Longevity and cultivation, I evolved martial arts into immortality

Chapter 156: Fighting the Blood Sword Scholar!

The Blood Sword Scholar is here!

This is a bit of a coincidence.

As early as the beginning of the operation, the two little mice killed all the Tsing Yi Gang members who were responsible for delivering information to the county government.

On this stormy night, all sounds were covered by the crazy sound of thunderstorms.

It stands to reason that the county government would not notice anything at all.

The Blood Sword Scholar probably came suddenly at this time because he had an impromptu idea or had something to do with the Tsing Yi Gang.

"Just in time!"

Chu Liang opened his eyes and looked at the night in the distance.

He took out a pill from his pocket and swallowed it in one gulp.

This elixir has a strange effect. It can temporarily change a person's voice, making it hoarse and unable to hear its original sound.

Then, Chu Liang slowly put on the black mask, leaving only a pair of deep eyes.

Shu Er asked in surprise: "Master, why don't you leave?"

"Don't worry, let's listen to Yang Wenyuan's thoughts first." Chu Liang looked calm, sheathed the knife, put the whole knife into the bag, and stood quietly in the yard full of blood and waited.

Within a moment, a familiar figure approached the chief helmsman of the Tsing Yi Gang.


After a thunder, Yang Wenyuan, the Blood Sword scholar, appeared.

He wore a bamboo hat on his head, a long sword on his back, and a county government official uniform. His eyes were cold, like an eagle, standing on the courtyard wall.

Seeing the yard full of blood, he frowned, looked at Chu Liang, and shouted: "Who are you? Tell me your name!"

Chu Liang's voice was hoarse: "I am an idle person. My name is not important. You can call me Wuming."

"Nameless? Humph!"

Yang Wenyuan snorted coldly and asked sternly: "Do these people from the Tsing Yi Gang have any grudge against you?"

"I have no grudges. I just killed him when I passed by here." Chu Liang replied calmly.

"Where is Xu Long?"

"Kill them too."

"How brave!"

Yang Wenyuan's brows stood up, and he shouted angrily, his energy and blood surged, and his momentum suddenly increased.

He did not despise Chu Liang, the mysterious master who suddenly appeared.

He has rich experience and has been in the arena for many years. He has seen this situation before him more than once.

Being able to easily kill the entire Tsing Yi Gang leader shows that Chu Liang either has the strength to crush everything, or he has some kind of special poison.

Therefore, Yang Wenyuan directly swallowed a universal detoxification pill hidden in his mouth, and then pulled out the bloody sword. His aura rose to the extreme almost instantly!

"Why are you hiding your head and tail?" He shouted again, "Is it possible that your true appearance is shameful?"

"No, I just don't want to scare you." Chu Liang smiled lightly, and his laughter was also very hoarse.

"scaring me?"

Yang Wenyuan's face turned livid and he asked, "Could it be that your Excellency has a green face with fangs and a fierce face, like a demon from hell?"

Chu Liang shook his head: "No, I'm quite handsome in appearance. I was a well-known handsome young man from all over the country."

"In that case, why don't you take off your mask and show your true face?"

"Still not."

Chu Liang's words were true and he did not deceive Yang Wenyuan. If he took off his mask and revealed his true face, Yang Wenyuan would be shocked.

After all, in Yang Wenyuan's eyes, Chu Liang is just a county genius who has not yet grown up, not a strong man in the Skin Refining Realm.

Chu Liang asked Yang Wenyuan: "These gangs are all evil people who bully good people and have bloody hands. Why do you act so angry? Could it be that you are also such a person?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yang Wenyuan shouted.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just seeking truth from facts." Chu Liang said with a smile, "Your Excellency's words and deeds are inconsistent. You are wearing an official uniform, but you are protecting these criminals who are full of evil. It is really ridiculous."

"How can right and wrong be so simple?" Yang Wenyuan snorted, "Your Excellency must be an old man, and you are not so naive as to think that black and white, good and evil, can be distinguished!"

"That makes sense."

Chu Liang nodded, slowly took two steps back, and said: "It seems that your Excellency is very clear about his actions. In this case, I won't say more. I just killed too many people and I am a little tired. I have to go back and have a good rest." "

"Your Excellency is leaving?"

Yang Wenyuan raised the long sword in his hand and fixed his sharp eyes on Chu Liang.

He shouted: "Your Excellency did not tell his name, did not want to show his true face, and refused to tell his grudges. He killed someone and just wanted to leave. How can it be so easy?"

Chu Liang looked indifferently and asked: "Do you want to stop me?"

"You slaughtered people in my county, how could I let you leave so easily?" Yang Wenyuan shouted coldly.

"What if I have to leave?"

Chu Liang smiled hoarsely, and then his body violently turned into an afterimage, instantly shattering the layers of rain curtains and running towards the darkness in the distance.

He was extremely fast and could cover great distances in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, want to escape?"

Yang Wenyuan shouted violently, his energy and blood surged, and he held the blood sword in his hand, which also turned into an afterimage, following Chu Liang closely.

The two of them were in tandem, their auras were extremely violent, like two humanoid beasts, starting a chase on this stormy night.

The wind howled and thunder and lightning roared.

The endless rain beat on the bluestone road in the county town, and also hit the two of them, making them extremely cold.

But at this moment, both of them were burning hot, their skin was red, their blood was boiling, and they were covered in white smoke, like two blazing furnaces!

Chu Liang's speed was really too fast.

This made Yang Wenyuan even more certain that he must be a strong man in the Skin Refining Realm.

But he couldn't be sure, which one it was?

Is it the other three in the county, or the masters who came from the capital these days?

If it was one of the three in the county, they didn't have much motivation at all. Even if there was friction between the black market and the Qingyi Gang, it was only limited to the bottom. Why did they take action now? It can't be for Chu Liang, right?

"Those three people shouldn't kill the Qingyi Gang for Chu Liang." Yang Wenyuan thought to himself, "In the eyes of those three people, the Qingyi Gang should have a sharpening effect on Chu Liang. This kind of sharpening is needed by every genius. Growth can't always be smooth sailing."

Every warrior has his own path, and must try his best to rely on his own strength to climb over the mountains on the road of martial arts.

If everything depends on the predecessors to solve, wouldn't I become a waste?

"It seems that most of them are from the capital. Today's matter is troublesome."

Yang Wenyuan frowned and clenched the long sword in his hand.

He had long told the Qingyi Gang to keep a low profile recently and not to provoke people from the capital.

The Qingyi Gang is considered a local snake in the county. It is said that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake, but the bigwigs in the prefecture are too strong, and any power is not something the Qingyi Gang can withstand.

At this moment, Chu Liang in front suddenly stopped.

He turned around and turned back, and the blood explosion technique burst out with all his strength. His blood was boiling hot, like a wild beast, with an extremely fierce breath, waving his fist and hitting Yang Wenyuan behind him!

"Come on!"

Yang Wenyuan shouted, without dodging or evading, nor using the blood sword, and also clenched his fist, facing Chu Liang's fist in the rain and thunder.

A moment later, the two fists collided!


With a loud bang, the breath burst, deafening!

The terrifying power burst out, fierce and domineering, stirring all directions, turning into a terrifying impact rolling away!

The house shook, the bluestone shattered, and the rain rolled back!

At this moment, the whole county seemed to tremble, and countless warriors were awakened.

In the northern part of the county, in the Martial Alliance, countless strong men jumped onto the rooftops, looking solemnly into the distance.

“There are Leather Refining Realm masters fighting!”

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