"Chu Liang, die, die tragically!"

Gao Shi clenched his fists and prayed in his heart.

Once Chu Liang dies, the Qin family will no longer bet on him.

At that time, the county will return to its former state, and young talents like him, Gao Shi, will attract countless eyes that originally paid attention to Chu Liang.

Everyone present had mixed thoughts. Some wanted Chu Liang to die just like Gao Shi, while others just wanted to watch a show.

But the boxing master at Black Sword Martial Arts Hall was going crazy.

"Chu Liang, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Get out of the way. Do you want your life?!"

The boxing master was so anxious that he yelled, his voice almost hoarse.

His whole body turned into an afterimage, his energy and blood surged, his speed increased dramatically, almost reaching the peak of his life, and he ran towards the wild boar demon at an astonishing speed.

The leg master on the other side also surged in speed and wanted to help him.

But it's too late!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, a flash of lightning, not giving them much time to react.

The wild boar demon was extremely ferocious and its aura was violent. It had already arrived in front of Chu Liang and was about to knock him down.

But Chu Liang's expression was calm, and his eyes did not waver at all.

His body sank slightly, his right hand formed into a fist, and he punched suddenly while everyone was watching.


This punch may seem light, but the power it unleashes is shockingly powerful!

The hard fist was like a meteor from the sky, breaking through the void, causing a sharp explosion, and hit the wild boar demon's head hard.

With a roar, the violent power suddenly erupted and turned into an invisible storm, sending branches and leaves flying!

The wild boar demon wailed, and its skull shattered. Its huge body seemed to have hit a boulder. It could no longer move forward, and its breath weakened rapidly.


It crashed to the ground!

The wild boar demon never got up again, its limbs twitched a few times, and finally became silent.

Chu Liang slowly retracted his fist, his breath was calm and there was no change at all.

Ahead, the master of the Black Sword Martial Arts Hall who was anxiously arriving froze, and his whole body was stunned.

His face was full of astonishment, his eyes swept over the wild boar demon that fell to the ground, then looked at Chu Liang, and finally stopped at Chu Liang's fist, with indescribable shock in his eyes.

"One punch, just...killed?"

He swallowed, suddenly feeling that he might be dreaming, and couldn't help pinching himself, but he didn't wake up.

This is reality!

Right in front of him, a terrifying wild boar demon was punched to death by Chu Liang!

The whole mountain forest became quiet.

Everyone present, no matter what their previous mentality was, was stunned at this moment, staring at the pig demon that fell to the ground in stunned silence.

They thought about countless possibilities, but they never thought it would be so shocking.

One punch!

Are Chu Liang's fists made of fine iron?

"This Chu Liang...is he a genius or a monster?" The kicking master of the Black Sword Martial Arts School couldn't help but speak, his face full of disbelief, expressing the thoughts of everyone present.

In the entire history of the county, there has never been a figure like Chu Liang.

The younger generation is considered a genius if they can condense one qi and blood. Two qi and blood are the geniuses among geniuses. Only a few people can condense the third qi and blood, such as the senior brother Qi from the Black Sword Martial Arts Hall. Sheng.

The county lacks resources and no one can go further and reach a higher level.

This has become the consensus of almost everyone.

Even if Chu Liang defeated Qi Sheng at the Qin family before, everyone just thought that he was highly skilled and his energy and blood should not be much stronger than Qi Sheng.

But today, Chu Liang didn't use any skills and simply used brute force to kill this huge wild boar monster!

His punch was so domineering that it directly shattered everyone's view of the county's genius.

"He...he became stronger again..."

Gao Shi looked at Chu Liang blankly, with an earthy face, lost in thought, and murmured in a low voice.

They hadn't seen each other for just a few days, and the gap between him and Chu Liang had widened once again.

Facing the wild boar demon, he did not dare to fight head-on. He could only harass it from the side, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not cause any harm to it.

But Chu Liang didn't even draw the knife, he just used a fist to kill the wild boar demon.

This gap was so big that Gao Shi despaired.

Gao Shi asked himself, if he were Qin Yuandao, he would also bet on Chu Liang and make Chu Liang the son-in-law of the Qin family.

He stayed where he was, his eyes were lifeless, as if his spine had been taken away, and his whole body was exhausted. He murmured: "What can I do, Miss Qin... Is it possible that I will never have a chance to meet Miss Qin in this life?" …”

"Master Gao, are you okay?" Next to him, the master guard responsible for protecting Gao Shi asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just..."

Gao Shi looked gloomy, shook his head, his voice became weaker and weaker, and he didn't want to say anything anymore.

At this moment, a hearty laughter sounded.

"Okay! A hero comes from a young boy! As expected of Young Master Chu, he killed this wild boar monster with one punch!"

Several warriors wearing black clothes and black masks came from a distance.

This outfit is familiar to everyone.

Black market people!

The leader said loudly: "Young Master Chu is a swordsman, but he killed this beast with four qi and blood without even using his sword. No wonder the master of the shop values ​​you so much, and even specially ordered me to give it to you." An amnesty order came."

Chu Liang looked over and recognized the man's voice. He was indeed the one who had sent him the amnesty order before.

The man smiled and said, "Young Master Chu, my real name is He Chen. I am the deputy owner of the black market in the county. This is not the first time we have met."

Chu Liang nodded: "Yes."

"Young Master Chu, are you interested in selling this monster?" He Chen asked.

"Yes, this thing is too heavy, I am too lazy to take it away." Chu Liang said.

"Haha, that's easy!"

He Chen smiled and immediately asked someone to take out two silver bills, one of which was a large bill of ten thousand taels of silver, and the other was two thousand.

He didn't waste any words and said directly: "Twelve thousand taels, buy the body of this wild boar monster, what do you think, Young Master Chu?"

"Okay." Chu Liang agreed.

"Do you want to draw up a contract?" He Chen asked again

"No need, it's too troublesome." Chu Liang shook his head.

"Haha, Young Master Chu is straightforward!"

He Chen laughed heartily and immediately handed the two silver bills to Chu Liang, asking his men to clean up the body of the wild boar monster.

The wild boar demon was so huge that its flesh and blood alone weighed several tons. If it was sold at the normal price of one tael of silver per pound, it could be sold for nearly ten thousand taels.

Moreover, there were many valuable parts on his body, such as fangs, heart, liver, skin, etc., which were simply full of treasures.

The black market did not lose money in this transaction.

Chu Liang did not lose money either, he just passed by and punched him.

"Young Master Chu, with your current vision, you probably don't care about the treasures in the county black market, even if you have money, you have nowhere to spend it."

He Chen suddenly changed the subject and said to Chu Liang: "If you have time, you can come to the black market in the prefecture city to have a look, maybe you can find the treasure you like. To be honest, the owner and I are both registered in the prefecture city, but we were assigned to the black market in this county."

"I see." Chu Liang nodded, "When this matter is over, I will definitely go to the black market in the prefecture city to have a look."

Chu Liang had already thought that he should change all the things on him.

After chatting for a few more words, He Chen said goodbye.

He asked some of his men to return with the body of the wild boar demon, and he took another part of his men to go deeper.

Chu Liang glanced at the rest of the people present, then turned around and planned to leave.

But at this moment, a young disciple from the Black Sword Martial Arts School suddenly shouted: "Young Master Chu, I am willing to follow you!"

He hurried over with a sincere look on his face.

The others reacted immediately and shouted one after another.

"Young Master Chu, I am also willing to follow you!"

"I am willing to sign a contract with you!"

"Young Master Chu, take me on the road with you, I have the strength of two blood and qi, I can help you, carry the spoils for you, and deal with troubles for you!"

"Young Master Chu..."

All kinds of voices were like a wave, instantly drowning Chu Liang.

These people all saw that Chu Liang had fully grown up, and his strength was comparable to that of the masters of the older generation, and it was almost impossible for him to die.

And he was still alone, without even a single subordinate!

As long as you can follow him at this time, you can become his first batch of team members, and the future will definitely be bright!

But Chu Liang just shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I know what you all mean, but I am used to acting alone and don't want to have followers for the time being."

"For the time being? What about in the future?"

"Young Master Chu, you must remember me, I am a disciple of the Black Sword Martial Arts School, my name is Qi Xun!"

"And I..."

These people seemed to have not heard Chu Liang's refusal, and they shouted more vigorously.

Chu Liang had no choice but to deal with a few words casually, and then hurried away.

He was very fast, and with a swish, he disappeared in the depths of the jungle in an instant.

The people behind him wanted to catch up, but before they could act, Chu Liang's figure had disappeared, and they were all dumbfounded.

"What a fast speed!"

This powerful body speed once again shocked everyone.

In the back, Gao Shi looked dejected.

His eyes were dim, he glanced at the direction where Chu Liang disappeared, then turned around and said to the guards: "Let's go back to the county government office."

The guards were surprised: "Mr. Gao, aren't you going to grab the opportunity?"

"No, no..."

Gao Shi shook his head sadly: "I just want to go back and rest, let's go."

Seeing this, the guards looked at each other, and it was not easy to say anything, so they could only leave with him.

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