"Originally we were still worried. After all, Elder Qian's strength is already in the realm of Lingjun. We were afraid that you would suffer losses." Someone spoke truthfully.

"Lingjun?" Feng Chuge slightly raised his eyebrows. "Lingjun is a fart."

What kind of fart is Lingjun?


There was an eerie silence in the entire class seven.

Miss, isn't it? In your eyes, Lord Ling is not even a fart? You know, there are only a handful of people who are in the realm of Lingjun on this continent!

"Little...little junior sister, could it be that you have already reached the realm of spiritual sage?" Someone thought about it, and finally guessed why Feng Chuge would say such a thing, and couldn't help asking.

"In addition to the Holy Spirit, there are gods, fairies, and even higher levels. You must always know that there are people beyond people and beyond." Feng Chuge narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with some emotion.

If she hadn't been out for the past few months, she would have been like a frog in a well, only thinking that the Holy Spirit was the highest level.

But that is not the case.

Thinking of Chi Yutian, the mother of Emperor Juechen that day, Feng Chuge's expression froze.

That day, when Chi Yutian wanted to chase and kill Di Juechen, she was so powerful that even Di Juechen couldn't match her. You must know that Di Juechen is now in the realm of a fairy.

This is enough to see that there are so many masters outside! !

At this moment, the people in the seventh class had already been astonished by Feng Chuge's remarks just now, but they didn't know that there were gods and spirits outside. While looking forward to it, someone asked, "Little Junior Sister, have you seen those gods and spirits?"

Feng Chuge raised her lips slightly, didn't say any more, just looked at them. "Okay, you should practice hard. I have some pills here. You can take them to help you cultivate. Remember, strength is the last word, and fists are king. If you are not strong, you can only be bullied share."

The faces of these people were still bright, Feng Chuge glanced at them, and then took out a large bag of pills.

"These, you take the average score, it will help you improve your strength."

"Junior Sister gave us the pill again!" Seeing the pill in Feng Chu's singer, everyone was looking forward to it.

What the little junior sister gave must be good things, and, the little junior sister is a high-level pharmacist!

"Keep these for yourself, you can't buy them outside." Looking at their excitement, Feng Chuge added.

These elixirs are the finest medicinal materials she uses, and they are mixed with heavenly holy water to refine them. Just such a elixir is a priceless treasure when placed outside. These elixirs are no different from elixir to people under the strength of Lingzun, which can enhance their spiritual power in a short period of time.

She didn't want these pills to fall into other people's hands, and it would be cheaper for outsiders.

After exchanging greetings with them a few times, Feng Chuge left Class Seven.

Just when they had just walked outside, an old man hurried over from the outside——

"Your Majesty, Miss, something has happened, hurry up and go back to Tiandi Mansion!!"

"What's going on?" Seeing that the visitor was so anxious, Feng Chuge and Di Juechen looked at each other, and then asked.

"I don't know where a group of extremely powerful people came from, claiming to take the king away! Now, God is already confronting those people."

Hearing these words, Di Juechen's pupils suddenly shrank!

A person with extremely high strength...

to take him away...

Could it be... Chi Yutian? !

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