Di Juechen was taken away, and Di Jingtian's expression was not very good.

What happened just now, the impact Chi Yutian gave him was really too great.

After recovering, he realized that Feng Chuge was looking at him with a slightly pale face.

"You want to go to the Xilong Hermit Clan?" Hearing Feng Chuge's words, Di Jingtian was slightly startled.

The Hidden Clan of Xilong, that is the most mysterious existence in this world, no one can find it at all?

"Yes." Feng Chuge gritted his teeth.

"Don't be like this. Although Chen was taken away, with his strength, it shouldn't be difficult to come back."

"People from the Xilong tribe will not let him come back." Feng Chuge's eyes flashed coldly, with a little bit of worry.

"But you are not strong enough." Di Jingtian narrowed his eyes. "Even someone with Chen's strength can't resist the Xilong hermit, how can you go?"

Feng Chuge stood below, her fists still tightly clenched.

After a long time, she sighed and walked out.

When she returned to her room, she dodged and entered the colorful space.

"Master, master, you are here." Little Sweetheart called out very enthusiastically when she saw Feng Chuge.

"Hey, master, your complexion is not very good, what happened?"

Little Sweetheart looked at Feng Chuge, and felt that her face was pale today, and she seemed to be a little absent-minded.

Feng Chuge finally turned his head and looked straight at Little Sweetheart.

That look made Little Sweetheart tremble. "Master, you..."

"I want to open the third layer of space." Feng Chuge said before Little Sweetheart finished speaking.

Hearing what Feng Chuge said, Little Sweetheart flapped her wings and jumped happily. "Yeah, master, really?"

"Yes!" Feng Chuge narrowed his eyes coldly.

She must open the third layer of space.

She must become strong in the shortest possible time, strong enough to rival Di Juechen, strong enough to find and enter the Xilong Yin Clan.

"Great, great!" Little Sweetheart flew up and down excitedly.

The previous owners had never opened the third floor, and even her little sweetheart herself didn't know what the third floor looked like.

She was really looking forward to seeing the appearance of the third dimension.

"Master, it is said that Tianni is in the Dead Sea, we have to find the Dead Sea." Suddenly, Little Sweetheart thought of something, and her expression was a little solemn.

The reason why the previous owner hadn't opened the third layer was that he couldn't find the Dead Sea.

"Dead Sea..." Feng Chuge narrowed her eyes, and immediately, she penetrated a touch of divine consciousness. "Old Ancestor, come out first."

She was answered by deathly silence.

Feng Chuge's expression was slightly trembling, and then he gathered all his spiritual power, and roared in his consciousness. "Emperor! Old! Ancestor!"

This cry completely alarmed Patriarch Emperor, and gradually, a voice of dissatisfaction came from Feng Chuge's head, "Oh, Patriarch, I am sleeping soundly! What do you want me to do?"

"It's out!"

Patriarch Di curled his lips, "Girl Chu Ge, why are you so angry today? I have only slept for two days, what happened?"

While speaking, the soul of the ancestor flew out of Feng Chuge's body.

After flying out, looking at the surrounding environment, "Ah, it's the colorful space. Little sweetheart, do you miss grandpa?"

Little sweetheart waved her wings up and down, as if responding to the emperor's ancestor.

However, she dare not speak now, because she felt the extreme anger from Feng Chuge.

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