Baili Yunhe pressed on every step of the way, as if he wanted Feng Chuge to board his family's boat.

Feng Chuge paused.

Turning her head, she glanced at him fiercely.

"Say one more word, I'll seal your mouth!"

Baili Yunhe was stunned by the cold gaze and gloomy words.

Baili Yunhe also stopped pretending, he sneered. "Okay, then you can be alone. I want to see how you plan to go to sea? You'd better pray that a god will come and take you away."


Feng Chuge's expression flashed, and there was a bit of joy in his eyes.

How could she have forgotten, her Xuanwu! !

At the beginning, she had conquered Xuanwu from the West Sea. Thinking about it, Xuanwu's water skills should not be a problem.

"Xuanwu!" Feng Chuge called out in a low voice.

At that moment, from within her bracelet, a dark black light flashed, and then, in front of her, a huge Xuanwu appeared.

"Xuanwu, take me out to sea! Find the gate to the Dead Sea!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Chuge jumped onto Xuanwu's back.

At this moment, Baili Yunhe not far away was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

He looked at the monster that came out suddenly with horror in his eyes.

So... what is that? ?

Could it be that his crow's mouth had hit the mark, did some fetish really come down?

"Baili Yunhe, let me tell you one last time, don't try to provoke me, otherwise, I will let you die in a rhythmic way!" Feng Chuge sat straddling Xuanwu's body, looking down at the already stunned Baili Yunhe.

At this moment, she is like a queen, aloof.

That powerful momentum caused Baili Yunhe to collapse straight to the ground...

so... so scary...

Seeing Baili Yunhe's timid look, Feng Chuge pulled his lips and sneered.

This Baili Yunhe won't live long!

When she was in that restaurant before, she had already quietly sprinkled a handful of poisonous powder on his body.

Within five days, it is bound to be poisoned!

At that time, even Immortal Da Luo will not be able to save him.

No more time to deal with him, Feng Chuge ordered Xuanwu to move forward...

Xuanwu originally lived in the West Sea, and now he is extremely excited when he encounters water again.

On the surface of the sea, with Feng Chuge on its back, it searched for the vortex leading to the Dead Sea at extreme speed, leaving those ships far behind.

After traveling on the West Sea for about half a day, Xuanwu finally stopped when he reached a place.

"Why did you stop?"

Xuanwu has not evolved into a human form, but he can still communicate with Feng Chuge through his spiritual consciousness.

Listening to Xuan Wu's words now, Feng Chuge raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You mean, this is where the vortex is?"

"That's right, master, I feel that the breath here is heavy in the entire North Sea. The Dead Sea should be right here."

"Okay, then we'll stay here and wait for the path to open."


Night came slowly.

The brilliance of the sun has all dissipated, replaced by a little bit of moonlight.

The moonlight moved slowly to the west.

Finally, at the time of Xu, the moonlight moved to where they were!

At this moment, the wind was raging, and on the originally calm North Sea, there were sudden bursts of turbulent waves, which seemed to overturn all the ships in the distance.

It was also at this time that wherever the moonlight touched, there was a strong white light!

"Master, the path is open, let's go in quickly!!" Looking at the white vortex, Xuanwu let out a low cry.

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