"I do know a little inside information..."

Chen Qingju said, paused for a moment, and asked inquiringly:

"By the way, after talking for a long time, I still don't know what to call you fellow daoist."

Zhang Yao looked as usual, and replied:

"Next Zhang Qing."

"It turned out to be Daoyou Zhang."

Chen Qingju nodded as a signal, lowered her voice again, and said:

"I heard that the continuous growth of the Jiexiu gang in the past few decades is the result of the deliberate indulgence of several Jindan forces in the Dalixiu Immortal Realm."

"Intentionally indulge?"

Zhang Yao's expression moved, and his mind was filled with thoughts.


Chen Qingju nodded and continued:

"The robbery and repair gangs on the border of Dali have existed since ancient times, and they can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible."

"As long as monks from the southwestern countries continue to try to go north and enter Dali, there will never be a shortage of people who want to take risks and fight for a fairy road with their lives."

"In the past, the several major Jindan forces in Dali, although they were too lazy to take care of the border affairs, would attack them occasionally."

"But in the past one or two hundred years, they have almost stopped attacking border robbery repairs, and even since decades ago, there have been rumors that they are secretly supporting some robbery repair groups..."

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, squinted his eyes, and asked:

"Then is there evidence for this?"

In fact, he didn't care whether there was evidence or not.

So what if there is evidence?

A mere group of qi refining casual cultivators dare to confront the Jindan Patriarch?

But he suspected that Chen Qingju came to him, maybe because the drunkard didn't want to drink, so he made a tentative sentence.


Chen Qingju laughed, spread her hands and said:

"Is there evidence, does it matter to those of us?"

"Three days later, the northbound team will set off. The top priority is to ensure our safety so that we don't die in the barren belt."

Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then asked calmly:

"Then what is the best strategy for fellow Daoist Chen?"

"It's very simple."

Chen Qingju talked eloquently:

"I'm almost the first of this group of monks to come. I have observed more than a hundred monks who signed up."

"At present, besides you and me, there are three other monks who have perfected Qi refining. I also visited them one by one and persuaded them to act together."

"If the five of us work together and act together, it will be enough to ensure absolute safety in the process of crossing the barren zone!"

"Join together?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yao immediately waved his hand and said:

"That's unnecessary."

"Thank you Chen Daoyou for your kindness, but Zhang is used to being alone and doesn't fit in well."

At first glance, Chen Qingju's words were indeed very reasonable.

If there is still the risk of being besieged and killed by a single qi consummation monk, it is unlikely that the five qi consummation will be in danger if they join forces.

Even if it is a large robbery repair group, it will only wisely choose to give in when encountering such a powerful opponent, and will not gnaw on such a tough bone.

But Zhang Yao suspected that she had other schemes, so of course she couldn't ask for trouble.

Anyway, with his strength, with the cover of a large army, it is a sure thing to cross the barren belt.


Chen Qingju was stunned, as if she didn't expect Zhang Yao to refuse outright.

"Zhang Daoyou!"

She couldn't help persuading again:

"At present, if we act alone, the survival rate of monks who have completed Qi refining is indeed 70% to 80%."

"But if you are 100% sure, why take the risk? Anyway, we are all temporary partners, and once we arrive in Dali, we will part ways..."

"Fellow Daoist, there is no need to say any more."

Zhang Yao shook his head slowly, and said lightly:

"I've made up my mind."

Chen Qingju's complexion changed slightly, seeing Zhang Yao's firm attitude, so he didn't persuade him any more, and quickly left.

After she left, Zhang Yao returned to the Canyon Square City, picked an uninhabited cave on the upper cliff, and lived in it.


With a flick of his sleeve, a total of nine formation flags, one big and eight small, fell down, forming a complete formation to protect the entire cliff cave.

"Unexpectedly, behind the Jiexiu gang, there seems to be the support of Dali Jindan forces..."

Zhang Yao groaned and remained silent, thoughts surging in his mind.

This time he went to Dali, besides looking for the thousand-year-old chalcedony, he also had to try to obtain a foundation-building pill.

For a monk who has successfully refined Qi, the probability of success in building a foundation is affected by many aspects such as spiritual root aptitude, skill level, age status, spirit strength, etc.

He has almost no shortcomings in all aspects of his qualifications. Once he has refined the 'Tianxuan Mingyu Formation' and broken through to complete Qi refining, there is a 95% probability that he can succeed in building a foundation in one go.

The Foundation Establishment Pill is only used as an extra insurance just in case.

This kind of panacea has been improved by the sages of the past dynasties, and it has the best comprehensive effect among the panacea that assists foundation building. It can increase the probability of breakthrough by 30%, and at the same time, it can protect the Qi veins from being cut off.

And once the Qi meridian is cut off, it will immediately become a useless person.

Therefore, even if the Foundation Establishment Pill is not necessary to break through the Foundation Establishment Realm, no one will give up this opportunity if they have the ability and access to get it.

Zhang Yao himself would not give up this opportunity.

He began to think secretly:

"I remember hearing Lao Qi say that in the ten-year big auction in Tianbao Tower, there will always be Zhuji Pill as the auction item."

"This is also the only way to obtain Foundation Establishment Pills in Dali's Immortal Realm, but the price is very expensive..."

Foundation Establishment Pill is a second-tier panacea, and it is a special controlled resource. Only a few Jindan forces can produce it in a long-term and stable manner.

At the big auction, the price of each transaction of the Foundation Establishment Pill was basically around 50,000 to 60,000 spirit stones, which was an unaffordable huge sum of money for many Foundation Establishment cultivators.

"In the 20 years in Mangshanfang City, I earned nearly 13,000 spirit stones."

"After excluding the purchase of optical shields, thunder cones and kung fu classics, as well as some additional expenses, I still have around 7,000 spirit stones left. If I want to buy thousand-year-old chalcedony and take pictures of foundation building pills, the gap is huge. ..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, and gradually had a plan in his mind:

"Go to Dali first, and then continue to earn money or find other opportunities after gaining a firm foothold in the world of cultivating immortals."

"As for the northbound team this time, it seems to be a good opportunity..."

Among these robbing repair gangs, there must be no foundation-building monks.

If there was a Foundation Establishment cultivator showing up, even if it was only once, the casual cultivators gathered on the border of the Lu country would have already fled away in a swarm, and the gang of robbery cultivators would only be scattered.

Since it is confirmed that there are no foundation-building monks, with his current invincible strength in refining qi, as long as he is careful, he can completely turn those robbery cultivators into prey.

"Those robbing and repairing gangs are suspected to be backed by someone behind them, so it is definitely not possible to go there to kill them."

"But take this opportunity to fight back, and find a few robbery leaders who have perfected Qi refining to attack and eat black, it is still completely feasible."

Zhang Yao touched his chin, his eyes flickered:

"Who is the prey and who is the hunter? It's hard to say..."

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