"The Tsing Yi Gang provoked me first, and I was forced to fight back."

Chu Liang held a long knife and spoke with a cold expression.

The rest of the people in the lobby did not dare to refute, and all agreed.

"Yes, that's exactly what happened!" the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall said loudly.

"Young Master Chu is helpless! That Xu Tian deserves to die. He has no good intentions and disturbed Young Master Chu's Qing Xiu. Even if he dies a hundred times, it won't be enough!" The incense master who knelt in front of Chu Liang kept saying.

"It's a small matter if he dies, but it's a big deal if Young Master Chu's sword is dirty!"

The lobby was extremely lively for a while, and there were all kinds of sounds, one after another, making people feel like they were in the market during the market.

Many of them scolded Xu Tian, ​​some just to survive, and some scolded sincerely.

If it weren't for Xu Tian, ​​how could the Tsing Yi Gang provoke Chu Liang, the god of death?

Even Xu Long cursed, and then said: "Young Master Chu, our Tsing Yi Gang's fault for this matter should be compensated by our Tsing Yi Gang. Just ask, as long as my Tsing Yi Gang has it, I will give it to you with both hands! Even if you want my position as gang leader, it’s just a matter of words.”

"Oh? If I really become a gang leader, won't the county government object?" Chu Liang asked him.

"It's too late for the county magistrate to be happy. Young Master Chu, you are the number one genius in the county. Behind you are three people in the Skin Refining Realm. If you become the gang leader, the relationship between the three of them and the county government will be eased a lot." Xu Long opened his mouth to explain.

"Well, that makes sense." Chu Liang nodded slightly.

"Young Master Chu, look..."

Xu Long's heart skipped a beat. Does Chu Liang really want his position as gang leader?

It was hard for him to secure this position.

Without this identity, he would just be a warrior with five qi and blood, and one of the bottom among them.

Fortunately, Chu Liang shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in this position."

Xu Long secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "Then what does Young Master Chu want? Gold and silver money? Kung Fu and martial arts? Medicinal elixirs? Or beauty like a flower?"

He looked at Chu Liang for a few times and saw that Chu Liang was in the prime of life, so he deliberately emphasized the word "beauty" a little bit.

Xu Long is a man who understands this kind of thing. After all, he has dozens of concubines.

But Chu Liang still shook his head and just said: "What I want is a token."


Xu Long was shocked and immediately thought of the stone token.

The other backbones of the gang are wondering, what token is more important than the gang leader's throne?

As long as you become a gang leader, everything else will come easily?

"Chu Shaoxia, what kind of token are you talking about?" Xu Long was a little confused. That token was his biggest secret. He really didn't want to hand it over, so he asked Chu Liang tentatively because he was lucky.

"The token is made of stone and has a grayish appearance." Chu Liang said lightly, "No need to test it. I know you have it. Take it out."


Xu Long's throat was choked, and his heart was bleeding.

He knew that the token was extraordinary and could not be damaged no matter what method he used, but he still had not figured out its function.

Nowadays, even a peerless genius like Chu Liang wants it. He even disdains his position as gang leader and specifies that he wants that token.

That token must be related to a huge opportunity!

This opportunity was right in front of him, but he could only give it away. He was really unwilling to do so!

"If you are unwilling, I have other ways for you to come up with." Chu Liang's voice was cold, and the long knife in his hand was sharp.

Hearing the cold words, Xu Long suddenly became excited. Opportunities are important, but they must be taken with a life!

He endured the pain and said to Chu Liang: "Young Master Chu, I can tell you where the token is, but... I would like to ask Young Master Chu to express his position. After you take the token, this matter will be over. You and I will not Any more conflicts.”

"Why, you can't trust me?" Chu Liang asked him.

"Of course I believe in Chu Shaoxia's character!" Xu Long said hurriedly: "But this matter does not concern me alone, but also concerns dozens of brothers here. I am only thinking about them. I hope Chu Shaoxia will forgive me."


Chu Liang responded calmly.

No one with any brain would believe such nonsense.

Not to mention Chu Liang, even the dozens of backbones of the Tsing Yi Gang in the lobby didn't believe it. How could a selfish person like Xu Long think about them?

It was clearly using them as an excuse to ask Chu Liang to sign a contract or swear an oath.

"Young Master Chu, these brothers have been with me for more than ten years. They have been with me through life and death, and have had a life-long friendship with me!" Xu Long spoke with certainty and looked sincerely.

He pointed at the dozens of Tsing Yi Gang backbones in the lobby and said: "I am really worried that Young Master Chu will regret it. I may be able to escape by then, but it will be difficult for my brothers, so... I still ask Young Master Chu to take an oath."


"That's right, please Young Master Chu swear an oath in public!"

Xu Long raised his voice and made his request.

In the lobby, every member of the Tsing Yi Gang looked at Chu Liang with uneasiness.

Although Xu Long was not doing it for them, as long as Chu Liang could swear, all this would really end today.

In this world, almost all warriors believe in oaths and believe that there are some rules secretly binding the warriors who take the oath.

Once you make an oath, you must keep it!

Chu Liang pondered for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

After a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then I will make an oath, and you and others can witness it."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire lobby suddenly relaxed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

On the side, the head of the Foreign Affairs Hall wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking that he could get through this disaster.

But he also secretly wondered: "It's been so long, why haven't the people from the county government come yet? Did something happen?"

The delay was long enough.

The county town is not big, so long is enough to run back and forth from the south to the north of the city several times.

While he was wondering, Chu Liang had already started to swear.

"... With heaven and earth as witnesses, if you violate this oath, you will be doomed forever and will never be reincarnated..."

Hearing the strict content of his oath, many backbones of the Qingyi Gang became more relaxed, and smiles appeared on their faces.

A token can save your life, which is a very cost-effective deal.

Anyway, it's not their token, but the gang leader Xu Long's.

However, in the corner, the eyes of the two little mice were a little strange. They looked at the backbones of the Qingyi Gang as if they were looking at corpses.

"Shu Er, these human beings actually believed it. They really thought that the master would not kill them." Shu Da shook his tail and transmitted the message with spiritual power.

"Big Rat, you don't understand this." Rat Two explained, "The human race believes that there is a way of heaven in the dark, and everything in the world is under the watchful eyes of heaven. Once you break your oath, you will be punished by heaven."

"Bullshit heaven, I don't believe it!"

Big Rat rubbed his little claws, and the sharp claws grabbed at the void above his head.

Rat Two said: "The master doesn't believe in heaven either, he only believes in himself."

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