That afternoon.

The last wave of monks, driving the light, left Mangshanfang City before the curfew.

Zhang Yao also controlled the Flying Sword Escape Light, and quietly mixed among the monks, leaving the range of the formation all the way.

"No one stopped me, it seems safe."

After successfully leaving Fangshi and flying all the way for hundreds of miles, Zhang Yao let out a sigh of relief.

In the worst case, the Li family sent monks to keep an eye on him at all times to prevent him from escaping, and that would be a little troublesome.

But the probability of this is actually very small, after all, he doesn't even know the whole picture of the formation, so he can't threaten the Li family's interests at all.


Zhang Yao identified the direction, and immediately drove the Dunguang all the way north.

He had almost prepared for the trip to Dali in the north, and it didn't make much difference to start a few months in advance.

the other side.

The two Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Li family were discussing together:

"This idea should be feasible, but it is too difficult."

"I don't think it's good. The formation in the cave is too strong. It almost hurt us last time."

"That's true, but we don't have spiritual weapons such as breaking the formation plate and breaking the forbidden awl in our hands, so we can only use this stupid method..."

While discussing, the two checked the three jade slips and discussed the feasible strategies.

Li Yuanhui on the side stood respectfully with his arms tied, but he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart:

"It turns out that the two uncles found the cave of Master Wanhe..."

Dozens of years ago, Taoist Wanhe died, the Wanhe League fell apart, and the territory was divided between the Li family and the Tiandunzong.

But Daoist Wanhe is a casual cultivator, he has no descendants or direct disciples, and his legacy is missing.

The Tiandunzong and the Mangshan Li family had been secretly searching for the remains of the Wanhe Taoist throughout the Li Kingdom. It was not until a few days ago that the Mangshan Li family finally found something.

Taoist Wanhe's cave is hidden in a deep mountain, guarded by a tyrannical formation.

The two Foundation Establishment cultivators of the Li family tried to break through once, but they were almost injured in the formation. They retreated in embarrassment, and began to seek a way to break the formation.


The two Foundation Establishment monks discussed for a while, Li Changlin looked at Li Yuanhui, handed out two jade slips, and signaled:

"This is the way of Taoist Zhuo and that Master Zhang to break the formation, you can take a look."


Li Yuanhui nodded, took the two jade slips respectfully, and entered the mana to check them out.


After checking for a while, he couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and he murmured:

"There is still such a method, this person named Zhang really lives up to his reputation!"

Zhang Yao's attainments in formations have reached the second level, even if he hides his true level, he is still better than Li Yuanhui and Zhuo Taoist.

Such a result made Li Yuanhui's mood very complicated.

"You see it too?"

Li Changlin sighed with emotion, and said:

"Originally, we didn't pay much attention to the so-called Master Zhang, and the invitation to him was just incidental."

"Our real purpose is to test the level of Taoist Zhuo, but we didn't expect that Master Zhang is really amazingly talented."

"You have cultivated the way of formation for more than 80 years, and you have been cultivated by your family, but you are still inferior to this person."

"Uncle Nine is right."

Li Yuanhui's tone was a little low:

"Except for the guarding elders of the Tiandun Sect, this Master Zhang is probably the number one person in the Li Kingdom for his formation skills!"

"We want to break through the cave formation of Daoist Wanhe, and this person is also a rare helper."

"Not necessarily."

Another foundation-building patriarch of the Li family waved his hand and said:

"Daoist Wanhe back then was himself a formation master."

"That Taoist Zhuo has served under his command for many years, maybe he has got some true biography, that's why we value him so much."

"In the current situation, it is also possible that he deliberately hides his clumsiness..."

When Li Yuanhui heard this, he immediately understood.

The guarding elder of the Tiandun Sect, with the cooperation of the Foundation Establishment cultivators, was able to arrange a second-order formation. Although he was not well-known, his formation skills were truly the first in the country of Li.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, it is impossible for the Mangshan Li family to join forces with Tiandunzong.

Therefore, they pinned their hopes on Zhuo Taoist. No matter how high the level of that Master Zhang is, he is not a Tier 2 formation master after all, and he is not worthy of their serious treatment.

"Uncle Nine, Uncle Seven."

Li Yuanhui hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"Then what should we do next?"

Li Changlin pondered for a moment, and said:

"Uncle Qi and I are going to find another opportunity to secretly go to the cave in the deep mountain, and try to use these strategies to break the formation to test out more changes in the formation of the spirit pattern."

"The more complete the recorded formation map, the greater the chance of breaking the formation. This is destined to be a long-term process, and there is no rush."

Li Yuanhui couldn't help but nodded when he heard that.

The power of the second-order formation is too great, and Qi Refining cultivators will die if they enter the formation. If they stay outside the formation, they will not be able to see the change of the spirit pattern formation.

It is currently the safest way for the foundation-builder monks to test out gradually, and then crack it bit by bit, and it can also prevent the possibility of leaking secrets.


the next day.

Li Shi, who was secretly preparing the plan to break the formation, suddenly received an unexpected news.


When Li Changlin heard the report, he was astonished and said:

"Master Zhang is missing?"


The red-robed monk lowered his head and said:

"I made some inquiries and confirmed that he left Fangshi not long after he returned to the cave yesterday."

"No one noticed at first, and we didn't realize that something was wrong until his shop didn't open this morning."

"After we went to the management office to check, we found that no one has asked him to set up a formation recently. He left Fangshi suddenly, and he may have sneaked away in private..."

Li Changlin was quite speechless upon hearing this.

"This person is really..."

He didn't even know how to evaluate it.

Please crack the formation, it's not like using a knife or a gun, why is the reaction so violent?

Although he did consider the plan to kill people after successfully breaking the formation, isn't this a sign that he hasn't written yet?

"He didn't guess something, did he?"

Li Changlin thought about it again, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

After all, there are only a handful of second-tier formations in Li country, so it is entirely possible to guess something through clues.

But it's too late to regret it now. After a long time, it's definitely impossible to catch up.

"That's all."

Li Changlin waved his hand and said:

"We focused on that Taoist Zhuo, but we ignored him and let this cowardly man run away."

"But if you run away, just run away. It's not a second-order formation master. He is indispensable."

He said, gestured:

"You go down first."


The red-robed monk quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped back respectfully.

In Mangshanfang City:

Zhang Yao's sudden departure did cause some disturbances in the entire Fang City and even Li Guoxiu's world, but they soon subsided.

Years passed by, and not many years later, few people are still talking about the former Master Zhang.

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