Longevity and cultivation, I evolved martial arts into immortality

Chapter 143 The whole city is shaken, the blood sword appears!

"You were forced to fight back with a knife?"

Hearing this, Chu Liang was stunned for a moment.

Qian Gui nodded repeatedly: "Young Master Chu, that's exactly what happened. I saw with my own eyes that Xu Tian had already attacked you just now."

"Qian Gui, are you afraid that I will kill you?" Chu Liang asked him.

"Chu Shaoxia, I am willing to go to the county government and the Wumeng Law Enforcement Hall to testify for you, and please let me live." Qian Gui's voice was still trembling, he was really afraid.

Now, he has reached a point where he is almost certain to die.

Both Chu Liang and the Tsing Yi Gang had put the knife on his neck.

He can only take a gamble!

"Chu Shaoxia, I witnessed this with my own eyes, and I am willing to provide you with the truth you need." Qian Gui knelt on the ground, he could be Chu Liang's witness.

"Money is expensive, the truth is not as important as you think, what matters is strength and value." Chu Liang said to him, "Strength and value can override the truth, as long as you are strong enough, even if you kill the current emperor, the rest People will only support you as the new emperor, but they won’t accuse you of rebelling, do you understand?”

Qian Gui's heart trembled: "I...I understand..."

Judging from Chu Liang's words, does it mean that he doesn't need witnesses at all and can handle this matter on his own strength?

Qian Gui recalled what Xu Tian said before he died.

Skin refining...

Could it be that Chu Liang has achieved the Skin Refining Realm?

When he thought of this, Qian Gui's face turned pale and his whole heart went cold.

If this is the case, Chu Liang really doesn't need him anymore. With his strength in the Skin Refining Realm, even the county magistrate has to respect him.

"I'm asking you something, and you answer it well. As long as the answer satisfies me, I won't kill you." Chu Liang said to him.

"You asked." Qian Gui responded quickly.

"About the treasure-hunting rat, tell me from beginning to end. From the time you discovered the treasure-hunting rat to the present day, I want to know everything related to it and every word you said."

"No problem, I'll tell you right away."

"Don't worry, come to my yard and talk slowly."

"Then Xu Tian's body..."

"Leave it here, those people from the Tsing Yi Gang will know how to collect the body."

Chu Liang's expression was indifferent and his tone was casual, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Killing people in the street in broad daylight must not be hidden. Several people had seen it from far away in the street, but they were afraid of causing trouble and ran away in a hurry without daring to get close.

Since he couldn't hide it, Chu Liang didn't bother to collect the body.

Without even looking at it, he turned around and walked towards the gate of the martial arts hall.

"follow me."


Qian Gui wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and hurriedly followed.

Just as Chu Liang expected, it didn't take long for several exclamations to be heard outside the martial arts gym.



Xu Tian, ​​the young leader of the Tsing Yi Gang, is dead!

The news was like a thunderclap that shook the whole city.

Someone shouted happily: "Okay! Good kill!"

There are also people who are worried: "Last time, the Qingyi Gang almost turned the entire county upside down because of the loss of a 19th wife. This time, it's Xu Tian! I'm afraid the days to come will not be peaceful."

"What are you afraid of? When will these days be peaceful? It's just more noisy!"

"That's true."

"The murderer is Chu Liang, Young Master Chu, everyone remembers it!"

"Good kill!"

"Haha, God opened your eyes and let that bitch Xu Tian hit Young Master Chu's knife!"

Countless people across the county are grateful to Chu Liang.

Countless people have been oppressed by members of the Tsing Yi Gang over the years. Since this gang has the background of the county government, people dare not speak out but can only endure it silently.

Now, someone finally dared to stand up and fight back against the Tsing Yi Gang in such a happy and bloody way.

Whatever the cause, the result is a delight!

Not long after, Xu Tian's body was returned to the head of the Tsing Yi Gang.

At the helm, there was silence in the lobby.

Xu Long's face was gloomy, and the veins on his forehead popped out, like a suppressed volcano that could explode at any moment.

"My son..."

He looked at Xu Tian's already cold body, his voice filled with endless anger.

The rest of the people in the lobby remained motionless, everyone's expressions were extremely nervous, their bodies were tense, and they did not dare to make the slightest sound.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xu Long’s roar finally sounded in the lobby.

"Kill! Kill Chu Liang!"

His furious voice penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, like thunder!

A quarter of an hour later, the entire Tsing Yi Gang mobilized!

Hundreds of Tsing Yi Gang members received the order and hurriedly set out from all over the county with only one goal, the Autumn Sword Martial Arts Hall in the north of the city.

This time the battle was far greater than before.

The chief and deputy gang leaders of the Tsing Yi Gang, the guardians, the hall masters of each hall, and the incense masters all came. The momentum was amazing and shocking.

Evening fades and night comes.

The entire long street outside the martial arts hall was illuminated by firelight.

A blazing torch burned in the dark night, forming a long flame dragon. There were too many to count, and the sound was so mammoth that the entire county was shaken.

"The Tsing Yi Gang actually has so many people, and they all have weapons and armor. They can be regarded as a private army!"

Even many warriors in the martial alliance found it incredible and started talking about it.

"They were originally the magistrate's private soldiers, but they couldn't be brought to the forefront, so they existed in the form of a gang."

"This matter is bound to cause a big fuss today. What will the magistrate do?"

"Just wait and see. Chu Liang is a rare genius. Someone will definitely protect him. If the county magistrate insists on touching him, the black market will definitely send him a formal invitation."

Everyone knows that the final outcome of tonight's events does not lie in the truth between Chu Liang and Xu Tian, ​​but in the competition between various forces behind the county.

Killing people in the street is a capital crime for ordinary people.

But it is not necessarily the case for warriors.

Not to mention a martial arts genius like Chu Liang.

Rules can be relaxed, bottom lines are flexible, and Daliang laws can also be flexible.

Not long after, the entire Qiu Dao Martial Arts Hall was surrounded by the Qingyi Gang.

"Chu Liang, get out of here!"

Xu Long was full of anger, riding a tall horse, carrying a long sword, and full of murderous intent, roaring at the Qiu Dao Martial Arts Hall.

The main door of the Qiu Dao Martial Arts Hall was wide open.

The owner Li Ren stepped forward and said coldly: "Xu Long, I'll give you a chance. If you retreat now, I'll let you go."

"Li Ren!"

Xu Long's eyes were full of anger. He drew his sword on the spot and shouted: "Do you think I'm afraid of you? After so many years, my swordsmanship has already reached the extreme of killing. If we fight again, you will definitely lose!"

Li Ren's expression did not change: "You can try it."

The two men confronted each other. They were both swordsmen and had five strands of blood. Their momentum was quite amazing.

If they really fought here, no matter what the result was, the Qingyi Gang's momentum that was rising at the moment would definitely be interrupted.

This was something Xu Long didn't want to see.

Moreover, he knew his own strength very well.

If it was a life-and-death fight, he would not last more than ten rounds in Li Ren's hands!

Fortunately, he had informed the county government of this matter long before he arrived.

The county government sent someone over.

Although it was just one person, it was enough.

"Master Li."

A hoarse voice sounded, from far to near.

"Chu Liang killed someone in the street, the evidence is irrefutable, please do not stop me, Master Li, otherwise don't blame me for taking action."

The man had white hair and a long sword on his back.

The Blood Sword Scholar!

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