Longevity and cultivation, I evolved martial arts into immortality

Chapter 101 Eight Hundred Years of the Chu Family

Blood manipulation is based on Qi and blood.

The more powerful the energy and blood, the more terrifying the speed of the explosion.

But it not only emphasizes pure explosion, but also emphasizes the dexterity during explosion.

"Controlling the burst of qi and blood can be as fast as a running wolf, or as clever as an ape. It can be controlled freely and adapt to changes. This is the essence of blood manipulation."

Chu Liang nodded silently and gained a lot.

The road to martial arts is very difficult, so don’t go it alone.

Only by reading more, thinking more, and absorbing the experience of previous generations can we go further on this road.

"According to the description in this book, it is easy to lose control in the early stages of practice and accidentally explode into excess. You need a large enough training ground. If not, it is best to practice in a sparsely populated mountain forest."

Chu Liang looked around and found that his courtyard in the martial arts gym was too small.

It is enough for practicing sword practice on weekdays.

But practicing this kind of physical and martial arts is definitely not enough.

It would be embarrassing if he accidentally over-exploded and crashed through the courtyard wall and into someone else's courtyard.

"I need to go into the mountains to practice."

Chu Liang silently recalled the map of the county town and surrounding mountains and forests in his mind.

Naturally, he couldn't go deep into the mountains, so he planned to practice the "Blood Art" in the mountains and forests near the county town.

With the strength of his four qi and blood, coupled with the "Three Autumn Swords" and various evolved poison hidden weapons, there are basically no opponents in the Skin Refining Realm.

If he encounters ordinary monsters in the mountains, he can kill them directly.

If he encounters a high-level demon, he can escape in advance with the warning of two little mice.

"There should be no chance of encountering a high-level demon around the county."

Chu Liang carefully planned the next path of cultivation.

It was late at night before I knew it.

He put away "Blood Art", returned to the house, and slept for a while.

About an hour later, before it got dark, Chu Liang woke up.

He packed up his things, went to the yard, picked up the donkey, and said, "Donkey, let's go, let's bring the second uncle's family to the county town!"

"hold head high……"

The donkey shook its tail and followed Chu Liang without complaint.

One person and one donkey once again left the city overnight.

The night was dark and cloudy, covering the moon.

There were no stars in the sky, and the whole world was as dark as if it was soaked in ink.

Chu Liang remained calm and highly concentrated. His eyes often scanned the mountains and forests on both sides of the road. His bow and sword were placed within easy reach to prevent attacks by monsters.

Monsters are becoming more and more rampant, and even the area around the county town is no longer safe and must be guarded against.

Fortunately, the journey has been smooth.

Not to mention monster beasts, not even ordinary beasts were encountered.

The donkey had already been evolved into a true demon by Chu Liang, and it had grown relatively slowly. It was no longer comparable to the two rats and three dog demons, and now it was barely comparable to the strength of the two qi and blood.

But this strength is enough to frighten ordinary beasts in the mountains and forests.

"You've been working hard recently. I'll get you some natural treasures to try later. How about ginseng?" Chu Liang patted the donkey's head.

"hold head high!"

The donkey brayed happily, its hooves flew, and it ran faster.

The two rats and the three dog monsters can eat monster meat, but he can't, so he can only eat some precious herbs.

But Chu Liang didn't bother to get it for him before, so he didn't grow as fast as mice and dogs.

Those two mice are growing the fastest, and their strength has been closely following Chu Liang's, and they have almost reached the strength of four qi and blood.

Time passes and the sky gets brighter.

A ray of morning light drives away the darkness, and the Qingshi Village at the foot of the mountain is already in sight.

Chu Liang entered the village, went to his second uncle's door, and knocked on his courtyard door.

Boom, boom, boom!

After a while, the courtyard door opened.

The second uncle looked surprised and asked: "A Liang, why are you back again?"

"Second uncle, you and your family have packed up their things and come with me to the county town today. I have already bought a house in the county town." Chu Liang said bluntly.

"Today? Our family?"

The second uncle was confused, that was not what he said yesterday.

Didn’t you say that Chu Shan was only allowed to go to the county seat?

"The thing is like this..."

Chu Liang entered the courtyard and briefly talked about the monsters.

Before he finished listening, the second uncle's expression changed.

Even the powerful warrior master died dozens of times?

This kind of thing was really unimaginable to him.

The second aunt said worriedly at the side: "Head of the family, let's just listen to A Liang and move to the county seat as soon as possible."

"That...okay then."

The second uncle knew that now was not the time to hesitate.

If you are really attacked by a monster, it will be too late to regret it.

"Ah Shan, wake up your brothers and sisters. We are moving today!" the second uncle shouted into the house.


Chu Shan responded.

The second uncle and the second aunt began to pack things.

Chu Liang said to them: "You don't need to bring too many things. They are all available in the county. You can buy them at any time if you need them."

"Don't worry, Aliang, we won't hold you back."

The second uncle and the second aunt responded one after another.

The two of them have lived in this small village all their lives. There are not many valuable things, but many old objects have feelings and they are reluctant to leave them here.

"You must bring the genealogy with you. This is something that our Chu family has passed down from generation to generation." The second uncle held the genealogy book tightly, "A-Liang, you are more capable now, so I might as well let you keep this genealogy."

"No, let's talk about it later, I'm still young." Chu Liang immediately shook his head.

Once you get the genealogy, you are equivalent to the patriarch of your clan.

In his impression, the clan leader should be a very old man with white hair.

"Well, I'll still be in charge of the genealogy for the time being."

Perhaps he was about to leave, and the second uncle felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

He sighed, held the family tree and said to Chu Liang: "Ah Liang, do you know that our ancestors are not locals."

"Oh? Where did your ancestors move here?" Chu Liang really didn't know about this.



Chu Liang was startled, this was a bit far.

Qingshi Village, where they are now located, is located in Yangzhou.

In this world, unless there are unavoidable circumstances, even if the whole family moves, it will not move too far. Unexpectedly, our ancestors actually moved across the state.

"I once heard your grandfather say that our ancestors are related to the Chu family in Jingzhou."

The second uncle looked into the distance.

"The Chu family of Jingzhou, that is a big family that has been around for eight hundred years!"

"Don't think too much, second uncle. There are branches of such big families everywhere, and you won't care about them at all." Chu Liang said.


The second uncle sighed and put away the family tree.

The eight-hundred-year-old aristocratic family may not have the same foundation as those thousand-year-old aristocratic families, but it is not much different.

You know, the Liang Dynasty was only more than two hundred years old.

Those great families are like immortal Buddhas in the sky, watching the ups and downs of dynasties with cold eyes. No matter how many times the dynasties change, they themselves still stand firm.

"I was just thinking that such a big family would probably not be afraid of monster attacks." The second uncle couldn't help but say.

"Well, that should be it."

Chu Liang nodded lightly without thinking too much.

He had different ideas from his second uncle and others.

Whether it is a family, a dynasty or a sect, these are all external forces that can occasionally be used to gain momentum, but after all, they are not their own.

Only if you are strong can you do it.

As long as you are strong enough, even if you are alone, you can create a prosperous dynasty that will last for thousands of years.

"Second uncle, you pack up first. I'll go to Master Hu to ask for two carriages."

Chu Liang said, turned around and left the yard of his second uncle's house and went to the Hu family's mansion.

Mr. Hu was not surprised by Chu Liang's arrival.

Because he was also packing his things.

He also planned to go to the county town for a while and come back after a while.

"Chu Liang, your status in the martial alliance is higher than mine. Do you know any inside information? What is going on in the mountains?" Mr. Hu's face was full of sorrow. He really didn't want to leave Qingshi Village.

How good would it be to be a rich man in the village?

When he went to the county town, there were warriors more powerful than him everywhere.

Chu Liang shook his head and said: "I am just like you, an ordinary member of the Martial Arts Alliance, with similar status."

"You are the one who has been praised by the leader of the alliance. How can we be the same?" Mr. Hu said with a bitter look on his face.

"Don't think too much. Currently, the Martial Alliance doesn't know the specific situation. They are still discussing it. They probably have to remain unchanged in response to any changes."

"Maintaining the status quo?"

Hearing this, Mr. Hu went numb.

Isn't this just another way of saying sit back and wait for death?

He really had no choice but to sigh and instruct his servants to pack their things.

He paid off all the valuables in his home and bought a small house in the south of the city, planning to live in the county town until the crisis was over.

Because the house was too small, he even dismissed most of the servants, leaving only a few loyal ones.

At ten o'clock in the morning, everything was tidied up.

Four carriages from the Hu family and two carriages from the second uncle's family, six in total, set out on the road to the county seat.

The second uncle left the construction of the Chu family's mansion to the fourth uncle and the fifth uncle, and gave them a lot of money.

The two people didn't know the inside story and were enjoying themselves.

The second uncle sat on the carriage, looking back at Qingshi Village, which was getting further away, and couldn't help but sigh: "A-Liang, your second aunt and I don't have any other skills. Going to the county town will only cause you trouble."

"It's no trouble. Second uncle, you can live in peace." Chu Liang said.

"Yes, you two, don't worry!" Mr. Hu's voice sounded from another carriage, "Chu Liang is a rich man now, and you two can't beat him even if you eat and drink every day."

"Having said that, but..."

The second uncle wanted to speak but stopped.

He has hands and feet and is in good health, so he can't keep eating Chu Liang's food.

Chu Liang smiled and said: "Second uncle, if you really can't stay idle, I will introduce you to a job in a restaurant."

He thought about Yunlai Restaurant, and he would have to trouble shopkeeper Qi then.

This journey was slow and steady.

In the evening, the group finally arrived at the county town.

The second uncle and the second aunt had been to the county town before when they went to the market, but they had never thought that they would be able to live in the city one day, and they felt very complicated at the moment.

Chushan and several children were extremely happy and looked around curiously.

"Brother Liang, are all the rich people living in the county?" Chu Shan asked curiously.

"No, having money and not having money are relative. It depends on who you compare yourself to."


Chu Shan scratched his head and probably understood.

Chu Liang pointed to a noodle shop not far away and said with a smile: "You must be hungry. Let's go have a bowl of noodles first. The owner of that noodle shop is my friend."


Chu Shan touched his belly with a simple and honest smile on his face.

Everyone went to the noodle shop one after another.

Even Mr. Hu also came over and sat down together in the noodle shop.

In the noodle shop, Tieniu looked happy when he saw Chu Liang: "Brother Chu, you haven't been here for many days."

"I've been a little busy lately." Chu Liang said with a smile, "One bowl of beef noodles per person, the same as before, less spicy and more chopped green onion."


Tie Niu moved quickly and quickly brought bowls of steaming beef noodles.

After doing all this, he came to Chu Liang's side and asked with some concern: "Brother Chu, I heard that you and the master's apprentice are going to fight. Is this true?"

Chu Liang nodded: "Yes, tomorrow."

"Nothing will happen, right?"

"It's not a life-and-death fight. It's over when it's over. There's nothing to worry about."

Chu Liang looked relaxed and didn't take it to heart at all.

Most of his mind is now on "Blood Soaring Technique". Tomorrow is just a formality.

Tie Niu is still worried: "But I heard that Li Feng is very powerful. Many people of the same realm are not his opponents."

"Who told you that?"

"The disciples in the martial arts hall are talking about it." Tie Niu said, "Some people are particularly excessive, saying that you can't even last ten moves, and some even say that you haven't even started swordsmanship yet."

"Don't think too much, focus on yourself."

Chu Liang taught.

Caring too much about what outsiders say will only cause unnecessary mental damage.

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