba, and he kept thinking of ways to avenge her, but Feng Chuge had already gone to Tiandifu.

At this moment, Elder Qian stood aside, seeing Feng Chuge was about to leave, his heart was filled with anger...

Now that Feng Chuge is here, let's settle everything today!

He is also in the realm of Lingjun now! There is no need to be afraid of Emperor Juechen's Lingjun anymore! As for Feng Chuge's strength, he doesn't pay much attention to it now.

Thinking of this, Elder Qian sneered. "Haha, Feng Chuge, so what if I did it? Who made those bastards from class seven have such a close relationship with you? Let me tell you, not only will I kill class seven, I will kill you too!"

When the words fell, a powerful aura rose from his whole body, without any hesitation, Elder Qian jumped up, and with the aura of a Lingjun in his palm, he struck towards Feng Chuge.

Feng Chuge avoided Elder Qian neatly.

On the side, after seeing Elder Qian's murderous intent, Di Juechen narrowed his eyes coldly, raised his wide black robe, and in an instant, a destructive aura emerged from his body...

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