It's afternoon.

Martial Alliance, Hall of Merit.

Chu Liang and Qi Xiuliang were sitting on one side of the lobby.

There were many people in the lobby, such as Luo Hong, Li Ren, Qi Hong, etc. All important figures in the county were there.

After the martial arts performance, Chu Liang planned to go back to practice with many martial arts disciples, but he was stopped by Li Ren and asked him to come to the lobby with Qi Xiuliang.

Luo Hong and others have something to ask.

Chu Liang thought for a while and guessed that they probably wanted to ask about the origin of "Songzhu Sword Technique".

As expected, after everyone sat down, Luo Hong spoke.

"Qi Xiuliang, the swordsmanship you showed today was taught to you by Chu Liang?" Luo Hong asked Qi Xiuliang first.

"Exactly." Qi Xiuliang replied.

"Is it a third-rate martial arts skill?" Luo Hong asked again.

"That's right."

Qi Xiuliang did not deny it.

Hearing this, the others looked at each other.

It is indeed a third-rate martial arts skill, a precious martial skill that is not available in the entire county.

Luo Hong asked him: "Does this sword technique have a name?"

"Yes, it's called "Songzhu Sword Technique"."

"Well, the green pines are tall and straight, and the green bamboos are tough. It's a good name, and it fits the sword technique very well." Luo Hong opened his mouth to express his appreciation.

Then, he moved his eyes and looked at Chu Liang.

The eyes of the others also fell on Chu Liang, with a hint of exploration.

Chu Liang himself has many mysteries. For example, what is his specific strength? Another example is why he dared to go deep into the forest alone?

Of course, none of this is important now. Everyone just wants to know about "Songzhu Sword Technique".

"Chu Liang, this is your personal matter. If you don't want to say it, we understand." Luo Hong said to Chu Liang.

"Everyone is in such a serious position. If I don't say anything, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave this hall today." Chu Liang looked relaxed and said with a smile.

"You kid, you are a genius valued by the alliance leader. How dare we do something to you?" Ye Long curled his lips.

"It's just a joke, don't take it to heart."

With a smile on his face, Chu Liang picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Everyone also understood and were not in a hurry, waiting for him to finish drinking the tea.

Everyone present was smart, even Ye Long, who was known for his roughness, was quite thoughtful.

They knew very well that since Chu Liang was willing to hand over this swordsmanship to Qi Xiuliang and allow Qi Xiuliang to display it in public, it meant that the origin of his swordsmanship was normal and there was nothing he could not say.

After drinking tea, Chu Liang began to tell: "I used to be a hunter, you should know..."

His voice was calm and unhurried as he told the story of "A Book Found in the Belly of an Ape".

After that, he took another sip of tea.

"That's what happened, it was just a chance encounter." Chu Liang said calmly.

"An adventure? That's all? How many adventures have you had, kid?" Ye Long couldn't help but say.

"Not a few times."

Chu Liang shrugged, looking calm.

Luo Hong smiled and said: "It is normal for a genius like you to be loved by the world and have many adventures."

"Yes, it is recorded in the book that those with excellent talents are far luckier than ordinary people, and can often easily obtain treasures that ordinary people cannot obtain." said Yan Gong, the leader of the Protector Hall.

The others nodded in agreement.

Obtaining a book from the belly of an ape sounds incredible, but compared with the adventures recorded in the book, it is actually nothing.

Some people encounter adventures just after they are born. A bird comes with a book in its hand and opens the letter. It turns out that there is a treasure map that leads directly to the relics of the master.

There are also people who were dragged into the mountains by wild beasts when they were young. Instead of dying, they were rescued by a master who retired to the mountains and forests, and eventually learned a skill.

Of course, those adventures are too rare, otherwise they would not be recorded.

In comparison, Chu Liang's "Song and Bamboo Sword Technique" is a real book, right in front of everyone.

Many people present were not practicing swordsmanship, but they were still somewhat interested and wanted to see what it contained.

"Excellent martial arts skills are really rare."

Li Ren, the gym owner, lamented: "I was training in Jinhua Fucheng a few years ago and was valued by the owner of a large martial arts gym. At that time, the man made me swear that as long as I was willing to guard his martial arts gym for fifteen years, he could let me I chose any third-rate martial arts book in his martial arts school, but I wanted to be free and finally gave up."

"Yes, it has been more than two hundred years since the founding of Daliang. The leading martial arts have long been controlled by major forces and have become their capital to recruit guards, thugs, and private soldiers."

Luo Hong sighed, he had had a similar experience.

First-class martial arts, even the most common third-rate martial arts are difficult to obtain.

There are many more martial arts schools in the prefectural city than in the county town, and some large martial arts schools have third-rate or even second-rate martial arts.

However, if you want to learn those martial arts skills, you must sign a contract with the martial arts school and become its guard.

In addition to martial arts schools, other major forces in the city also have similar rules. A contract is a shackles. If you want to learn top-notch martial arts, you must put shackles on yourself.

As for unfashionable martial arts, you can learn them by paying money. However, the rules here are the same as in the county. Apprentices can leave as they please without any restrictions.

Everyone in the county did not want to put on the shackles and could only hope that the imperial court would release martial arts skills to various martial alliances.

Although Anping County is small, there is still hope for third-rate martial arts.

"Why don't you join the martial arts alliance in Fucheng?" Chu Liang asked. There must be third-rate martial arts in the martial arts alliance in Fucheng.

"I think so, but we are not registered in Fucheng. If we want to join the Fucheng Martial League, we must serve in the county Martial League for more than fifteen years." Luo Hong gave an explanation.

"I see."

Chu Liang suddenly realized that this matter of origin had such a great impact on martial artists.

Luo Hong asked: "Chu Liang, can you sell this martial art to the Wumeng?"

"Master Luo, I have already given this martial art to Brother Qi, you should ask him." Chu Liang said with a smile.


Qi Xiuliang was stunned.

He quickly realized that Chu Liang was giving him all the possible benefits.

Before he could refuse, Chu Liang said: "Brother Qi, your talent is not bad, but you have too few resources. If you have enough resources, it will not be difficult to break through the skin refining realm in the future."

"Brother Chu, you only taught me martial arts, never gave it to me!"

Qi Xiuliang refused immediately. He understood the value of a mainstream martial art.

This value can at least reduce his hard training time by ten years!

The two of them pushed and shoved, but they were unwilling to accept this benefit, which surprised the rest of the people in the hall.

At this time, an old voice suddenly sounded outside the hall.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Hearing this voice, everyone in the hall looked stern and stood up.

The leader of the local martial arts alliance has arrived!

Soon, a skinny old man walked into the hall. He was the one who stopped Luo Hong and Yan Han that night.

"Qi Xiuliang, are you willing to become my disciple?"

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, everyone was surprised.

He actually wanted to accept a disciple!

Before this, the leader had never had any disciples.

If Qi Xiuliang agreed, he would become the old man's only disciple!

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