Luck is a mysterious and mysterious thing.

Geniuses always seem to have better luck than ordinary people, and their probability of getting unexpected opportunities is greater than ordinary people.

There is a rumor among warriors - if you can kill a genius, you can get part of his luck and forcibly change your destiny.

This rumor is not unfounded. There are some notorious demons in the world who specialize in hunting down geniuses and enhance their own strength by snatching opportunities from geniuses.

According to themselves, their luck did get much better after killing those geniuses.

The more you kill, the better your luck!

Of course, basically everything the devil says cannot be believed.

Most warriors felt that they said this deliberately in order to stir up grudges and encourage masters from major sects and aristocratic families to hunt down the geniuses of other forces, thereby disrupting the entire empire.

But there are always some people who believe this rumor.

Even if you don't believe it, there is no harm in killing a genius. After all, it is possible to get the opportunity from the genius.

"Hehe, this Chu Liang is the number one genius in the county. Even the leader of the county martial arts alliance is optimistic about him. His luck should not be too bad."

"Can you please give me some face and let me get to know him personally?"

"That's not okay. Whoever grabs it belongs to whomever!"

These Fucheng warriors looked greedy and did not take Chu Liang seriously at all. They seemed to have regarded Chu Liang as fish on the chopping board and even started to discuss the distribution.

The one with the strongest energy and blood among them stepped forward and sneered: "Chu Liang, do you know our identities?"

Chu Liang shook his head: "I don't know."

"We are warriors from Bishui Villa in Fucheng. My name is Nangong Yu." The man added, "The reason why I tell you is to make you understand and not die in confusion."


Chu Liang responded calmly.

He was not very interested in the identities of these Fucheng warriors. They were all dead souls anyway.

Several disciples from the Dragon Snake Martial Arts Hall nearby caught Chu Liang's attention because one of them looked very similar to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is the second disciple of Master Ye, and he has competed with Qi Xiuliang in the ring before.

"Who is Ye Hao?" Chu Liang asked the man.

"Young Master Chu, my name is Ye Nan, and Ye Hao is my cousin." The man's voice was hoarse, his breath was weak, his body was covered with scars, and he was covered in blood.

"Where are Ye Hao and Master Ye? Didn't your Dragon Snake Martial Arts School act together?" Chu Liang asked again.


Ye Nan opened his mouth and was about to answer.

But Nangong Yu smiled coldly and interrupted him: "Of course they acted together, they were just beaten up and fled by us!"

"Yes, it's just a group of prey, so what if we stick together?" Another person laughed.

"No matter how many lambs cuddle together, they are still no match for the wolf!"

These warriors from Bishui Villa laughed out loud with wanton smiles.

They believe that their strength is tyrannical and their words are arrogant. They use lambs to describe the warriors in the county.

Nangong Yu showed a cruel look on his face, raised the bloody scimitar in his hand, and said: "Chu Liang, the Ye Hao and Master Ye you mentioned are probably dead now. Maybe even their bodies have been eaten by the wild beasts here. Eat clean!”


Chu Liang moved his eyes and looked at this person.

Bishui Villa.

Chu Liang had heard Qin Yu introduce this force before.

It's called Villa, but it's actually a family. There are four people in the Skin Refining Realm, and the patriarch Nangong Han is a master in the late Skin Refining Realm.

You know, there are only four skin refining realms in the entire county.

This Nangong Yu is one of the geniuses cultivated by Bishui Villa. He has condensed three strands of Qi and blood. His weapons are advanced treasures and his martial arts are top-notch martial arts that cannot be learned in the county. His strength can be imagined.

In the entire county, apart from Chu Liang and Qin Yu, most likely only Qi Sheng from the Black Sword Martial Arts School was his opponent.

"Let's do this, Chu Liang, I'll give you a chance."

Nangong Yu suddenly said: "You don't have to die. As long as you hand over the movement and martial arts you just performed, and hand over the other opportunities, we can spare you. These few people around you The disciples of Dragon Snake Martial Arts School can also leave."

Another person also said: "Yes, Chu Liang, this opportunity is rare. I will give you ten breaths, so you can think about it carefully."

"Don't think you can escape with your physical skills. Our tracking skills will let you know what despair means."

These warriors from Bishui Villa spoke one after another with playful eyes, as if they were teasing their prey.

Several of them moved their steps slightly, seemingly relaxed, but in fact they were keeping a close eye on Chu Liang. Once Chu Liang made any movement to escape, they would immediately take action and intercept Chu Liang!

Hearing this, Chu Liang remained calm, but several disciples at the Dragon Snake Martial Arts School felt cold.

Chu Liang's appearance did surprise them for a moment.

But they soon realized that Chu Liang was just a genius in the county. Whether it was martial arts, martial arts or advanced weapons, it was difficult to compare with these talented warriors in Fucheng.

"Young Master Chu, we are the ones who have caused you trouble." Ye Nan sighed, wiped off the blood on his face, and clenched the sword tightly, knowing that he would die here.

Several other disciples of the Dragon Snake Martial Arts School had a glimmer of hope.

They looked at Chu Liang, opened their mouths, struggled in their hearts, and showed hesitation on their faces.

As long as Chu Liang hands over his body and martial arts skills, maybe Nangong Yu and others will really keep their promise and let them leave.

Ye Nan glanced at a few people, shook his head and said: "Junior brothers, don't take any chances. The way out is earned through hard work, not given by others. Do you really think these mad dogs will let us go? Hold on to your swords. , maybe I can get a back support later!”

"Hey, you're an interesting kid!" Nangong Yu stared at Ye Nan with interest, "Well, I'll give you a chance, as long as you kneel down, kowtow, and call me daddy a few times, even if Chu Liang doesn't pay, Given his opportunity, I can let you go."

In the face of death, any hope of life will be infinitely magnified, even if it is just a straw, it will be regarded as a strong and tough rein.

If it were another warrior, he might actually kneel down for this chance of survival.

But Ye Nan's temper was somewhat similar to that of Pavilion Master Ye. He smiled disdainfully: "Nangong Yu, is it possible that your heirs are all dead and you can't hear their voices, so you want to hear others call you dad?"

"you wanna die!"

Nangong Yu suddenly became furious and his evil spirit rose.

He raised the scimitar in his hand, his energy and blood surged, and he immediately walked towards Ye Nan with murderous intent.

Chu Liang held the long knife in his hand and moved at this moment.

Nangong Yu's breath was fierce and he shouted: "Chu Liang, do you think you can stop me? I am..."


Before he finished speaking, the blade had arrived!

Nangong Yu's eyes bulged, and a trace of panic appeared on his face. His whole body was suddenly broken into two parts from the waist and fell to the ground. The strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.


The expressions of the other warriors in Bishui Villa changed drastically.

Before they could react, a bright bloody sword flashed across their eyes.

The blade is cold and sweeps across the area!

An instant later, heads with fearful expressions flew up and fell heavily to the ground.

Their eyes were bulging, and they never imagined that they would encounter a monster like Chu Liang in this barren county.


Chu Liang pulled off a rag, casually wiped the blood on the knife, and then looked at Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu was not dead yet, but was cut in half. He could still live in pain for a minute or two.

"Chu Liang... you... what kind of monster are you?" His face was pale, his voice was trembling, and he felt a deep fear in the pain.

He thought he was a hunter, but it wasn't until Chu Liang drew his sword that he realized that he was not even a prey!

At most, it was just an ant blocking the road, and was trampled to death by Chu Liang at will.

"The county could this small place...have someone like you..."

His breath weakened and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Chu Liang ignored him and turned his head to look at Ye Nan and several other Long Snake Martial Arts disciples.

At this moment, all the expressions on the faces of Ye Nan and others have been replaced by shock. They are almost sluggish, looking at the dead enemies, their minds are blank.

Ye Nan opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but no words could express the shock in his heart.

"Chu... Young Master Chu... you..."

"Why are you stuttering too?"

Chu Liang chuckled and asked him with a smile.

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