The moment the spell is successfully cast:


The hourglass in the corner stopped flowing, and on the other side of the hall, two portals emerged amidst a roar.

The double door on the left is in the shape of a round arch, and there is a faint light behind it;

The one on the right is an ancient stone gate, square and upright, and there seems to be a passage behind it.

"The designer who has been hiding all day is really considerate..."

Seeing these two doors, Zhang Yao couldn't help smiling.

If you choose the door on the left, this trial will end directly, and you will be sent to the deepest part of the secret store to receive the prize.

If you choose the door on the right, you will continue to break through the battle, but if you fail in the middle, all the accumulated results will be invalidated, and there will be no prizes.


With Zhang Yao's sleeves rolled up, Shi Shi ran forward and pushed open the stone door on the right.

After the stone door was opened, there was a deep stone passage. On both sides of the wall, there were ancient bronze lamps every three feet, burning with blue flames.

"This is a bit like an underground tomb."

Zhang Yao walked along the passage for half an hour, and there was a faint light ahead.

He left the passage, and it suddenly became clear to him that there was a new hall filled with puppet figures of different shapes.

On the left side of the hall wall, there is another light curtain:

Progress first - codenamed 'Qing' (third level);

The second progress - code name 'Purple' (second level);

The third progress - code name 'red' (second level);

The fourth progress - code name 'Huang' (first level);

Progress fifth - code name 'Orange' (first level);

Zhang Yao glanced at it, his expression slightly changed:

"Unexpectedly, among the disciples of the Dongge Sect, some of them passed the third level, and they moved so fast."

"Either the strength is good, or the luck is very good..."

Seven Heavenly Capital Token Talismans, code-named with seven colors.

The Heavenly Capital Token Talisman in his hand is code-named 'Orange' and is currently the last one.

Only after breaking through the first hurdle can the challengers be eligible to be on the list, and at the same time see the specific rankings of themselves and the rest.

"The first level is a test of comprehension, which takes too much time."

Thoughts surged in Zhang Yao's mind:

"We have to speed up now."

Every challenger will receive corresponding prizes according to his performance in breaking through the formation.

But the final reward is still a fixed choice of Foundation Establishment Pill, Spirit Artifact, and Treasure Material. If he is a step late and someone else chooses the Foundation Establishment Pill, there will be twists and turns.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Just as Zhang Yao was thinking, there were bursts of sounds of machines turning and colliding in the hall.

The densely packed puppet figures all over the hall started to move one by one, with red light emitting from their eye sockets, staring straight at Zhang Yao.

"The art of organ puppets is also one of the twelve laws of Pingdu."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yao smiled slightly:

"This kind of test is exactly what I want."

Next moment:

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The long blue cone and the purple flying sword shot out loudly, the vibrating air roared and buzzed, and they rushed into the group of puppets.

Before many puppets could react, they were violently blasted and chopped off, their bodies were scattered into pieces, and they lost their fighting power directly.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Some of the puppets fought hard against the Thunder Cone and the Flying Sword, while the other part attempted to circle around and kill Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao stood with his hands behind his back, without moving his body, before those puppets could get close to him, they were completely killed by the blue electric light and purple sword light.

After just seven or eight breaths, the hall was full of wreckage, and there was no longer a standing puppet mechanism.

These puppets are actually not weak in combat power, and they are also proficient in the method of combining attacks in battle formations. If other raiders come across them, they will inevitably have a headache—unless they are lucky and happen to be practicing the puppet spells in the Twelve Methods of Pingdu .

However, what they met was Zhang Yao. Under the huge difference in strength, they couldn't even touch Zhang Yao's clothes, and they were already crushed to pieces.


On the opposite side of the hall, two familiar portals emerged.

Zhang Yao flicked his sleeve robe, walked forward quickly, and pushed open the second stone door.


The third pass, the fourth pass, the fifth pass...

The barriers one after another were easily broken by Zhang Yao, and the momentum was extremely fast.

After the most troublesome test of comprehension, Zhang Yao has a huge advantage in the following levels regardless of the mana, spirit, sensory manipulation, combat power...etc.

The whole journey was like breaking a bamboo, and after just half an hour, he broke through seven formations in a row and reached the eighth level.

And at the same time:

"How can this be……"

Zhuge Xing, who came to the fifth pass, looked at the light curtain on the side of the wall, dazed.

The Heavenly Capital Token Talisman in his hand is code-named 'Qing'.

Half an hour ago, he was still at the top of the list, and he was the fastest and most powerful among all the breakouts.

But for the next half an hour, he watched helplessly as someone broke through seven formations at an unbelievably fast speed, leaving him far behind in a single ride.

"Code-named 'Orange', he is a disciple of the Xige Sect. There must be something wrong with him!"

Zhuge Xing's expression was quite serious.

When he broke through the fourth level, the other party's name had just entered the list, and it was obvious that he had just passed the first level.

But when he broke through the fourth level and came to the fifth level, the opponent had already broken through the seventh level and reached the eighth level.

Everyone has perfected Qi refining, how could there be such a huge gap?

"Could it be... this person is in the Foundation Establishment period, and deliberately suppressed his cultivation to come in?"

Zhuge Xing guessed so in his heart, but felt that it was impossible.

It is the formation arranged by the ancestor of Jindan that maintains the operation of the Heavenly Capital Secret Store, and it is absolutely impossible for it to be fooled by the foundation building period.

But other than that, he really couldn't figure out how the opponent could break through seven formations in such a short period of time and trample them all underfoot.

"...It seems that the plan has to be changed."

Zhuge Xing's brows were furrowed, and his heart was full of vigilance and vigilance.

Although he and the other three disciples of the East Pavilion had only known each other for a few days, they had already formed a tacit understanding and planned to get rid of this single seedling of the West Pavilion at the last moment.

It's just that the current situation clearly shows that there is something wrong with the disciple of the Xige Sect, if he acts rashly, he may end up in dire straits.

"There is no way to contact them now, so we can only take one step at a time."

Zhuge Xing sighed:

"I just wish they were smarter..."


On the other side, in the eighth level.

Zhang Yao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the hall in front of him.

Above the dome of the hall, there are densely packed gongs, gongs, chimes, cymbals, cymbals, bells, bells... and so on a variety of metal musical instruments.

"How do you break the formation?"

He turned his head and glanced around, and saw that besides the familiar hourglass corner, there were also many words engraved on the wall on one side of the hall.

After Zhang Yao checked it again, he suddenly understood:

"I see……"

These texts recorded the conditions for breaking through this level - one hundred and eight metal instruments were required to vibrate and make sounds at the same time.

It is also specifically marked on it that these metal instruments are not very sensitive to mana, but very sensitive to changes in sound and rhythm.

After reading the conditions, Zhang Yao couldn't help but smile:

"It's a piece of cake."

According to the characteristics of these one hundred and eight metal musical instruments, there are roughly two ways to break the formation:

First, forceful bombardment with powerful mana, attracting hundreds of metal instruments to vibrate together, will naturally pass the test;

However, to forcefully use force to break the skill, even the magic power of a monk who has perfected Qi Refining is far from enough.

The second is to use different sounds to test a little bit, find out the rules in it, and then you can play different instruments with less mana, so that all the instruments can resonate, and the conditions are met.

At this level, monks who have practiced one of the twelve methods of Pingdu, the "Baolian Song Jue", will undoubtedly take advantage of it.

"It's just that the second method is too troublesome for me."

Zhang Yao shook his head.

It has only been two years since he dabbled in the way of temperament. Although Qingliange has practiced well, the overall level of temperament is still limited.

Even if he can do the second way, it will take a lot of time, and he doesn't have the time to make music.


Zhang Yao took a deep breath, exhaled suddenly, and pushed out with both palms.


For a moment, it sounded like a thunderstorm on the ground, or the sound of a huge wave hitting the shore.

The mighty mana, like the Yangtze River, surged out from Zhang Yao's body, and washed across the entire hall in an instant.

"Ding Ding", "Dang", "Zheng", "Qing Qiang", "Boom"...

In an instant, thousands of sounds merged together, and different notes jumped to each other, forming a wonderful score.


Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and he instantly sensed the mystery:

"This seems to be a spell of the way of rhythm... There are many similarities with the rhythm of Qinglian's song."

He didn't have time to think about it:

On the wall of the hall facing him, accompanied by a roar, another arch and a stone gate appeared.

"Write down this set of scores first, and think about it when you have a chance in the future."

Zhang Yao suppressed the matter, stepped forward quickly, pushed open the stone door, and continued to go deeper along the passage.

Breakthrough all the way.

The ninth, tenth, and eleventh rounds failed to stop Zhang Yao for a long time.

By the time Zhuge Xing, who was named 'Qing', broke through to the seventh stage, Zhang Yao had already reached the last stage of the trip - the twelfth stage of Tiandu secret treasury.

In the twelfth pass.

"...Could it be that this is the so-called way of the yellow talisman?"

Zhang Yao touched his chin, showing a hint of interest.

In the hall in front of him, there is a bright yellow talisman floating. The material is very similar to the yellow paper in the mortal world, but there is a trace of aura.

Not only that:

On this talisman, it is not the usual engraving of spirit patterns and spell banning, but a portrait of a fully armored and fully armed soldier.

The Way of Yellow Talismans is a branch of the normal talisman genre, mainly used to refine and summon some talisman soldiers, Taoist warriors, Buddhist Dharma protectors and the like.

The well-known methods such as "Scattering Beans into Soldiers" and "Incarnation into Thousands" are the divine channeling techniques of the Way of the Yellow Talisman, which can only be used at least in the Golden Core stage.

Zhang Yao has only heard of it, but has never seen it, but there is an inheritance of the yellow talisman technique in the 'Pingdu Twelve Methods'.

"This is very interesting..."

Zhang Yao keenly noticed a detail:

The portrait of the 'God General' on this yellow talisman seems to be composed of irregular lines, but it is actually composed of spirit patterns.

It's just that these spirit patterns are more subtle and dense than ordinary talismans, which are quite different from ordinary talismans, but somewhat similar to the spirit patterns on the miniature formation in his body.


The yellow talisman trembled, and a burst of golden brilliance suddenly burst out.

The brilliance dissipated in an instant, and in the center of the hall appeared a tall and majestic figure more than one foot tall, wearing a golden armor and holding a big knife.

His image is exactly the same as the one on the yellow talisman, like a gatekeeper in the mortal world, awe-inspiring and majestic.


The Golden Armored General didn't say a word, raised the knife and slashed down angrily, the blade went straight to Zhang Yao's forehead.


The rotating light shield flew out and turned into a huge translucent scale, blocking Zhang Yao's body.

The Golden Armored God staggered his steps, and immediately changed his moves, trying to strike Zhang Yao from another direction, but it was still in vain.

"Clang clang clang..."

Every slash of the golden sword was easily blocked by the rotating light shield.

Zhang Yao was not in a hurry to act, he glanced at the light curtain on the wall next to him, then withdrew his gaze, and carefully observed the golden armored general in front of him:

"The way of the yellow talisman is really magical, it opened my eyes..."

He found that the golden armored general in front of him possessed simple intelligence, probably similar to some intelligent animals.

And the golden lines that make up his body are not only the power of the talisman, but also some crafting techniques that endow it with the ability to materialize.

In terms of combat effectiveness, he is not bad either, with powerful lethality and an invulnerable body, comparable to an ordinary monk who has perfected his energy.

"Lie down!"

After observing for a while, Zhang Yao finally made a move.

"Boom, boom!"

Cooperating with Tianlei Cone's attack, after only two or three punches, the golden armored general's broadsword was blown away by him, and he was firmly suppressed under him.

The Golden Armored God General struggled desperately, but under the dual suppression of Zhang Yao's divine power and magic power, he couldn't make any waves at all.

"let me see……"

Zhang Yao forcibly held down the Golden Armored General, ready to tear it apart and take a good look at its internal structure.

There is nothing to observe outside. The real mysteries of the magical soldiers and generals created by the way of the yellow talisman must be hidden in the body.

Unexpectedly, just as he started to tear open the chest of the golden armored general, the latter suddenly collapsed and turned into a cloud of golden mist.

After the golden mist dissipated, a broken yellow talisman fluttered down from midair.

"...Well, it seems that it cannot be dissected."

Zhang Yao was a little depressed and helpless, so he could only get up from the ground and put away the broken yellow talisman.


The entire hall shook violently.

Zhang Yao looked up and saw a huge door of light appeared in the middle of the opposite wall.

"Zhu Jidan, here I come!"

Zhang Yao's mood lifted, he walked forward with his head held high, and passed through the light gate.

Behind the Guangmen, in a more simple and elegant hall, three jade pillars stand upright, shining with different luster.

On the jade pillar on the left is a mass of five-colored soil, which seems to be some unknown second-order spiritual object, a precious material used for alchemy and weapon refining.

On the jade pillar on the right is a light blue jade ruyi, with a faint blue airflow swirling inside, it is a mighty and powerful spiritual weapon.

And on the central jade pillar:

A delicate white porcelain vase, placed quietly, looks so inconspicuous.

"Zhu Jidan!"

Zhang Yao's gaze directly skipped the spirit objects and spirit weapons, and instantly locked on the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand, passed through a layer of faint white luster, and touched the small porcelain bottle.

"It's here!"

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