Ruixian Bo is one of the four great lords of Fucheng.

This time, it was this pair of young siblings who came to the county for experience on behalf of Rui County's uncle's house.

The woman in the purple skirt is named Liu Yu, and she is the second young lady of the uncle's house.

The young man in brocade clothes is named Liu Yuan, and he is the third son of the uncle's house.

The two of them have noble status and respected status. Although they are not as good as those princes and princes, they are enough to be regarded as superiors in such a small place.

In today's world where there is a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority, the children of the Lord's family will inevitably be a little more arrogant in front of ordinary people.

"Sister, as the number one genius in the county, Chu Liang must be arrogant. He would probably feel that the slave contract was too insulting to him, so he would not come to our place." Liu Yuan analyzed it briefly.

Hearing this, Liu Yu frowned slightly.

Liu Yuan added: "Sister, Chu Liang can condense three strands of qi and blood in the county town. His talent is actually quite high. The county town is not as good as Fucheng. The resources here are poor. If he had been born in Fucheng, he would have already condensed four strands of qi and blood. I think we could give him a looser contract."


Liu Yu slowly shook his head and said, "It's only been one day. If we give in, then Chu Liang will definitely make further progress, thinking that we value him very much. This matter is not urgent. Let's wait for him first."

"Sister, how long do you have to stay up?" Liu Yuan asked.

"Wait, he will definitely come before entering the mountain to destroy the demon!" Liu Yu was sure.

"All right."

Liu Yuan scratched his hair and stopped asking.

Joining the uncle's house is such a huge opportunity that ordinary warriors will definitely try their best to fight for it, even if they sell their freedom and dignity.

This is Liu Yu's confidence.

She ordered her subordinates to continue collecting information in the county.

At this moment, due to the Tsing Yi Gang murder case, the entire county has caused quite a stir.

The county police officer posted a wanted notice at the city gate.

【Catch the real murderer】

On the notice, there is a painting of a masked portrait of Chu Liang, but the painting is too rough. The artist must not be very skilled, and there is not even half of the charm.

With this kind of portrait, it would be strange to find Chu Liang.

Yamen officials also distributed notices and portraits throughout the county to allow county residents to provide clues.

But everyone was applauding and grateful to the mysterious man for helping them kill the Tsing Yi Gang. No one provided any clues, but instead they all held the portrait and praised him.

"Look, everyone, the picture on this notice is the hero who killed Xu Long."

"It's really a majestic instrument and extraordinary appearance!"

"At first glance, it seems that he is not a vulgar person, he must be a god from heaven descending to earth!"

Voices of praise came and went all over the county. Such voices were heard almost everywhere in restaurants and teahouses.

There are only a few places where the sound is not harmonious, such as the Qi Hai Courtyard of Qiu Dao Martial Arts School.


Qi Hai's face turned pale and he broke the tea cup in his hand.

He slapped his face on the armrest of the seat and growled: "Why is Chu Liang so lucky? The Tsing Yi Gang was wiped out just after he provoked him!"

Although he didn't think that the Tsing Yi Gang could get rid of Chu Liang, he also hoped that they could cause some trouble to Chu Liang, such as attacking Chu Liang's relatives and friends to make Chu Liang's mentality collapse.

But with the Tsing Yi Gang being wiped out, all these hopes came to nothing.

"Outsiders cannot be trusted after all!"

Qi Hai's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and there were only a few days left before he would go into the mountain to slay the demon.

He had been preparing for that day for a long time.

That endless mountain forest is the burial place of Chu Liang!

At this moment, Gao Shi, the son of the county magistrate, was also in a bad mood.

"What a shame, I wanted the Tsing Yi Gang to stumble Chu Liang!" He clenched his fists, "Who on earth is so arrogant and completely disregards the face of our county government!"

To wipe out the Tsing Yi Gang within the county seat would undoubtedly be a slap in the face to the county magistrate.

At this moment, the county magistrate Gao Lian was roaring angrily in the county government hall.

"Check! Everyone, check it out for me!"

The Tsing Yi Gang was supported by Gao Lian, and they had to provide him with countless gold and silver treasures every year.

Without the Tsing Yi Gang, Gao Lian would lose an important source of money.

As the son of the magistrate, Gao Shi also felt the power of this slap.

He was in a bad mood, but when he thought that today was Qin Yu's birthday, he had to suppress all negative emotions and take a few deep breaths.

"Huh... calm down, today is Miss Qin's Fangchen, I can't make a fool of myself."

He pressed his eyebrows hard and quickly calmed himself down.

"Then Chu Liang was invited to the banquet by the head of the Qin family. I have to overpower him at the banquet, otherwise the Qin family might really bet on him."

Thinking of this, Gao Shi gritted his teeth and turned towards his treasure house.

At a banquet, gift giving is the most important part.

As the son of the county magistrate, he has accumulated a lot over the years, and he is confident that his net worth is much richer than that of Chu Liang, and he will definitely be able to crush Chu Liang with the treasure he brings to his hands.

At this moment, Chu Liang was still eating in the breakfast shop and had never thought about giving gifts at the banquet.

After a while, a government official suddenly came over and distributed several notices to the shop.

He said to everyone: "This man is extremely ferocious and has committed countless murders. If you see it, come to the county office immediately..."

Many diners in the shop had no intention of listening to him, and all their eyes were focused on the portrait in the notice.

Chu Liang also got a notice.

He picked up the notice and looked at it carefully. He couldn't help but shake his head slightly. The eyes were too plain, and the corners of the eyes and eyebrows were not strong enough, and his spirit was not drawn.

The county official continued: "Don't harbor this person, otherwise you will be punished with the same crime."

After that, he turned around and walked out with a pile of notices and went to a teahouse next door.

After he left, someone asked Chu Liang: "Young Master Chu, what do you think of this hero?"

Chu Liang smiled: "Not bad! He is handsome, handsome, and has a face like a crown. This hero who killed Xu Long must be a rare genius."

"Haha, Young Master Chu and I think the same!"

The shop suddenly became lively and praised.

Finally, Chu Liang couldn't stand the praise, so he swallowed all his breakfast in a hurry and then got up to say goodbye.

He walked out of the shop and walked towards the martial arts hall.

The shops and teahouses on both sides of the street were very lively. Because of the Qingyi Gang, business was particularly good today.

"Young Master Chu!"

Someone on the street recognized Chu Liang and shouted.

Everyone was surprised and greeted him.

"Young Master Chu, good morning, have you eaten?"

Unconsciously, Chu Liang has become a celebrity in the entire county. People not only know his name, but also recognize his appearance.

It's not good to be too famous. Chu Liang still likes a quiet life.

He smiled and responded slightly. He quickened his pace and just wanted to get back to the martial arts hall as soon as possible.

Just after walking a few steps, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried horse hooves behind him.

Da Da! Da Da!

"Get out of the way!"

"The Marquis' Mansion is doing business, don't block the way!"

A sharp voice came from the back.

Chu Liang frowned and stepped aside.

I saw several black-armored cavalrymen galloping past, riding their horses in the busy city, causing a lot of panic and frightening many people to scream.

Black-armored cavalry, the most elite force of Wenhai Marquis' Mansion!

Countless notices flew out from behind these cavalrymen, flying all over the sky, fluttering everywhere, and falling on the streets and shops on both sides.

"What is this?"

After being frightened, people picked up a notice one after another.

Chu Liang also picked up one at random.

These notices were obviously spread by those black-armored cavalrymen. Unlike the notices in the county government, they said [Catch the wanted criminal "Blood Wolf" on the black list].

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