After speaking, Feng Chuge jumped up and onto the back of the Giant Eagle Beast.

"Little Jinchan, go straight north."

Hearing the sound, the giant eagle nodded, then flapped its wings and flew north.

Now, Huahua, Routuan and Yaoye have all moved into the colorful space again.

Blue sky and white clouds.

The giant eagle beast willfully pierced through the clouds.

One man and one eagle flew northward.

For Feng Chuge, another new journey has begun.


The Emperor Patriarch said that the Dead Sea is within the North Sea.

Every night when the moon is full, a vortex will open above the North Sea, and that vortex leads directly to the Dead Sea.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, cold wind blows everywhere.

Above the sea, the cold wind is like a cold knife, and it hurts people's cheeks.

Feng Chuge stood by the seaside, looking at the endless North Sea, his expression flickered.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes! What we have to do now is to wait for the night of the full moon. On the night of the full moon every month, because the moonlight is the strongest, the spiritual power between heaven and earth is the most abundant, and the entrance to the Dead Sea from the North Sea will open. Rumors, There are treasures in the Dead Sea. Tens of thousands of years ago, there were top masters who went to the Dead Sea together, but they were eventually trapped here. Their wreckage and the treasures they brought with them were all thrown in the Dead Sea." The emperor's ancestor said faintly The sound was in Feng Chuge's head.

"Oh?" Feng Chuge raised his eyes with great interest.

"Over the years, there have been quite a few people who wanted to go to the Dead Sea to find those treasures, but none of those who entered could come out alive. That's why I said that the Dead Sea is very dangerous, and no one knows what's inside." Emperor Di Lao Zu said, sighing lightly. "Girl, do you still want to go now? I've thought about this journey too, such a dangerous place is not worth your risk."

"Go, must go." Feng Chuge looked coldly. "Now, wait for fifteen."

Seeing that Feng Chuge's attitude was so firm, the emperor's ancestor finally stopped saying anything.

It was thirteen now, two days before the full moon night.

Near Beihai, there are several small villages.

The weather outside was extremely bad, Feng Chuge went into the village after much deliberation, and found a small inn to stay.

The inn is really small.

In the inn, the facilities are extremely simple. There is only one bed and one table in the room.

Feng Chuge lay on the bed, planning to take a good rest.

After traveling all the way, she didn't close her eyes for two whole days, which really exhausted her, plus she was pregnant now, and fell asleep drowsily as soon as she touched the bed.

However, in a daze, Feng Chuge seemed to hear a conversation.

"Old man, have you seen that girl? She really looks like a fairy!" It was a woman who spoke.

After her words fell, a man responded, "I see, I see, I have never seen such a handsome girl in my life!"

"Old man, didn't Master Baili ask us to find someone to sacrifice to the sea? There are only two days left, and there is no suitable candidate. How about just that girl."

"Haha, good! It's her!!"

The two voices of a man and a woman laughed wantonly in the night sky, their voices were full of joy.

They didn't know at all that their words had already been heard by Feng Chuge.

As early as when they started talking, Feng Chuge had already opened his eyes.

Listening to their conversation, Feng Chuge smiled faintly.

In the darkness, those cold eyes flashed with a cold light.

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