The cold wind howled, and the mountains were dangerous.

Chu Liang carried a large package and crossed mountains and ridges. He had been walking in the mountains for several days.

These days were relatively smooth. He did not encounter any great monsters, not even small monsters.

Finally, on the evening of the fifth day, he came to the outermost edge of the forest.

There was an official road in the distance ahead.

This official road connected the county town and the prefectural city.

As long as you set foot on the official road, you can return to the county town along the road.

"I haven't been back for two months, and I don't know how the county town is doing."

Chu Liang stood on the mountainside, looking at the official road in the distance, and felt a little more emotional in his heart, as if he was in another world.

After living in the mountains for a long time, he was accompanied by wild beasts all day long.

Unconsciously, he became less human.

Now Chu Liang is wearing a monster leather coat, with a long string of monster teeth hanging around his neck, messy hair, and messy beard, like a savage.

Although he often jumped into the river to wash, the conditions were limited after all, and he couldn't clean it as carefully as in the county town.


He jumped down, stepped on the dead branches and leaves on the ground, and ran towards the official road.

The winter wind whistled in the jungle, blowing his messy long hair.

About an incense stick of time later, the flat and wide official road was already in sight.

At this time, Shu Er, who was responsible for investigation and vigilance, sent a message: "Master, a team of people will pass by."

"Oh? Is it from the county town?" Chu Liang asked.

"Yes, there are twenty carriages and more than sixty people. Among them, several people are holding flags with the word "Qin". It seems that they are from the Qin's Chamber of Commerce in the county town."

"Qin's Chamber of Commerce..."

Chu Liang muttered silently, and the description of this force emerged in his mind.

There are four leather refining masters in the county town, three of whom are in charge of the county government, the martial alliance and the black market respectively.

The last one is the helmsman of the Qin's Chamber of Commerce.

The Qin Chamber of Commerce is the only chamber of commerce in the county, and it has connections with major grain merchants, cloth shops, restaurants, etc. in the county.

The Qin family is the richest family in the county, with a lot of gold and jade, and a huge fortune. It is said that the bed of the master of the Qin family is paved with silver, and the bed curtains are woven with gold threads.

Chu Liang has heard a lot of rumors about the Qin family in the county.

Especially every time he went to Tie Niu's noodle shop to eat noodles, Tie Niu always talked about the life of the Qin family with envy.

The last time he went there, Tie Niu said to Chu Liang: "Brother Chu, I heard that the children of the Qin family eat very well, and there is monster meat for every meal. Eat as much as you want. It would be great if I was born in the Qin family. Alas... But if I was born in the Qin family, what should my current parents do? I'm afraid they will give birth to an unfilial child..."

Chu Liang understands Tie Niu's feelings very well. He often wondered in his previous life, what would happen if he was born in a rich family?

But there is no if in life, you can only try your best to fight for a better future.

He carried a large package and walked towards the official road step by step.

Before he got close, the people of Qin's Chamber of Commerce found him.

One of them shouted: "Who?"


Chu Liang answered.

The man asked again: "What's your name?"

"Chu Liang."

"Chu Liang?"

When this name came out, everyone in Qin's Chamber of Commerce was stunned.

They looked at each other for a few times. They had heard this name a lot recently, and their ears were almost calloused.

"Are you the Chu Liang from Qiu Dao Martial Arts School?" the man asked loudly.

"It's me." Chu Liang replied.

"You are not dead?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"It's rumored everywhere in the county. Many people say that you have died at the hands of monsters."

"I see, thank you for telling me."

Chu Liang understood. He hadn't shown up for more than two months, so it was normal for such rumors to appear.

He stepped on dead branches and rotten leaves and continued to walk.

After walking for a while, the view in front of him suddenly became clear, and he finally walked to the side of the road.

Not far away, a group of people from Qin's Chamber of Commerce were on guard.

They would not easily believe Chu Liang's identity, especially after seeing Chu Liang's wild-looking outfit, their faces became more cautious.

Many guards raised their crossbows and pointed their sharp arrows at Chu Liang.

"You said you are Chu Liang, do you have any proof?" one of them asked.


Chu Liang nodded and took out a bronze token from his arms.

Seeing this token, the faces of a few people in the caravan changed slightly.

Black market pardon order!

There are only four people in the entire county, three of whom are masters of the leather refining realm, including the helmsman of their Qin family.

The fourth person is Chu Liang!

Unless they have lived long enough, basically no one dares to copy the black market pardon order.

As soon as this token came out, the doubts in these people's hearts were dispelled, and they no longer doubted Chu Liang's identity.

A woman suddenly spurred her horse, took a few steps forward, and asked in a clear voice: "Chu Liang, where have you been these two months?"

"Hunting in the mountains."

Chu Liang put away the black market pardon order and looked carefully at the person asking the question.

The woman was dressed in black, with beautiful features, and a long sword on her waist. One hand was on the hilt, and the other hand was holding the reins, which made her look quite heroic.

"Where are you going? Are you going to the city?" the woman asked again.

"You are going to the city?" Chu Liang asked back.

"Yes, if you want to go, we can go together." The woman nodded slightly and said, "It seems that you have gained a lot. You can sell it for a good price in the city."

"That's good."

Chu Liang's mind moved slightly. He had never been to the city before, so it would be good to go and take a look.

I heard that the city is more prosperous than the county, with many shops, busy traffic, and a constant stream of merchants.

Even at night, the city is still brightly lit, with lanterns hanging high, bustling and lively, unlike the quiet night in the county.

These people from the Qin Chamber of Commerce often travel between the county and the city, and they are familiar with the roads. It is naturally better to travel with them.

The woman told the people beside her: "Find a carriage for Chu Liang and give him a good horse."


The people from the Qin Chamber of Commerce moved quickly and quickly vacated an empty carriage for Chu Liang.

Chu Liang bowed and thanked him, and then put the big package he was carrying on it.

He got on the horse and thanked the woman alone: ​​"Thank you, I haven't asked for your name yet."

"Qin Yu."

"It turns out that you are the eldest lady of the Qin family. I am shortsighted."

Chu Liang suddenly realized.

He had heard Tie Niu mention this name.

Before Chu Liang, the title of the first genius in the county was this eldest lady Qin Yu.

She had condensed the second blood and qi two years ago. She was very powerful and talented. Now she may have condensed the third blood and qi.

Qin Yu looked at Chu Liang carefully with calm eyes, and then said: "The mountain has been in turmoil recently. You dare to go into the mountain alone. You are very brave."

"I just practiced in the outer mountain, not deep." Chu Liang said.

"Your package is sewn with monster skins. You can't encounter so many monsters in the outer mountain."

"Miss Qin has a good eye."

Chu Liang smiled and didn't comment.

The two rode forward and communicated slowly.

Not long after, the sun set and the night came. The caravan could no longer move forward.

Everyone stopped and lit a bonfire on one side of the road. Some people rested, and the other part began to be alert.

"Pay attention and cheer up!"

In the caravan, the middle-aged man named Qin Zhong was in charge of the guard.

He carried a big knife and checked the surrounding mountains and forests, and then returned to remind the other guards on guard.

The distance between the county town and the prefectural city is very far.

Not only should you be careful of attacks from wild beasts and monsters on the road, you must also be careful of various mountain bandits.

Mountain bandits are extremely cruel and ruthless people, bloodthirsty and brutal. Once they find an opportunity, they will not only rob the goods, but also slaughter the caravan.


In the dark night, the fire flickered, and a few sparks burst out from time to time.

Chu Liang didn't need to be alert.

He got a mat and a quilt, so he could have a good rest for a night.

In the past two months, he has almost always rested in caves and tree trunks, and he has to be vigilant about his surroundings at all times.

Of course, the two little mice did not rest, and became Chu Liang's personal guards.

Not long after, Rat Da quietly sent a message to Chu Liang: "Master, those Qin family members are talking about you."

Chu Liang put his hands behind his head, lay on the mat, and silently recalled the scene of encountering the two big monsters before.

As for the discussion of outsiders, he didn't care.

Whatever you talk about.

On a hillside far from the bonfire, Qin Yu was talking to Qin Zhong and other guards.

Qin Zhong whispered: "Miss, this Chu Liang is just an outsider, why let him into our Qin family's caravan?"

"Yes, Miss, Chu Liang also took up one of our carriages, which delayed us." Another guard also said.

"What's the delay?"

Qin Yu glanced at the other guards indifferently and said to them: "He is just one more person."

"But he is not one of us after all." A younger Qin family disciple said.

"Don't be narrow-minded. If the Qin family wants to grow, it can't just rely on its own people." Qin Yu said calmly, "Besides, bandits are rampant recently, and he is quite powerful. It's not a bad thing to have one more person."

"Miss, our family members cooperate well, and we can fight back when we encounter bandits. I'm just afraid that Chu Liang will lose his composure and disrupt our cooperation." Qin Zhong was worried.

"Don't think too much."

Qin Yu shook his head slightly and said, "Chu Liang is the number one genius in the county after all, not much worse."

"Miss, it's obvious that you are the number one genius!" The younger Qin family disciple was indignant, "It's just that the outside world doesn't know your strength, otherwise how could the title of the number one genius fall on Chu Liang?"

"Don't care about false reputation."

Qin Yu looked at him, his voice was cold, and he taught: "Qin An, you just care too much about these things, you don't calm down to practice, your blood and qi grow slowly, and you haven't been able to condense the second blood and qi."


The young disciple named Qin An lowered his head and dared not refute.

The other Qin family disciples stopped talking, fearing that they would be taught a lesson.

What they didn't know was...On the big tree next to them, Shu Er was watching them quietly, and passed all their words to Shu Da through spiritual power.

The two little mice were also communicating with each other.

Shu Er analyzed rationally: "I thought these Qin family disciples were going to attack the master, but now it seems that they are just dissatisfied. Shu Da, what do you think?"

Shu Da said: "This Miss Qin is so beautiful."

Shu Er: "..."

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