"Since you have heard of it, it's easy to say."

Lao Peng picked up his wine glass and took a sip, then said slowly:

"After Tianbaolou issued the recruitment order, it didn't take long to select a spare boundary-breaker."

"I still remember that in order to seize the dominance of the plan, the four major Golden Core forces used frequent means and spared no effort, which made us all see a lot of jokes..."


Zhang Yao interrupted him abruptly, with a strange expression on his face:

"Listen to your tone, Lao Peng... Could it be that you know the inside story back then?"

"Of course."

Lao Peng took another sip of wine, shook his head and said:

"This incident caused a lot of trouble in Dali's Immortal Cultivation Realm back then, stirring up the situation in all directions."

"Before and after, not only the four major Golden Core forces, but also our GCC, Changshan Yin's family, Dumen Zeng's, Dubumeng, Taihezong... etc., a total of more than a dozen forces that have a stake in Tianbaolou, were all involved.”

"It can be said that at that time, it was not difficult for any Foundation Establishment cultivator with a certain status to know the cause and effect of this matter."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of regret in his eyes, and he said with emotion:

"It's just that nearly a hundred years have passed, and no one has paid attention to this matter for a long time, and few people will remember it."

"If it was placed a few days ago, I am afraid that only old guys like us who have experienced that era will never forget this matter..."

After listening to his words, Zhang Yaoming kept his face calm, but his heart was surging.

For so many years, he has kept the recruitment order of Tianbaolou secret, and has never talked about it with others.

Unexpectedly, the truth that he had never known and dared not to pry rashly, turned out to be an open secret known to some veteran foundation builders in Da Lixiu Immortal Realm.

"Old Peng."

Zhang Yao took the initiative to pour Lao Peng a glass of wine, and said with a smile:

"You also know that I'm still young, so I don't know the whole story of this incident. I only know some rumors."

"Right now, Master Haihe intends to send me a mission, and it is closely related to this matter. If I continue to know little about this and don't know the inside story, I really don't have the confidence in my heart..."

Lao Peng also heard the voice of his words, and immediately said straightforwardly:

"Then I'll explain it to you in detail. Anyway, it's an old story, so let's just chat and gossip to pass the time."

He said, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, pondered for a while, and then said slowly:

"This matter is more complicated, let me start from the very beginning."

"About 130 years ago, I hadn't achieved foundation building at that time, and I was still struggling in the market, but suddenly one day I heard an explosive news..."

When Lao Peng said this, a hint of reminiscence gradually appeared in his eyes:

"A newly promoted foundation cultivator of Tianbaolou, by luck, discovered the secret realm secretly built by the unrivaled overlord of Jindan two thousand years ago--the Five Elements Sanren!"

"This Foundation Establishment cultivator was very clear and quick-witted. He immediately returned to the building and publicized the matter. At the same time, he publicly presented the specific location and access methods of the secret realm to the upper echelon of Tianbao Building."

"Tianbao Tower itself is a place where monks from all over the world gather. Such a big movement instantly caused a turmoil and spread to the entire world of cultivating immortals like crazy."

"When the five golden core forces react, it is impossible to conceal the news..."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, and said:

"That Foundation Establishment cultivator is indeed extremely decisive and has a long-term vision."

"Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. It seems that you have given up huge benefits, but you can get back something real and you can take advantage of the situation to protect yourself."


Lao Peng glanced at him appreciatively, then continued:

"Back then, although the news could no longer be blocked, the five major Golden Core forces joined forces to monopolize the specific location of the Five Elements Secret Realm."

"According to the news circulating in the market, they found that the Golden Core Realm could not enter the secret realm, so they jointly formed an elite expedition team to explore the mysteries of the Five Elements Secret Realm."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help asking:

"Then what happened afterwards? What did they gain from the secret realm?"

Lao Peng waved his hand and said:

"Their exploration is not one-time, but divided into many times. The progress and harvest of each exploration are absolutely confidential."

"During this process, they also paid a considerable price. I heard that they also lost a lot of foundation-building monks."

"After several years have passed, the heat of this matter has gradually decreased."

"Until a certain exploration, I don't know what the expedition team found or obtained in the secret realm. Not long after they came out of the secret realm, the five major sects suddenly turned against each other..."

Zhang Yao focused his eyes and said:

"Five Great Wars!"


In Lao Peng's eyes, a trace of fear could not help flashing:

"That earth-shattering battle swept across the entire Dalixiu Immortal Realm, and I still remember how tragic it was when I think about it."

"The five major golden elixir forces had friction with each other, and the relationship was not very good. That turn of events directly became the fuse. Once the fight started, it was out of control, and eventually turned into an all-out war."

"At that time, almost no one in Dali's Immortal Realm could stay out of the matter. Tens of thousands of monks were divided into multiple factions, attacking and fighting each other, creating a chaotic mess. I don't know how many sects and families were destroyed, and even the dynasties of the world were changed. Owner."

When he said this, he let out a breath, spread his hands and said:

"You know what happened later."

"The Great War of the Five Sects lasted for many years, and finally ended with the siege and destruction of the Pingdu Sect. Even the Jindan Patriarch was killed. The Sect has since disbanded and become history."

"Their heritage accumulated over thousands of years, as well as the harvest in the Five Elements Secret Realm, have basically been divided up by the four major Golden Core forces, and the remaining soup has fed many people, even our GCC They all took a share."

Zhang Yao was silent for a moment before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"In the future, Tianbaolou issued a recruitment order for Wulinggen?"


Lao Peng shook his head, recalled a bit, and then continued:

"After the end of the five sect wars, there was an interval of almost twenty years. One day, the four major golden elixir forces convened all the owners of Tianbaolou to discuss the issue of a recruitment order."

"I don't know exactly what happened in the past 20 years. Maybe Master Haihe has some inside information."

"Anyway, the situation they announced is that after years of exploration, they have already broken into the core of the secret realm, but they need a monk who has practiced the Five Elements Sanren homology technique to open the restriction of the core."

"This person is the so-called 'Boundary Breaker', a puppet monk who is specially used to break the core restriction of the secret realm."

He paused for a moment, thought about his words, and then said cautiously:

"A fierce debate broke out in the internal meeting of Tianbao Building regarding the issue of the boundary-breaker."

"In the end, the four major Jindan sects took a step back and promised that all the sects that hold dry shares would have the opportunity to enter the Five Elements Secret Store, and only then did they convince the various sects."

"After another year of preparation, this recruitment order was officially issued to the southwestern countries through the channel of Tianbao Building."

"I see……"

Zhang Yao took a deep breath to suppress the waves in his heart.

After many years, he finally figured out the cause and effect of that year - all of this was caused by the secret treasury of the Five Elements.

His original guess was half right. Tianbaolou was indeed planning to train puppets, but the real goal was not to increase combat power, but to open the core of the Five Elements Secret Store.

As for why Lingyangzong, Fuhaizong and other four Jindan factions place so much emphasis on and spare no effort to explore the secret realm left by the Five Elements Sanren, that is another mystery.

"Old Peng."

Zhang Yao looked at Lao Peng and asked in a deep voice:

"Then the big event you mentioned is related to this boundary-breaker?"


Lao Peng nodded slightly, showing a smile:

"After several selections back then, several spare boundary breakers were selected, and after gradual elimination and screening, there was only one left in the end."

"The cultivation base of the breaker must reach the completion of foundation establishment before he is eligible to open the restriction of the core land."

"And just a few days ago, there was good news from Tianbao Building—after many years, that boundary-breaker finally broke through to the late stage of foundation establishment!"

When he said this, there was excitement on his face:

"After the news spread, many Foundation Establishment cultivators rejoiced, including us in the GCC."

"Most of the secret realm has been explored by those big Golden Core forces, but they also don't have the ability to evacuate the entire secret realm."

"The rest of the real people and I are gearing up for a few years to break into the Five Elements Secret Vault and fight for a future!"

The GCC is also one of the minority shareholders of Tianbao Building, and has the qualifications to enter the Five Elements Secret Collection.

Once the boundary-breaker reaches the state of consummation of the foundation, the five-element secret treasury that has been banned for many years will be opened again. This time will not be too long, at most twenty or thirty years.

Who wouldn't covet the secret treasury left by the famous overlord through the ages? Who doesn't want to go in and bump into opportunities?

"……I see."

When Zhang Yao heard this, his heart became clear.

Including the task assigned by Fu Haizong, he roughly guessed it.

He and Lao Peng chatted for a long time, then got up to say goodbye and left, and went to the depths of the water mansion to meet the real Haihe.

"A true Qingxu?"

Master Haihe was a little surprised when he saw him go back and forth, and invited him into the cave.

After he heard Zhang Yao's intention, he showed a smile:

"It turns out that this is the matter. Old Peng is really big-mouthed."

"Forget it, I was going to announce this tomorrow, but since you know, it's okay to tell you in advance..."

Master Haihe said, paused for a moment, and then said cautiously:

"The Breaker practiced the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing". You have also referred to it. This is an extremely rare method of refining the formation and entering the body. It is also the cultivation method of the Five Elements Sanren back then."

"The cultivation of this kind of kung fu requires special resources. This time, the breaker broke through to the late stage of foundation establishment, which made all schools and factions rejoice, and at the same time, there are new tasks."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly, and said:

"The task assigned by the higher-ups is to let us collect such resources for them?"


Haihe real person nodded and said:

"Not only us, but all the owners of Tianbaolou who hold dry shares, including the four major Jindan forces, have assumed a certain share of the collection."

He stretched out his hand, took out a crystal clear crystal ball, and handed it to Zhang Yao:

"This is the soul rosary, a special treasure specially used to collect the energy of the soul."

"The so-called spirit of soul thoughts refers to the strong emotions, thoughts and ideas generated by the thinking of all living beings, including the seven emotions and six desires, love and hate entanglements, life and death, five poisons and eight bitterness...etc."

"The higher the level of the source of these emotions, thoughts and ideas, the stronger the effect and the less the amount needed."

"A monk who refines Qi is better than ordinary people, and a monk who builds a foundation is better than a monk who refines Qi."

Zhang Yao reached out to take the soul rosary, his face changed slightly:

"This, this is probably an evil treasure, right?"

Even though he said this, there was no wave in his heart, because he knew it a long time ago.

The so-called 'spirit of the soul' that needs to be collected is actually a special material used to construct the 'Great Formation of Thousand Souls'.

This large array engraved with the sea of ​​marrow can greatly strengthen the soul and increase the spiritual sense, but it refers to the method of the evil monks, which is very different from the orthodox Taoism.

"It is indeed an evil treasure."

Master Haihe didn't hide anything, and said openly:

"This is made by the master craftsman in Tianbao Tower, specially refined to cooperate with the Breaker's cultivation."

"It is said that the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing" was created by the sages and great virtues. It integrates the ways of hundreds of schools, and it absorbs part of the essence of the evil ways. It is not uncommon."


Zhang Yao nodded, and after putting away the soul rosary, he opened his mouth and said:

"The real person entrusted this matter to me, he must have taken a fancy to the group of miners in Sui Yushan, right?"

"You guessed right."

Hearing this, Master Haihe showed a smile, and said with a relaxed expression:

"Although the soul rosary doesn't do much harm to people, it is an evil method after all, and it cannot be used on our own people."

"And there are thousands of mining slaves gathered in Suiyu Mountain, all of whom are Qi refining monks. Wouldn't it be a pity that such a good batch of ready-made resources are not used?"

"The real man said so."

Zhang Yao agreed, changed the topic, and chatted with Master Haihe.

After chatting for a while, he suddenly mentioned the matter of Tianbao Tower back then, and said:

"Old Peng explained a lot to me about this matter, but there are still some things I don't understand, and I want to ask the real person for advice."

"no problem."

The real Haihe gestured straightforwardly:

"Just ask, and I will not hide what I can tell you."


Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then suddenly said:

"The recruitment order back then... its real purpose may not be as simple as selecting people who break the border?"


Hearing this, Master Haihe couldn't help but glanced at him in surprise, and couldn't help saying:

"How did you see that?"

Zhang Yao smiled and said calmly:

"In the past twenty years, I didn't believe in the four major Golden Core forces, so I never tried to secretly search for the whereabouts of five spirit root monks in Dali territory."

"But in the end, they still chose to make this matter public, make concessions to all parties, and exchange for support, so as to issue recruitment orders to the entire southwestern countries..."

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