Inside the Hall of Inheritance.

"I see……"

After listening to Zhuge Xing's narration, Zhang Yao finally understood the cause and effect.

More than a hundred years ago, although there were conflicts between the five golden elixir forces in Da Lixiu Immortal Realm, they were still able to barely maintain a balance.

Until the relics of the Sanren of the Five Elements appeared in the world, the five golden elixir forces first cooperated and then turned against each other. No one was willing to back down, so that the five great wars were detonated.

After many years, few people have known about the deep inside story of the original war and the high-level game that dominated the situation.

But the follow-up impact of this war has not dissipated until today.

"The relics of the Sanren of the Five Elements were the fuse that detonated the Great War of the Five Sects."

"This war finally ended with the destruction of Pingdu Gate; only a dozen years later, Tianbaolou issued a five-spirit root recruitment order that shocked the world of cultivating immortals in the southwest..."

Zhang Yao's heart suddenly became clear, and a line connected many mysteries, as well as his previous conjectures:

In the original battle for the relics, Pingdumen seized the opportunity and won the largest share, but because of this, they were jointly targeted by the rest of the relics.

After a series of battles, for some reason, Pingdu Gate was finally besieged and defeated. Most of the relics in their hands were taken away, but there were still two or three of them still missing.

Over the years:

The Foundation Establishment monks of the East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect have always speculated that when the mountain gate was overturned, the Jindan Patriarch inside the gate made arrangements in advance and hid the relics in a secret treasury.

There may be a relic of the Five Elements Sanren hidden inside the Tiandu Secret Treasure, but they have never been able to confirm it, and many attempts have ended in failure.

"If the news is true, then it all makes sense."

Thoughts flashed rapidly in Zhang Yao's mind:

"The final rewards of the Heavenly Capital Secret Treasure are nothing but elementary spirit weapons and foundation building pills, which are indeed attractive to foundation building monks."

"But for so many years, nearly ten Foundation Establishment cultivators from the East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect have been keeping an eye on the hidden treasures in Tianyin Mountain, and even risked sending people to guard them for a long time. It's a bit of a fuss."

"Now it seems that the real reason why they attach so much importance to the Heavenly Capital Secret Collection is that it may contain the relics of the Five Elements Sanren!"

Not just the foundation-building monks of the East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect.

It stands to reason that after more than a hundred years, the remnants of Pingdumen have long been rotten fish and rotten shrimps, unable to cause any disturbances.

But Lingyangzong, Fuhaizong, Dugujia, and Shanhe faction, the four major golden elixir forces, why are they still offering rewards and arresting these Pingdu sect remnants for a long time without hesitating to spend a lot of money?

It can be seen from this that their goal is probably also the relevant clues of the relics of the Five Elements Sanren, rather than really paying much attention to these remnants of Pingdu.

"The relics of the Five Elements Sanren..."

Zhang Yao's mood at the moment is quite complicated.

"I didn't expect to go around and around, but I still stepped into this vortex."

All coincidences actually have a source.

Back then, when he heard Lao Qi inadvertently mentioning the destruction of the Pingdu Gate, he had forgotten it too soon. How could he have imagined that there would be such a complicated secret behind it?


Zhang Yao continued to ask for some details, and after confirming that no more value could be squeezed out, he killed Zhuge Xing.

He picked up Zhuge Xing's storage bag, put his mana into it, and quickly sorted out the harvest, especially the conspicuous jade ruyi.

"He chose the spirit weapon, which is not bad."

"In this way, after I advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage, I won't have no spiritual weapons to use."

Zhang Yao played with Yu Ruyi for a while, then put it in the storage bag, and then thought about it.

There may be relics of Wuxing Sanren hidden in Tiandu Secret Collection, so since he has this opportunity, he must try to see if he can get it.

"The foundation-building monks of the East Pavilion Sect and the West Pavilion Sect used all available methods decades ago."

"Since the relic is not hidden among the rewards, it means that a special method is needed to find it..."

Zhang Yao thought about it for a moment, and suddenly he came to the edge of the white wall.

He put his hand on the white wall, tried to run the "Wanhua Dutian Zhenjing", and slowly entered his own five-element mana.

To some extent, he can be regarded as the orthodox successor of the Five Elements Sanren. Maybe he can sense his relics with the help of the same source of mana?

"...Well, it seems that this trick won't work."

"The ancestor of Jindan of Pingdu Gate, if he really wants to hide the relic here, he probably won't leave this kind of back door."

After a while, Zhang Yao withdrew his palm regretfully.

For the next half an hour, he tried various methods, but in the end, all of them were invalid.

"never mind."

Zhang Yao shook his head and had no choice but to give up.

"I'm lucky if I get it, but my life is lost; if you lose your horse, you don't know it's not a blessing."

"If you can't get the relics of the Five Elements Sanren, maybe it will be a good thing?"

He comforted himself, then tidied up his clothes and robes, and walked towards the exit of the stone gate on the side of the hall.

The Heavenly Capital Secret Store has a time limit, if you don't get out, you will never be able to get out.


In the depths of Tianyin Mountain, in the imperial mausoleum.

Danshenke sat cross-legged, the old god was at ease, quietly closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Fu Yaozi on the side frowned, restless, pacing back and forth.

"Junior Brother Fuyao, can you be quiet?"

Danshen Ke suddenly opened his eyes, and said lightly:

"According to the time calculation, the only seedling of your West Pavilion Sect should have died, and your West Pavilion Sect will face failure again."

"On the contrary, my nephew Zhuge from the Dongge Sect has a very high success rate in passing the trial this time."

"Brother Danshen, I'm afraid this may not be the case?"

Hearing this, Fu Yaozi snorted coldly, and said in a strange way:

"You are so sure that he can win a Foundation Establishment Pill and give it to you to exchange for a spirit weapon?"

"Perhaps the four disciples of your Dongge Sect all failed the trials in the end, and ended up fetching water from the bamboo basket in vain."


Danshenke smiled faintly, and didn't bother to speak anymore.

But Fu Yaozi still wanted to continue to say something, his expression changed slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the huge obelisk.


Danshenke was also refreshed, and looked up at the location of the huge obelisk, showing a hint of expectation.

Silently, a figure gradually emerged from the surface of the huge obelisk.

When they saw the face of this figure clearly, both of them were stunned.

"How could it be you?!"

After Danshenke realized it, he was astonished and stood up in a gaffe.

Zhang Yaoneng's appearance here meant that the four disciples of the Dongge Sect who were undergoing trials probably died in the secret treasury.

But how is this possible? !

"This... Nephew Zhang Qing?"

Fu Yaozi was startled for a moment, then ecstatically, his heart was filled with great joy, his head was dizzy.

He laughed loudly and said repeatedly:

"Hahaha... Okay, Nephew Zhang Qing, great job!"

As he said, as soon as he moved, he was ready to protect Zhang Yao, lest Danshen Ke would jump over the wall in a hurry.


Danshenke suddenly stopped him and said loudly:

"Be careful! This person has a problem!!"


Fu Yaozi froze for a moment, a little confused.

"Do you think he can survive the killing of Nephew Zhuge and the four of them by himself?"

As Danshenke said, he stared at Zhang Yao as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his mana was surging, and the magic weapon in his sleeve was ready to go.


Fu Yaozi also came to his senses, his complexion changed.

Even if 'Zhang Qing' swallowed the 'Yuanyangli Luodan' he gave, his mana surged, and after forcibly beheading those four people, he would definitely look like he was exhausted and his life was not long.

But the 'Zhang Qing' in front of him was so full of energy, how could he look half-stretched?

In his previous ecstasy, he actually ignored this crucial detail!


The moment the two talked, the surrounding ground trembled slightly, and the Heavenly Capital Secret Treasure had dived into the depths of the ground and disappeared.

"Who are you?"

Fu Yaozi broke free from Danshen Ke's hand, and sternly reprimanded him.

Obviously, he also realized that the identity of the 'Zhang Qing' from the Sunset League in front of him was definitely questionable.

Facing the hostility of the two Foundation Establishment cultivators, Zhang Yao smiled slightly and said:

"Two, farewell."

Before he finished speaking, a round of yellowish-brown brilliance emanated from his body, enveloping him and melting into the ground in an instant.

If he had to wait for Tiandu's secret hideout, he would have run away the moment he stepped out of the secret hideout, and would never meet the two of them face to face.


Danshenke and Fuyaozi let out a furious roar, and they unleashed their magic tools and cast high-level spells together, but they were a step too late after all.


Under the tyrannical magic power of the monk who established the foundation, the top-level magic weapon burst out several times its power, blasting the ground into a huge hole more than ten feet deep.

The surrounding ground trembled slightly, as if a very small earthquake had erupted.

But with Zhang Yao's current magic power, he could escape hundreds of feet underground in an instant, even if the two of them turned the imperial mausoleum upside down, it would be impossible to stop him.

Deep underground:

Zhang Yao performed the 'mountain-escaping and earth-escaping technique', and escaped into the ground more than two hundred feet in one breath.


With a flick of his sleeve, he threw the Tiandu Token Talisman, Yuanyang Li Luodan and other objects in the storage bag to the ground.

He had carefully checked the storage bags of those Dongge sect disciples long ago, leaving only the spirit stones, magic tools and elixirs, and discarded everything else to avoid being traced.


After doing all this, Zhang Yao felt a lot more relaxed. He walked all the way underground and soon left the range of Tianyin Mountain.

And in the imperial tomb deep in Tianyin Mountain:

"...Damn, damn!!"

Fu Yaozi fell into rage, with a hideous look on his face:

"This bastard..."

An outsider pretending to be a member of the Pingdumen, entered the secret storehouse of Tiandu, reaped all the benefits, and was able to escape unscathed, which made him fly into a rage.

The most unacceptable thing for him is that he was deceived by a mere qi refining period and played with in the applause!

This is a great shame and humiliation to him, a dignified foundation-building cultivator!

"calm down!"

Danshenke's expression was also ugly, and while performing some kind of formula in his hand, he calmly said:

"It's useless for you to spit and get angry now."

"The top priority is to lock his identity, capture him or kill him, and we must not let the secret information leak out!"

Hearing this, Fu Yaozi scolded a few more words before questioning:

"Didn't you Dongge faction develop a spell to track the Heavenly Capital's Token Talisman?"

"Heavenly Commander Talisman can't stay in the secret store, it must still be on his body, as long as we start from this point..."

"I've tried."

Danshen Ke dispersed the formula in his hand, and his face was so gloomy that water dripped out:

"The aura corresponding to those tokens is just under our feet, about two hundred feet away, and there is no sign of moving."


Hearing this, Fu Yaozi frowned.

"This person is also decisive, and he directly threw away the Heavenly Capital Token Talisman... Then is there any other way?"


Danshenke let out a long sigh, with a hint of sadness on his face:

"I'm afraid he has already run away at this moment. With our means, it is impossible to trace his whereabouts."

"We didn't prepare in advance, even if we invite the two senior brothers, Luoyang and Changhong, it doesn't make much sense..."

Having said that, he paused, staring at Fuyaozi:

"I was about to ask you."

"How did you get deceived by him? You can't even recognize your own formula?"

Fu Yaozi suddenly became angry from embarrassment and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"This Zhang Qing, who claims to be a subordinate of Senior Brother Sunset, was once a disciple of Qinglian Sect, a secret branch of Pingdu Sect."

"I personally tested his Baolian song formula. It is quite good, at least it must be the result of years of practice. At that time, I never thought that he was a fake..."

When Danshenke heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head and said:

"It's no wonder you were deceived by him with such a disguise."

There was a trace of worry in his heart.

If the other party learned of this by chance, got the Heavenly Capital Token Talisman, and made a temporary plan, then it can only be said that the other party's talent in rhythm is amazing.

But if the other party had known about it long ago, and started secretly planning and deliberately sneaking into the secret store many years ago, I'm afraid it would be a big deal!

"Junior Brother Fuyaozi."

Danshenke had a decision in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

"In any case, Yinshan can't stay here any longer!"

"Regardless of whether that person chooses to leak or report, we cannot take chances and take risks that will ruin our lives."

"The most urgent thing is to leave Dali as soon as possible and report this matter to the other senior brothers of our two factions."

Hearing this, Fu Yaozi looked ugly and said:

"Then we won't come here in the future? What about the relics of the Five Elements Sanren?"

"If there are really relics of the Five Elements Sanren hidden in the Heavenly Capital, it may be my greatest hope for the revival of the capital city..."

Danshen Ke was silent for a moment, then sighed:

"The lesser of two evils."

"If we all die, even if we get the relics, there is no hope of rebuilding the sect."

"……All right."

Fu Yaozi nodded helplessly, and immediately thought of something, gritted his teeth and said:

"That little thief...don't let me run into you again!"

"If the old man bumps into you again, I will have to rip your skin and cramp your bones to ashes!"

"Let's go."

Danshenke ignored him, greeted him, and hurriedly drove the Escape Light to gallop up.

The light of the two Foundation Establishment monks traveled high above the sky, one south and one north, and soon left the range of Tianyin Mountain.


After a few days.

Zhang Yao galloped all the way and returned to Xianmen Island in the south of Dali.

"Phew, I'm finally back..."

After returning to the cave, Zhang Yao let out a sigh of relief, showing a hint of relaxation.

There are monks from the late stage of foundation establishment on Xianmen Island, and the formation is strong enough to resist the attack of Jindan Patriarch, which is as stable as Mount Tai.

"it's time."

Zhang Yao took out the white porcelain bottle, his heart fluttered:

"To break through the foundation building period is today!"

good night readers

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