Kneel down!

These two words were like a violent storm, rolling towards Qi Hai with unparalleled momentum.

Qi Hai's face turned green and red, and there was anger in his chest.

On that day, he swore an oath in front of so many people. After a period of spreading and fermentation, the entire county knew about it.

If he didn't kneel down, he would definitely lose face.

But if he kneels down, his face will also be lost!

Both roads are dead ends. No matter which one you choose, Qi Hai will have a hard time ending today!

All of this happened because of Qi Xiu Liang. If he hadn't repeatedly forced her, how would the situation be like this?

"Qi Xiuliang! Do you really want me to kneel down?"

Qi Hai was extremely angry and clenched his fists. He wanted to rush to the stage, draw his sword on the spot, and kill Qi Xiuliang with his sword.

But he knew very well that with so many big shots watching, he had no chance at all.

Qi Xiuliang said forcefully: "Qi Hai, do you know the cycle of cause and effect? ​​When you humiliated others, did you ever think about the day when you would be humiliated?"

Qi Hai's anger surged: "You..."

Qi Xiuliang shouted: "Why don't you kneel down?"

He took a step forward, and his momentum surged, like boundless mountains and rivers, crushing Qi Hai below the stage.

At this moment, Song Zhong suddenly shouted: "Qi Hai, kneel down!"

The rest of his team followed suit.

"Qi Hai, kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"

Many disciples from the Qiu Dao Martial Arts School followed closely behind, speaking at the same time and shouting loudly to cheer for Qi Xiuliang.

The sound was rolling and extremely turbulent, instantly tearing apart the tranquility of the entire martial arts arena.

Immediately afterwards, the manpower arranged by the black market spoke like all the Qin family disciples.

"Qi Hai, kneel down immediately and apologize to Young Master Chu!"

"Qi Hai, why don't you kneel down?"

"Kneel down!"

More and more people began to shout, their voices loud and powerful.

The voices of countless people were like ocean waves, rising and falling one after another, echoing fiercely in the martial arts arena.

These human voices gathered together, like a torrent, like thousands of horses galloping, it was unstoppable and directly swallowed Qi Hai!

In the end, there was only one common voice left in the huge martial arts arena - Kneel down!

Kneel down!

Getting clearer and louder!

The entire martial arts arena shook, as if it was resonating with the sea of ​​sound.

What the people want is the general trend!

Today, Qi Hai can't help but kneel!

On both sides of the martial arts stage, many important people did not say anything and watched all this quietly.

They were waiting for Qi Hong, the owner of the Black Sword Martial Arts Gym, to speak.

On the high seat, Qi Hong's face was expressionless and his eyes were indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

After a while, Qi Hong said calmly: "Qi Hai, this happened because of you, and it should end because of you. You make your own choice."


Qi Hai's face trembled. He couldn't tell that Qi Hong was urging him to kneel down.

If Qi Hong wanted to help him, he could just get up and leave. Why would he say this?

As a swordsman genius and the master most likely to break through to the Skin Refining Realm, Qi Hong's intimidating power far exceeded the rest of the people present, and his silence was enough to silence the whole thing.

But he was not silent, that was his attitude.

at this point!

If Qi Hai left like this, he would be despised by thousands of people.

He had no choice but to kneel down to Chu Liang.

"Kneel down! Kneel down!"

Countless people were shouting, whether sincerely or just to join in the fun.

The sound shook the heaven and the earth, deafening.

Today's incident is destined to be recorded in the county's history.

"That's enough! Shut up, everyone!"

Qi Hai roared, anger burning in his chest, as if he wanted to burn down the entire martial arts arena.

Hearing his roar, the others fell silent, their eyes fixed on him, waiting for his next words.

The entire martial arts arena fell into silence again.

Then, Qi Hai moved his steps and took a step forward with difficulty.

"Chu Liang!"

He stared at Chu Liang, his eyes bloodshot, his anger seemed to surge out, and his whole body was trembling because of the shame.

Every next step he took was extremely difficult.

By the end, his entire face was twisted and deformed, looking extremely ferocious, like a wild beast that was about to lose control.


Endless humiliation and anger exploded in his chest, almost burning out his sanity.

But he suppressed it tightly, veins popped up on his forehead, and moved step by step in front of Chu Liang.

In just over ten steps, like a natural chasm, he exhausted the honor and reputation he had accumulated throughout his life, making him a laughing stock in the county town!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Qi Hai.


Just heard a plop.

Qi Hai's eyes were blood red and his whole body was trembling. He suppressed the humiliation that almost made him explode and knelt down in front of Chu Liang!

"Chu Liang!"

He gritted his teeth tightly, blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his teeth were broken into pieces, and he spat out these two words indistinctly.

"Before...for my own selfish reasons, I kicked you out of the martial arts gym and spread rumors, causing you to suffer humiliation. I...I, Qi Hai, am apologize to you!"

The overwhelming anger devoured his reason, making his whole voice tremble. He used all his strength to finish the apology intermittently.

From beginning to end, Chu Liang's expression was indifferent.

He never cared about the things Qi Hai did.

In the first month, when all kinds of rumors spread, Qi Xiuliang and Tie Niu were anxious and worried, but Chu Liang remained calm.

As long as there is strength, all rumors will be broken.

He looked at Qi Hai who was kneeling in front of him, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly: "Get up, from now on, our grudges will be wiped out. I am devoted to martial arts and don't want to waste too much time on other things. You can take care of yourself."

"Chu Liang, you..."

Qi Hai looked fierce and clenched his fists tightly.

Take care of yourself?

Was he persuading him or threatening him?

He stood up suddenly, with a fierce momentum, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the blood was mixed with broken teeth.

"Chu Liang, our business is not over yet!"

Qi Hai roared with blood in his eyes, and his anger was like a volcano, which could no longer be suppressed and erupted!

He had fulfilled his oath, kneeling down to Chu Liang in public, suffering humiliation, and trampling all his reputation in this life under his feet!

From then on, the hatred between him and Chu Liang was not written off, but a fight to the death!

Only one of them could survive!

Chu Liang said calmly: "I have said everything I should say. As for how you understand it, it depends on you."

"Good! Very good!"

Qi Hai was extremely angry, and his suppressed breath burst out, and he almost drew his sword on the spot.

But the last bit of reason was still reminding him that if he took action in this place, he would not have time to kill Chu Liang, and would be killed by other masters.

He must wait!

Wait for an opportunity!

"Chu Liang, we will meet again!"

Qi Hai roared, and then walked out of the martial arts field without looking back, without saying hello to anyone, even his disciple Xu Hua.

He was furious, like an angry lion!

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