Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 106: Start with Jinshui and take advantage of the trend to break through (two in one)

the next day.

Zhang Yao controlled the flying sword, turned into a cyan streamer, and left Mangshanfang City.

After opening the shop for many years, because he didn't need to spend spirit stones and spirit pills to practice, he also accumulated a lot of wealth, and even replaced Feijian with high-end products.

He headed west all the way to Huanhe mountain in the west of Li country, where a miniature spiritual vein was located.

"Huanhe Mountain..."

Zhang Yao galloped all the way, his expression revealing a thoughtful expression.

"I remember the Huanhe Mountain Spirit Vein, was it occupied by the Fang family before?"

"Now that they have changed people, there is a high probability that the Fang family will suffer more than good luck, and the end will be bad..."

When he thought of this, he didn't really care.

The ups and downs of the world of cultivating immortals are really too normal, even the forces at the foundation level cannot last long.


A cyan streamer pierces the sky.

Zhang Yao deliberately controlled the speed, and after several hours, he managed to cross more than a thousand miles and arrived at Huanhe Mountain in the west of Li Country.

The Huang family, who currently occupy Huanhe Mountain, sensed the movement of Feijian Duguang, and someone immediately came to greet him.

Several streaks of light came across the sky, and the leader was the short and fat old man from yesterday.

"The old man of the Huang clan."

"Master Zhang, you are here, please hurry up."

Under the enthusiastic leadership of several members of the Huang family, Zhang Yao entered the Lingmai Land of Huanhe Mountain.

The entire land surrounding the Lingmai Mountain is a circle larger than Wuyin Island, and it is full of palaces and houses of various colors, many of which are newly built.

There are about dozens of immortal cultivators in the entire Huang family, including men, women, and children. The head is an old man who has perfected Qi refining, but he is in retreat, and currently several clan elders are in charge.

"The aura environment here is not bad..."

Zhang Yao felt the aura surrounding the spiritual veins of the mountain, and nodded secretly.

Although they were all miniature spiritual veins, after all, they were in the country of Li, and the overall environment was better. Naturally, the spiritual energy was much more abundant than Tiandu Mountain and Wuyin Island.

There are still twenty or thirty such miniature spiritual veins in Li country, all of which are occupied by various small sects and aristocratic families.

"Master Zhang, please take a seat!"

Several elders of the Huang family specially held a banquet to welcome Zhang Yao.

At the banquet, after enjoying a lot of Danwan Yulu and spirit fruit wine, several people mentioned the origin of the Huang family in the casual chat.


Zhang Yao looked a little surprised: "So your family is from Weiguo?"


An old man from the Huang family with a thick beard drank a glass of wine and said casually:

"Actually, there's nothing to hide."

"Our Huang family comes from the Golden Valley Sect. The old man of our family is the law enforcement elder of the Golden Valley Sect. He used to be considered a high-ranking authority."

"It's just that today's Jin Guzong is scattered because of the fallen trees. We can only lead our younger generations to leave our hometown and come to Li Kingdom to take root..."

The short and fat old man on the side couldn't help sighing, put down his glass and said:

"Decades ago, who would have imagined that we would face today's situation..."

After hearing their narration, Zhang Yao gradually understood:

Decades ago, the Tianbao Building's recruitment order shook the world of cultivating immortals in the southwestern countries, so many disturbances broke out.

The turmoil in the world of cultivating immortals in Weiguo also happened because of this.

After Qian Le, several major forces in Weiguo searched for it for a few years, and finally the Loose Cultivation Alliance found another mortal with five spiritual roots by virtue of its large number of people.

For this mortal, several major powers coveted it, and after several games, a head-on conflict broke out. In a chaotic battle, the red eye was ignited, and the fuse of the all-out war was ignited, and the situation was out of control. .

After more than ten years of turmoil:

The Sanxiu Alliance collapsed, the Qinglian Sect was destroyed, and the Ouyang family, the Chu family, and the Jingu Sect were all seriously injured.

Ten years later, the Ouyang family in charge of Qingyunfang City, and the Chu family fought internally. The Ouyang family hid their secrets. At the most critical moment, a second foundation cultivator suddenly appeared and wiped out the Chu family in one fell swoop.

At this point, Weiguo's world of cultivating immortals has officially entered a situation where the two powers compete for hegemony.

It's just that this situation didn't last long. Jin Guzong's casualties in the battle were too heavy, causing the upper-level power to be weak.

Half a year ago, the only Foundation Establishment cultivator of the Golden Valley Sect died of old age, and the entire sect quickly disintegrated. The major factions and families divided up the sect's inheritance and all ran away.

"I see……"

Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and he said:

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a big change in Weiguo's world of cultivating immortals..."

The origin of the Huang family also relieved one of his doubts.

The Golden Valley Sect is a foundation-building sect, and the entire sect's main practice is Jinxing Gongfa. It is too normal for the sect to reserve Jinxing spiritual objects in advance.

And this part of the golden spirit, including Tianyi Jinshui, probably fell into the hands of the Huang family when the inheritance was divided up.

Zhang Yao pondered for a while, and said in his mouth:

"So, in the current world of cultivating immortals in Weiguo, the Ouyang family is considered to be the dominant family?"

"It's not."

Another clan elder shook his head and said:

"A few years ago, a foreign foundation-building cultivator was born. Once again, he gathered many casual cultivators, small families, and small sects, and established an alliance."

"This foundation-building cultivator is in the middle stage of foundation-building, and the Ouyang family is not sure how to deal with him. At present, the two families are barely maintaining a balance of power."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, not surprised.

The various organizations in the world of cultivating immortals are fundamentally different from ordinary people's courts, government, gangs and other organizations.

The former is because of the situation, and the latter is because of the situation.

In addition to the blood-related families, some sects and loose alliances are largely the private property of high-ranking monks, tools used to help them practice.

This is true for the Wanhe Alliance, and the same is true for the new alliance of Weiguo. The power itself is not important, but the controller is important.


After the welcome banquet, Zhang Yao began to work busy.

The large formation covering the entire spirit vein is a typical composite formation, which is a test of the formation method of the formation master.

First of all, it is necessary to measure the spiritual pulse and determine the node where the spiritual energy gathers, which is the foundation of the formation.

Secondly, it is necessary to plan the layout of formations in advance, and adopt a serial nesting method to make different formations form a whole.

In the end, it is the real hands-on laying of materials, construction of the formation, and the completion of the entire composite formation bit by bit.

This process took a long time, not to mention the remuneration of the formation masters and the materials for laying the formations, which are huge costs. Most small families and small sects are simply not capable of laying out the formations.

More than two months later.

"Well, the laying has been basically completed..."

Zhang Yao checked the progress of the formation in the Huanhe Mountain Spirit Vein, showing a hint of satisfaction.

For more than two months, he has lived in the spiritual vein of Huanhe Mountain. The treatment provided by the Huang family is very good, and the service is very considerate.

The monks of the entire Huang family were busy running around under his command, and several clan elders worked hard, so that the progress of laying the formation could be brought to an end in a short period of time.

"There are three more days, and the work will be over."

"I've been waiting for Tianyi Golden Water for almost ten years, and I'm finally getting it..."

Zhang Yao was in a very good mood.

Array Master is a typical high-end job, and belongs to the type that takes everything from head to head.

Only after you have mastered the first-order formations and are qualified to arrange the spirit-gathering formations and compound formations, will someone come to invite you to set up the formations.

If this level of proficiency is replaced by Zhang Yao's panel progress, it is estimated to be above 90%.

It is estimated that there are not five fingers in the entire Li country's immortal cultivation world, but only formation masters of this level can earn Lingshi.

Therefore, array masters are either poor apprentices or well-paid masters, and there is no middle class at all.

"Expulsion, early warning, trapping, fascination, protection, killing, gathering spirits, locking spirits..."

Zhang Yao checked it carefully, and confirmed that there are no problems with the formations around the Lingmai land around the mountain.

The entire formation is formed by nesting and combining eight different formations. The connection structure between each other is very precise, and the slightest change will fail.

However, with his formation skills and formation methods, the probability of accidents is still very small.

"Elder of the four clans."

Zhang Yao found the short and fat old man, and said in a deep voice:

"The formation of the mountain gate around the mountain is basically completed."

"Small Gathering Spirit Formation is the core of this set of formations. I have already laid the materials, but there is still one thing missing..."

As he spoke, he took out a translucent jade pillar and handed it over:

"This is the core center of manipulating the formation, and now it will be handed over to you."

"According to the rules of our industry, the laws and regulations of the core center are all imposed by the customers themselves, and it is inconvenient for us to intervene."

"Three days later, I will officially activate the formation, and you need to complete the arrangement of the core bans during this period."


Hearing this, the short and fat old man quickly took the translucent jade pillar and said with a smile:

"Master Zhang, don't worry, we all understand the rules."

The mountain gate formation is related to one's own life and death, it can be said to be the lifeline.

No matter how good the reputation of the formation mage is, it is impossible to hand it over to the other party. Therefore, the most important core center's law prohibition is done by himself.

In the long inheritance of the world of cultivating immortals, a general rule has long been subtly formed.

It is impossible for a family or sect who can afford to hire a formation master to arrange a mountain gate formation for themselves, and it is impossible to say that they do not know anything about spirit patterns and formations.

"Well, then as soon as possible."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly.

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, the short and fat old man left in a hurry, obviously wanting to hand over the central core to the old man of the Huang family.

"This thing is just to fool laymen..."

Looking at his back, Zhang Yao shook his head secretly.

It's like changing locks in the mortal world, saying that they have given you all the keys, but in fact, if you really want to enter your house, there are ways.

As a formation mage who laid and built the formation with one hand, he knows the spirit pattern formations everywhere, and he can sneak into Huanhe Mountain quietly without disturbing the central law prohibition.

Therefore, forces with a slightly larger scale will train their own formation masters, so that they can be completely at ease and eliminate hidden dangers.

"The Huang family may not know this truth, but they have no choice."

"It is better to have formation protection, early warning, and obstruction than no formation. The unlucky Fang family may be a lesson from the past..."

As long as they don't mess with the formation mages, they won't just sneak into the formations that have been set up.

After all, once this kind of thing is discovered, the formation master will basically be ruined.


Three days passed in a flash.


Accompanied by a humming and trembling, the formation covering the entire Linghe Mountain Spiritual Vein was officially activated.

A faint purple brilliance rose up, like wisps of light gauze and thin smoke, floating in the sky above Huanhe Mountain.


A smile appeared on Zhang Yao's face.

The many monks of the Huang family on the side were also rejoicing, and several clan elders were relieved.

With the protection of the formation, even if they are besieged by several monks who have perfected their energy, they still have enough time to evacuate and flee far away, and their safety has greatly improved.

It can be said that with this formation, the Huang family can truly take root in Li Guo's world of cultivating immortals.

"Master Zhang, thank you very much!"

"Yes, Master Zhang has made great achievements!"

A group of monks from the Huang family surrounded him, with expressions of gratitude.

"Don't dare to do it, it's Zhang's job."

Zhang Yao's attitude is very humble.

"Master Zhang, please follow me..."

Several clan elders invited Zhang Yao aside with a smile, and took out the rewards they had prepared long ago.

"Here are one hundred spirit stones and one sky gold water, Master Zhang please count them."

The chunky old man handed over a storage bag.

Zhang Yao's eyes lit up, he took the storage bag, and his mana entered it, his thoughts swept across.

In the storage bag: a hundred spirit stones are neatly arranged, and there is a special round vessel that looks like a water basin.

The whole body of the 'basin' is black, made of some special stone, and inside is a pure golden liquid, like golden mercury.

"Sure enough, it's Tianyi Jinshui."

After Zhang Yao confirmed that it was correct, he withdrew his mana and smiled.

A while later, under the warm hospitality of the elders of the Huang family, Zhang Yao finished his last farewell banquet and left Huanhe Mountain in a hurry.

Flying all the way back to Mangshanfang City, Zhang Yao couldn't wait to return to the cave, hung up a sign saying "closed door to thank guests", and stepped into the quiet room of practice.

In the quiet room, Zhang Yao took off his robe, naked, and sat cross-legged on the futon.

In the black stone vessel on the side, there is a full twenty taels of Tianyi golden water, emitting a faint golden light.


Zhang Yao took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

"let's start!"

As soon as the mind moves, the mana responds.

The magic power in the Qi veins flowed out, driving a trace of Tianyi golden water, which fell on the surface of Zhang Yao's skin.

At this moment, the mana constantly fluctuated, fixing Tianyi Jinshui into the shape of a secret mantra.


There was a sound like a branding iron touching the skin, and the golden water dissipated in the sky, and a golden secret spell appeared on Zhang Yao's chest.

Zhang Yao's thoughts turned again, and he continued to connect Tianyi Jinshui with mana, and it fell on his body continuously, outlining different secret mantras.

The Vajra Maramita Mantra Formation is a little more difficult than the Five Elements Yunling Formation.

But now he possesses mana and moves with his heart, which is far easier than manipulating aura with his mind, so there is almost no failure rate for inscribing spirit patterns.

As long as the materials are settled, the rest is Yimapingchuan.

After a few days.

In the quiet room, the golden light is dazzling and resplendent.

"Keng Keng..."

Zhang Yao punched each other with his fists, and there was a sound like heavy metal impacting. His body seemed to be separated from the mortal body, and became the golden body of Arhat like vajra glass.

He swayed all over and restrained his mana, the golden light dissipated immediately, and the 3600 secret mantras also dissipated.

"You're done!"

There was a trace of sincere joy on Zhang Yao's face.

He didn't rush out of the test, but sat down cross-legged, swallowed the spiritual energy, and hit the seventh level of Qi refining.

"The big formation has been completed, break through the late stage of Qi refining, and it will be tonight!"

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