Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 143 Tangshan Patriarch, Thousands of Miles to Help

"The real Qingxu!"

Wu Sizhen's face turned pale, and his whole body trembled slightly.

He was originally a mine slave of Sui Yushan, and now he is trying to escape from prison, so he should be killed according to the rules!

Seeing that the four foundation building masters have been defeated by this master Qingxu, isn't it the same as killing a chicken if the master Qingxu wants to kill them?

"don't want!"

Hu Weiwei screamed, eyes full of panic and fear, and said anxiously:

"Really, please forgive me!"

"My grandfather is the ancestor of Tangshan. As long as the real person is willing to raise his hand, my Hu family will definitely be grateful!"

"Patriarch Tangshan?"

Zhang Yao's expression changed, and thoughts surged in his heart.

He had never heard of the name Tangshan Patriarch, but since he dared to be called Patriarch, he must be a great monk at the Golden Core stage.

"Unexpectedly, behind this little cat girl, there is actually a demon cultivator at the golden core level... It's a bit troublesome."

Zhang Yao pondered for a moment, then suddenly waved his sleeve.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Wu Sizheng and Hu Weiwei were shocked, their bodies fell to the ground, and they passed out.

"This kind of hot potato should be handed over to Master Haihe."

Zhang Yao thought he couldn't afford to offend a Jindan patriarch.

In case the other party really holds grudges and protects weaknesses, then he has to give up this identity and run away.

"After Sui Yushan's formation is breached, the Cangjiang Shuifu will definitely respond, and Master Haihe should already be on his way."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao stretched out his hand and took the spirit artifacts and storage bags of several people into his hands.

"You can keep your life, but you have to take the spoils."

After roughly counting, Zhang Yao came to the old woman in black robe.

Several demon cultivators of the Hu family had extraordinary bloodlines, and he was afraid of any dark hands lurking in their bloodlines, so he didn't dare to interrogate them hastily, but the foundation-building period looters of this human race didn't have so many scruples.

After all, as long as it is a normal foundation building period, it is impossible to control life and death and let others plant restrictions on oneself.

"wake up!"

Zhang Yaoyi pointed at her brow, and began to torture the information with the "spirit of soul and Dafa" in the spirit of "spirit of fate".

"Hoo, hoo..."

But this time, after Zhang Yao had only tortured a few words, the other party's breathing became heavy, the veins on his forehead burst open, and there was a faint sign of breaking free.

"What a hassle."

Zhang Yao frowned and had to give up the torture.

Inspiriting one's soul and reciting Dafa is, after all, just a mortal method.

When he first created it, he still thought it was very clever, but now it seems that it is just a superficial application of soul oppression, and the principle is too simple and crude.

This kind of method can still play a big role in the Qi refining period, but the monks in the foundation building period have already opened up the sea of ​​​​knowledge and gave birth to divine consciousness, so this kind of crude method is extremely limited.

"Well, after the ten-year period expires, I have to find a soul-searching secret method quickly."

Zhang Yao knocked out the black-robed old woman in front of him again, and fell into deep thought.

He simply tortured a few words, and the information he got was limited:

The black-robed old woman in front of her is called 'Feng Dujuan', from a third-rate family in Yinzhou, who has been stealing black jade veins for more than twenty years.

She is just an ordinary foundation builder and the only foundation builder of the Feng family. The only trouble is that she is also a member of the 'Double Step Alliance'.

"This matter involves the Dubu League, so it is not a trivial matter."

"Let the real Haihe deal with it, I hope he can come soon..."

Zhang Yao had no intention of intervening in the chaos in the mining area.

Compared with guarding a few foundation-building monks, the safety of the two major mining areas is obviously not that important. Anyway, the mine veins will not run away.

The most important source of turmoil has been resolved. As long as there is no problem with the forbidden formation, the hundreds of thousands of miners will be unable to fly even if they have wings, and there may be no one in a hundred who can really escape.


In the dilapidated city of Sui Yushan sub-altar.

Due to the shattered formation and the invasion of powerful enemies, the entire small mountain city fell into chaos.

Including Zhang He, who was in charge of refining ore, many Qi refining monks fled out in a swarm, fearing that they would be killed by the real person who came to build the foundation.

Anyway, the formations have been breached, and no one can hold them accountable for leaving their posts without permission, and they can't do anything about the chaos in the mining area.

And in the midst of the chaos:

"Indecisiveness leads to disaster!"

Li Shuixian looked determined, quietly covered her figure, and rushed towards the warehouse.

For Zhang He and other Qi Refining Cultivators, there is a high probability that the GCC will not hold them accountable afterwards. After all, the division formations have been breached, so it is impossible to ask them to go shopping with the Foundation Establishment Cultivators, right?

But she is different.

When Zhang Yao left, she was the formation center responsible for guarding the sub-area, but she chose to withdraw her mana at the most critical moment when the foreign enemy invaded. Although she avoided the end of her own serious injury, she was also a real fear of the enemy 'sin.

Although in that case, her continued persistence would not help the overall situation.

But her behavior led to the formation being broken faster, but it is undeniable.

When the GCC investigates afterwards, once the details of the breach of the formation are found out, it is impossible for her behavior to be concealed, and she will definitely be held accountable, and most likely she will end up miserable.

Although it was possible that Zhang Yao would defend her, she did not dare to gamble on the chance.

After all, she knows her own status. After all, it's hard to say how much affection she can have if she is not the other party's real Taoist partner.

"Anyway, I'm not prepared to be punished willingly. Since they are going to be hunted down, it's better to take this batch of ore and use it as the capital to turn around!"

Li Shuixian looked decisive, and went straight to the gate of the warehouse. While playing the magic formula, he also urged his own identity card.

There is a saying that people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth will perish.

Previously, she chose to withdraw her mana to avoid serious damage to herself, so as to increase her chances of survival in the ensuing chaos.

Now, for the sake of her next path of cultivation, she simply acts as a thief who guards herself.


Amidst the roar, the door of the warehouse slowly opened, and Li Shuixian rushed into it.

After just a few breaths, she reappeared, turned around and used a formula to close the warehouse door, and then hurriedly drove away in the light of the escape, and fled Suiyu Mountain all the way.

In the chaos, no one noticed her actions.


"Quick! Faster!"

Thousands of miles away, Master Haihe kept urging him with a gloomy expression.

The Sui Yushan sub-forum has an emergency signal transmission formation, but the cost of activating it once is not small, and it will not be activated in normal times.

The moment the formation protecting the mountain city was breached, the hidden communication formation was automatically activated, and the real Haihe in Cangjiang Shuifu immediately received the news, and immediately led people to support.

"Damn it! Who did it?"

Master Haihe was very anxious, and his anger was constantly accumulating.

He was not only worried about the situation in the mining area, but also worried about Zhang Yao's safety.

After all, even the ore veins will not be uprooted, but the formation has been breached, and Zhang Yao, who sits in Sui Yushan, will probably be in danger.

"Boom!" "Boom!"...

Several rays of light pierced the sky and galloped towards Sui Yushan.

Under the leadership of Haihe real person, a total of five foundation building real people went to support, including Peng Yuexian who was in the middle stage of foundation building.

"That kid won't be really unlucky and die?"

Peng Yue thought of this first, with a trace of regret in his expression:

"It's a pity, I was promoted to Foundation Establishment not long ago, and I died before I enjoyed it for a few years..."

Everyone had different ideas, but the speed of the light escape was raised to the highest, all the way fast, without sparing mana, and covered thousands of miles in just two hours.

In Sui Yushan:

Many real people who established the foundation immediately saw the dilapidated small mountain city, and they looked at each other, and their hearts sank.

"It seems that the worst has happened. The formation was forcibly breached from the front..."

An older real person took a look and gave a preliminary judgment:

"The shattering of the spirit veins is not thorough enough, it doesn't seem like Master Qingxu presided over it himself."

"However, the formation of the Sui Yushan sub-altar is very complete. Even a monk who has perfected Qi Refining can resist one or two Foundation Establishment monks for a long time."

"The formation was breached in a short period of time, at least it would have to be done by the joint efforts of several Foundation Establishment cultivators."

Having said that, he paused and gave his final conclusion:

"Regarding the matter of the soul rosary, I suspect that someone was lurking secretly, taking advantage of the time when Master Qingxu left and no one was sitting in the town, and took advantage of the situation to attack Sui Yushan."

Many Foundation Establishment monks nodded slightly when they heard the words, but they couldn't help showing regret.

The opponent took advantage of the opportunity of Master Qingxu to leave, launched an offensive and broke the formation in one fell swoop, but they did not bump into Master Qingxu on the way——

The ending was already obvious, the other party also found someone to intercept Daoist Qingxu, and he had probably already suffered a tragic accident.


Master Haihe let out a long sigh, and said in a low tone:

"Unexpectedly, I arranged for Daoist Qingxu to sit here, and it actually killed him."


Peng Yue, who was on the side, persuaded:

"Let's take a look at the mining area first..."


Master Haihe nodded and said:

"Then let's all be careful, go to the mining area to investigate, and remember not to act separately."

"I want to see what this group of unknown guys are looking for after breaking through the formation and breaking into the mining area..."

Soon, several Foundation Establishment monks came to the mining area, but what they saw in front of them surprised them all.

They thought that chaos in the mining area, heavy casualties, and even the miners running clean were expected and acceptable.

But I didn't expect that the two major mining areas have initially restored order, and are organizing people to clean up the corpses. Obviously, the chaos did not last long and was subsided.


Many Foundation Establishment real people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling even more puzzled in their hearts.


At this moment, Master Haihe changed his expression violently, and said:

"I have sensed the identity card of Daoist Qingxu. The location is in this mining area, and it should be in a mine cave tens of feet underground."

As he said, he took the lead to control the escape light, and flew towards the ground:

"Go, let's go down and have a look!"

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