"Just put it here..."

Zhang Yao took the earth god fetus out of the storage bag and placed it in the ground.

In this hundred-foot-deep underground, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to dig into it; the spiritual consciousness of monks in the foundation-building period cannot penetrate and detect it;

Unless it is the continental plates squeezed and collided, which brought about hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years of orogeny; or there is a top-level power that makes this place turn upside down.

But these two situations can basically be ignored.

Therefore, the underground here should be very safe.

Zhang Yao hesitated for a moment, then took out ten more earth soul crystals, and placed them on the side of the earth god's fetus.

"Earth soul crystallization, two pieces are enough for me to keep."

"If you really die in the outside world, then these earth soul crystals may be equivalent to ten lives..."

Zhang Yao took one last look at the Divine Embryo of the Earth, then turned and left.

A moment later, he drove the escape light, walked through the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, all the way north.

"We must not go to the world of cultivating immortals in Weiguo."

"Although more than 50 years have passed, there is a high probability that Tianbaolou is still there. The foundation-building monks of the Ouyang family and the Chu family may still be alive."

While flying away, Zhang Yao thought to himself:

"Let's go to another place. Cangguo or Liguo are fine, and the distance is not too far."

"In the past so many years, it is impossible for Tianbaolou to offer rewards for me in various countries, and besides, I am still in a changed state..."


Seven days later.

Zhang Yao crossed the four barren belts and came to the country of Li.

With his current magic power, hundreds of miles of barren belt can be traversed in one go without consuming spirit stones.

The higher the cultivation base, the smaller the impact of the barren zone.

When Zhang Yao was in Qingyunfang City in Weiguo, he knew about the world of cultivating immortals in neighboring Cangguo and Liguo.

The state of Li was similar to the state of Wei, but the most powerful was not the sect or family, but the "Wanhe League" formed by the country's casual cultivators.

The founder of the Wanhe League, "Wanhe Taoist", is a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, and can be regarded as the number one powerhouse in the world of cultivating immortals in several nearby countries.

"It's been so many years, I don't know if Li Guoxiu's world has changed much..."

Zhang Yaofei fled in the sky, thinking secretly in his heart.

Sects and aristocratic families can be passed on from generation to generation, but loose alliances are difficult to pass on. If Taoist Wanhe dies, the Wanhe League will also fall apart.

In addition to the Wanhe League, the main forces in the world of cultivating immortals in Liguo are Tiandunzong and Mangshan Li's. Both of them have foundation-building monks sitting in their towns, and there are more than one.

Compared with the five major powers of the Wei state, the foundation building forces of the Li state were generally stronger.

"Go to Mangshanfang City to take a look first."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao slightly accelerated the speed of escaping light.

In the world of cultivating immortals in Li country, there are only a few small spiritual veins, and the only square city is in the spiritual veins of Mount Mang, which belongs to the Li family.

Two days later, Zhang Yao traveled more than three thousand miles and came to Mount Mang in the middle of Li Kingdom.

Mount Mang is majestic, towering into the clouds, with a magnificent atmosphere. The spirit vein is located on the highest Tianding Peak, and it is cloudy and misty all the year round.

Zhang Yao controlled the escape light, penetrated the misty clouds and landed on a winding mountain road.

He looked up and saw a small mountain city rising from the ground, with winding roads inside and buildings on both sides of varying heights.

"Compared with Qingyunfang City, it really is quite different."

Zhang Yao wandered around with great interest, looking at the bustling scene in Fangshi.

The scale of Mangshanfang City is slightly larger than that of Qingyunfang City. There are many Qi Refining monks coming and going, and there are also idle stalls, occupying a whole street.

Zhang Yao came to the street, and while picking things at the stalls, he chatted nonsense and inquired about news about Li Guoxiu's world.

After a while, Zhang Yao secretly said in his heart:

"Sure enough, Wanhe League is gone..."

More than 20 years ago, Wanhe Dao Life was completely destroyed, and Wanhe League soon collapsed under the joint suppression of Tiandunzong and Mangshan Li's.

The small spiritual veins they occupied, as well as resources such as minerals and spiritual fields, were all divided up by the two families.

Since then, Li Guoxiu's world has become a situation where two dragons are fighting each other. The two major forces have launched a fierce battle, but they have not yet torn their faces, and it is generally stable.

"This fellow Taoist..."

Zhang Yao thought about it, and then asked the stall owner about Tianbaolou's recruitment order.

"A recruitment order from Tianbao Building?"

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange expression:

"This is your old calendar from so many years ago."

"I remember that the recruitment order for Tianbao Building was canceled more than 40 years ago, and it lasted for about ten years in total."

Speaking of this time, he couldn't help showing a trace of emotion:

"But speaking of it, this is indeed a major event in the world of cultivating immortals in the southwestern countries."

"I was still young at the time, only in my teens, but I remember that there were a lot of ups and downs, and there was a sensation..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianbaolou's recruitment order has been canceled for more than forty years, which means that the matter has subsided a long time ago, and it is basically impossible for anyone to pay attention to him.

To be honest, when a few foundation-building cultivators teamed up and spent several months planning for his small mid-stage Qi refining, he still felt that it was outrageous so far.

"Then thank you, fellow daoist."

Zhang Yao thanked politely, turned and left.

"Hey, you've been talking nonsense for a long time, and you don't buy anything?"

The stall owner behind him shouted angrily and cursed:

"Who are they? It's become common to go whoring for nothing..."

After a while.

After inquiring about the news, Zhang Yao had a new plan in mind.

He first came to the management office of Mangshanfang City, spent ten spirit stones, and first rented a cave for a year.

Immediately afterwards, he sold the mid-level and low-level magic weapons on his body, got hundreds of spirit stones, and then bought a lot of talismans and formation-related classics.

In the cave:

"Well, with the help of these classics, I will be able to open a shop in a year at most."

Zhang Yao checked the jade slip in his hand, showing a hint of satisfaction.

In the Qi refining stage, he needs two spiritual objects, namely Tianyi Golden Water and Millennium Chalcedony.

The former is used to build the 'Vajra Maramita Array'; the latter is used to build the 'Tianxuan Mingyu Array'.

"Tianyi Jinshui is okay, it's not too expensive, but it's hard to find."

"Thousand-year-old chalcedony is relatively rare. There is a high probability that there is no such thing in Li Guoxiu's world..."

In Zhang Yao's mind, he kept thinking:

Whether it is looking for Tianyi Golden Water or Millennium Chalcedony, it will definitely require a lot of spirit stones to exchange, unless he is ready to grab them.

Therefore, after learning about the basic situation of Li Guoxiu's world, he planned to open a shop to sell high-level talismans and help people arrange formations.

As a monk who refines the formation and enters the body, formations and spirit patterns are old-fashioned.

The three major formations in "Wanhua Du Tianzhen Jing" are all the top-level formations in the first-order difficulty. If he can successfully get started, it means that the formations are already very high.

What is lacking now is nothing more than some basic and general formation knowledge.

As far as the level of talisman is concerned, it is currently a little bit worse, but after a lot of hard work, there must be no problem in refining high-level talisman.

"In Qingyunfang City, the talisman masters who can refine high-level talismans all make a lot of money."

"As for the formation master, the status is higher and the income is higher. It is no problem to earn hundreds of spirit stones a year."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao's thoughts became clearer:

"While opening the shop, I am looking for two great spirits."

"If you're lucky, within a few years at most, you should be able to get news of Tianyi Jinshui..."

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