After several hours.

"Boom!" "Boom..."

Above the mighty Cangjiang River, countless rays of light descended from the sky, broke through the surface of the Taotao River, and fell towards the Water Mansion in the middle of the river.

Within Cangjiang Water Mansion:

"Master and the others are back!"

Immortal Baihe, who was sitting in the Water Mansion, sensed the familiar atmosphere, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Sui Yushan was suddenly breached, and Master Haihe worried that it was a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Therefore, while he personally led people to rush to help, he also left a few real people to sit in the water mansion, and real Baihe took charge of the overall situation.

Now that Master Haihe and his team have returned safely, it is obvious that the problem has been solved.



Soon, several Zhuji masters who stayed behind in the water mansion rushed to the gate of the water mansion to greet them.

"Everyone has worked hard."

Haihe Daoist nodded to signal, and surrounded by everyone, he came all the way to the main hall.

After coming to the main hall and taking a seat, Master Haihe told the details of the trip, and Master Baihe and others were greatly surprised after hearing this.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxu is so powerful? My God..."

"The real person doesn't show his face! With one enemy, four can win, and the ability to fight is really amazing."

"That's right, now it seems that apart from the leader of our GCC, Daoist Qingxu is probably the most powerful!"

Several Zhuji real people talked a lot, and the eyes they looked at Zhang Yao also changed slightly.

Among the people present, Fairy Lichen was the most surprised one. She kept looking at Zhang Yao, as if she had gotten to know him again.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong..."

Thoughts were churning in her mind, and her emotions were a bit complicated.

She still remembers the scene where Zhang Yao happened to meet Zhang Yao on Xianmen Island and invited him to join the GCC.

It's just that she back then, no matter what, would never have imagined that the new foundation builder who happened to be invited on the way to work was actually a hidden master.


Master Haihe waited for a while, and seeing that everyone was talking about it, he continued to speak:

"Feng Dujuan, who stole the black jade vein, has been preliminarily confirmed to be a member of the Dubu League."

"Everyone just got together and brainstormed to see how to use this bargaining chip in our hands..."

As soon as this statement came out:

Many Foundation Establishment Masters gathered together in twos and threes to discuss this matter, some communicated in low voices, some communicated their spiritual thoughts, and a consensus was quickly reached.

First, the matter must be magnified, whether it is the Feng family's private actions or not, it must be elevated to the overall behavior of the Dubu League, showing that she was instructed by others;

The second is to use this matter as a handle, widely publicize it, use solid excuses, and severely beat the Dubu League. Only when the benefits captured are enough, everyone will have soup to drink.

Anyway, it's the opponent's fault, as long as you don't want to completely tear yourself apart with them, you can only passively accept the move.

"Well, it seems that everyone's opinions are very unified."

Master Haihe nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"This time Feng Dujuan was caught by us. It can be said that everyone has stolen money, and it is useless to try to quibble."

"The opportunity is rare, so it is necessary to make a good plan and not let them off easily."

He obviously had a plan in mind, and soon after he finished speaking, he began to assign tasks:

"Peng Zhenzhen, before the news spreads, you will go to the ancestral land of the Feng family to arrest some important members of the Feng family and collect more intuitive evidence."

"Master Cang'er, you have dealt with the Dubu League the most times, and this time you will be in charge of negotiations as the envoy, remember..."

He issued several orders in a row, and several Foundation Establishment cultivators also took orders one after another.

The gathering ended in a hurry, and when many foundation-building monks left, Master Haihe left Zhang Yao behind.


Master Haihe looked at Zhang Yao and said:

"I forgot to ask you earlier, since you intentionally created a gap to leave and lure the secret looters to do it, then the energy of the soul should have been collected, right?"

"Already done."

Zhang Yao nodded, took out the soul rosary, and handed it to Master Haihe.

Master Haihe stretched out his hand and took the soul rosary into his hand. After looking at it for a while, he said with emotion:

"This little bead has stirred up many winds and clouds."

"At that time, after the formation warning of the Sui Yushan sub-altar came, I almost thought that someone wanted to snatch the soul rosary, so they attacked Sui Yushan."


Zhang Yao stared and asked:

"Could it be that there are still people secretly coveting this soul rosary?"

"of course not."

Master Haihe waved his hand and said:

"So far, there hasn't been any robbing of soul rosary beads in Dali territory."

"However, you also know that after all, there was a secret snatching of the five spirit roots, which made me suspicious. I have always suspected that there are forces lurking behind the scenes."

"Now it seems that I should just think too much..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao couldn't help but move his expression slightly, thoughtful.

After Master Haihe put away the soul rosary, he suddenly said:

"Master, I have an unfeeling request, I wonder if I can bother you a little bit."


Master Haihe raised his eyebrows and signaled:

"What's the matter, you can say it outright."

"Is such that……"

Zhang Yao considered his tone before saying:

"I'm practicing a Taoist method, and I need the blood essence of water-attribute monsters in the foundation-building stage."

"However, monsters and beasts are very rare in the territory of the Central Plains. I have no way to do this, so I want to ask the guild master for help."

The blood of monster beasts is also a good material for alchemy and equipment, and it has many wonderful uses for monster cultivators.

It is not a rare thing for him to buy the water-type monster blood of the foundation-building stage, but he can't point out that it is best to be the blood of the dragon species, otherwise it will not be good if it arouses other people's associations.

"The blood essence of monsters in the foundation building period? It's still water-type..."

Daoist Haihe was stunned for a moment, pondered for a while, and then said:

"I do know two clues, but you may not be able to use them."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao was immediately refreshed, and said repeatedly:

"Please give me some advice from the lord."

Haihe real person continued:

"First, it is Elder Zhuo Miao, the law enforcement elder of Fu Haizong, who has a 'water-avoiding golden-eyed beast', which is a water-attribute foundation-building spirit beast."

"However, he loves this spirit beast very much. If you want to ask for blood essence, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult."

When he said this, he paused for a moment before continuing:

"As for the second place, it's even more difficult."

"The 'Lord Yuwen' of Tianbao Building is said to have a dragon carp, which is gorgeous and colorful, with thousands of colorful scales, which is very ornamental."

"Although his dragon carp is only for viewing, it is also a genuine foundation-building spirit beast."

"It's just that the master of Yuwen has a respected status and great power. He is the number one person under the golden core in Dali. It is difficult for ordinary Zhuji to ask to see him, let alone ask for the blood essence of his dragon carp."

After listening to his words, Zhang Yao was sure, and said:

"Thank you, Master, for telling me."

Just as he expected, those who can raise foundation-building spirit beasts are famous and powerful, so it is not difficult to find out.

He is not afraid of difficulties, but he is afraid that he will not find the target at all, and he can only search for it by luck, which will be very troublesome.


Zhang Yao looked at the real person Haihe and said earnestly:

"I don't dare to expect extravagant expectations from the master of Yuwen, but from the elder Zhuo of Fuhaizong, I don't know if the master can help me out and make a bridge?"


Hearing this, Master Haihe couldn't help hesitating.

Zhang Yao was not in a hurry when he saw this, and waited patiently for his reply.

Haihe Daoist was once a direct disciple of Fu Haizong's "Old Ancestor of Wanchuan". Even though he was expelled from the sect publicly and his status was dismissed, he still kept a close relationship secretly, and his status in Fu Haizong was not low. .

If he was the one who set up a bridge and made contact with him, then the matter would be half the battle-this is one of the reasons why Zhang Yao deliberately showed his strength and established his reputation.

After gaining fame and status, many things will become more convenient. If he is still the unobtrusive and newly promoted foundation-building cultivator, I am afraid that Haihe Daoist will not hesitate, and will directly reject him.

"Hmm... let's see."

After hesitating for a while, Master Haihe opened his mouth and said:

"After the matter of the Dubu League is over, I will introduce Elder Zhuo Miao of Fu Haizong for you."

"However, I can't guarantee whether this can be done. It depends on your sincerity and skills."

Hearing this, Zhang Yao suddenly showed a hint of joy, stood up and said:

"Thank you, the lord, for fulfilling it!"


After a while.

Zhang Yao returned to his own cave and began to count the gains from the Battle of Sui Yushan.

The first is the spiritual weapon with the highest value. There are five pieces in total, of which the old man of the Hu family contributed two pieces.

His 'Tai Sui Booming Hammer' is also the only middle-level spiritual weapon, and the one protecting Hu Weiwei and Wu Sizhen is the 'Taiyi Bright Mask', a primary-level spiritual weapon specialized in protection.


"These five spiritual weapons alone are worth more than 100,000 spirit stones."

Zhang Yao nodded in satisfaction, and continued to count the remaining things.

There are more than 47,000 low-grade spirit stones in total, and there are more than 200 middle-grade spirit stones, which are worth more than a hundred, and can quickly restore mana at critical moments.

There are quite a few spirit pills, but most of them are Tier 1 spirit pills, very few of which are of Tier 2 quality, and none of the most cherished Tier 2 spirit pills that increase mana.

There are three remaining one-time secret treasures, and there are more than a dozen books on exercises, including several books on Taoism, but the value is not particularly high, and there is a lack of subsequent magical changes and chapters on Taoism.

The 'Pingdu Twelve Laws' mastered by Zhang Yao are all complete versions, so naturally he doesn't like these incomplete Taoism classics.

"Huh? Found it!"

Zhang Yao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he found several special metal vials from a pile of sundries.

He looked carefully, and saw that the small metal bottle was covered with spirit patterns and incantations, which obviously had an extremely powerful sealing effect.

"It should be blood essence!"

Zhang Yao shook for a while, and when he heard the faint sound of liquid flowing in the vial, he smiled.

The blood essence of the demon race is infinitely useful for the demon cultivators, and it has become a de facto high-end hard currency. The powerful demon cultivators will reserve at least one or two blood essences of the same level.

It is said that at some demon cultivator's internal trade fairs, the exchange of blood essence of the same level is also one of the reserved items.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yao tried so hard to find demon cultivators with higher bloodlines, because from these demon cultivators, it is most likely to find the essence blood of the water-attribute foundation-establishing demon clan.

"let me see……"

Zhang Yao opened several metal vials and identified them one by one.

After being purified and condensed, the blood essence of the Yaozu rolled like a ball of blood-colored mercury, exuding a unique aura, which was easy to identify.

"Earth attribute, fire attribute... oh, and thunder attribute, which is relatively rare."

"Huh? This bottle contains blood essence of water!"

A hint of surprise appeared on Zhang Yao's face, and he quickly resealed the metal vial.

"The first type of six-party true blood is finally available!"

There was a trace of emotion on his face, and he tightly held the metal vial in his hand.

It was very difficult to collect the blood essence of the monster clan in the hundreds of countries in the Central Plains. It took several years before he finally got the first blood essence he needed.

"The foundation-building blood essence of the water attribute is too difficult to collect!"

After Zhang Yao calmed down, thoughts flickered, and he thought to himself:

"It seems that pursuing the blood of the dragon species is not feasible, it is better to give up as soon as possible."

It is so troublesome to collect ordinary water-type blood essence, but chasing dragon blood is even more distant.

Not to mention, the blood of monsters chasing the blood of dragons can easily arouse the suspicion or speculation of others, and cause trouble for themselves for nothing.

"Forget it, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky."

"When the cultivation base becomes stronger in the future, I can try to make up for it."

Zhang Yao soon felt relieved.

Practitioners of the "Wan Hua Du Tian Zhen Jing" can replace the materials used to build a large formation in their bodies, but the cost is very high.

For example, the best material for the "Vajra Maramara Secret Mantra Formation" he had engraved was the powder of the golden elixir relic, but because he couldn't get it, he could only use "Tianyi Jinshui" instead.

If he wants to replace it in the future, he can no longer use powder, but needs one or even several complete golden elixir relics.

In the same way——

He took a trick today and gave up chasing the blood of the dragon species. If he wanted to make up for it in the future, the blood of the dragon species alone would not be enough. At the very least, he would have to capture six living dragons to draw blood and refine their marrow, in order to make up for today's regret.

"The first blood essence has been obtained, and the second and third have beautiful eyes."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yao's heart moved slightly:

"I just don't know if my method will work."

"It seems that we have to find a chance to verify..."

During the few years in Sui Yushan, he had a whimsical plan through his research on blood spells, demon cultivating bloodlines, and vitality fluctuations.

Since the increase in the bloodline level will also increase the upper limit of vitality, can he do the opposite and force the monster's bloodline level to rise by forcibly raising the upper limit of vitality?

This idea can be said to be a powerful and unconstrained style, and probably no one can do it except him.

However, in Suiyu Mountain in the past, there was no chance to experiment at all. Only when he returned to the Cangjiang Water Mansion, could he secretly start his plan.

"The spiritual pulse in the water of the Cangjiang River stretches for hundreds of miles. I don't know how many monsters are hidden in the water."

When Zhang Yao thought of this, he couldn't help showing a smile:

"To me, this is a vast natural experimental field..."

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