"You don't need to be nervous."

Yu Wentai smiled, his voice revealed a trace of gentleness:

"I have no malice towards you, I just want to see you with my own eyes."

"You may also know that I came from a humble background, and I was just a foundation building that a small casual cultivator achieved by fluke. It is mostly luck that I can achieve what I am today."

He said, paused, and then said softly:

"When I was poor, your ancestors helped me, and I have always been grateful for your kindness."

"But after I got rich, I searched for your ancestors, but I couldn't find them, so I have been unable to repay the kindness, which has become a pity in my heart."

"It wasn't until this big auction that I accidentally discovered you and confirmed your bloodline that I confirmed that you are his descendant..."

Li Shuixian was stunned, with a dazed expression.

She never dreamed that her ancestors would actually be kind to a big man like Yu Wentai.

But Yu Wentai is almost 200 years old. If we really want to go back, the ancestors who were able to show kindness to him were at least five or six generations apart.

And her family has fallen so far, and she is the only member left, and all the genealogy books have been burned, and it has long been impossible to trace back.

"I was... hit by a chance from heaven?"

In Li Shuixian's mind, thoughts were spinning stiffly, and there was a feeling of being dizzy and drunk, and it was almost impossible to believe that all this was true.

"To meet is to be destined, let alone after an old friend."

Yu Wentai smiled slightly, and said:

"I have never been married so far, and I have never accepted any disciples under my knees."

"If you don't dislike it, I intend to accept you as the first personal disciple. I don't know what you want?"

Li Shuixian was completely taken aback when he heard this.

Seeing her stunned, Yu Wentai raised his eyebrows and said jokingly:

"Why, don't you want to?"

"No... no! Of course I would!"

Only then did Li Shuixian wake up, and quickly knelt down on the ground, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said in a trembling voice:

"Disciple Li Shuixian, pay respects to Master!"

"Okay, okay! Hahaha..."

Yu Wentai let out a long laugh, helped her up, and said softly:

"These two days are the time for the big auction. The building is short of manpower, and the time is not coincidental."

"After the big auction is over, I'll hold a grand apprenticeship ceremony for you!"


Li Shuixian hesitated for a moment, subconsciously declined:

"Master, Master, why don't you forget it."

Until now, she has a sense of unreality like a dream.

When she heard Yu Wentai's words, the inferiority complex engraved in her bones made her instinctively reject such things as showing off the limelight and becoming famous all over the world.

"...Well, since you don't want to, I won't force you."

Yu Wentai waved his hand and said:

"You don't have to worry about the arrest warrant of the GCC. I will personally send someone to discuss with their leader, Daoist Qingxu."

"As long as he's a flatterer, he'll know what to do."

As he said that, he paused for a moment, an imperceptible haze flashed in his eyes, and asked:

"And the blood spell on your body... seems to have been undone?"


Li Shuixian said in a low voice:

"It was the Daoist Qingxu who helped me untie it, otherwise I'm afraid I would have passed my life."

For this, she is still very grateful.

After hearing that Yu Wentai's tone was not very good, she was a little worried that he would take his anger on Master Qingxu because of the arrest warrant, so she quickly clarified this point.

"Is it……"

When Yu Wentai heard her words, his expression softened a little, and he said slowly:

"However, the usual solutions for such vicious spells are only temporary solutions, not the root cause."

"It's not easy to eradicate it from the blood."

His eyes were gloomy, and he sighed:

"You should practice hard first."

"The remaining blood spell in your body...I will try to solve it for you."


at the same time:

On the 300th floor of Tianbao Building, in the venue of the big auction.

"...It's over!"

In the box on the second floor, Fu Yaozi slumped on the chair with a depressed expression.

The competition for Foundation Establishment Pills in this big auction was extremely fierce. The first piece set a record-breaking highest price in public auction, and the prices of the remaining pieces also rose collectively.

The cheapest one sold for a high price of 63,000 spirit stones, which was obviously higher than the usual batch.

As for Fuyaozi's funds, there is only a pitiful 55,000 spirit stones. Even if he did not hesitate to fill in his savings by paying a loss, he would not be able to get a single Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Now that I'm returning to the Kingdom of Wei, how should I explain it?"

Fu Yaozi's face was ugly, and the battle of thoughts in his heart became more and more intense.

Among the foundation-builders of the Xige Sect, he was the one with the least seniority and the one responsible for the dirty work.

This time, the task of auctioning off the Foundation Establishment Pill failed, and it would not be easy for him to go back. He was reprimanded and criticized for sure, and most likely he had to be assigned cumbersome tasks such as taking care of the elixir and teaching disciples.

This kind of bland life is like a pool of stagnant water, the end can be seen at a glance, and the life that has almost cut off the road to cultivating immortality, he has had enough!

"...I'll fuck you!"

In Fu Yaozi's heart, a long-suppressed resentment suddenly rose up, and he clenched his teeth:

"Why should I treat you like a cow or a horse for you to squeeze?"

He tightly held the special storage bag in his hand, with flames burning in his eyes:

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

"These 55,000 spirit stones should be regarded as the interest of Lao Tzu's hard work for so many years!"

After Fu Yaozi made up his mind, he looked much more relaxed, as if he had lifted a heavy burden.

He leaned back in his chair, no longer caring about the auction items at the venue, but quietly waiting for the big auction to end, silently thinking about the future.

Time continued to pass.

"...Congratulations to the honored guest of Box Yiqi, who bought this bottle of blood essence of the 'Thousand-year-old Hei Ao' during the Foundation Establishment period with 7,800 spirit stones!"

Duan Bingxu shouted loudly and rang the bell beside him.

In the B7 private room on the second floor, Zhang Yao's sitting body relaxed again, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although the blood essence of the monster clan in the foundation building period is rare, the competition is not too fierce. He just bought it at a price slightly higher than the market price.

"The fourth blood essence is also available!"

In Zhang Yao's mind, thoughts kept flickering:

"When the big auction is over, it's time to go to Li Country and get the legacy of Wanhe Zhenren."

"Coupled with the advancement of the blood test, if everything goes well, the remaining blood essence should be collected soon."

Thinking of this, he collected himself, sat in the box, and patiently waited for the auction to continue.

One after another, the precious items were brought up and removed like the dishes on the water mat. Zhang Yao also bid several times, and several pieces of gold treasures such as 'Skylight Silver' and 'Water Rhyme Ink' were auctioned. material.

Until a dozen hours later:

This once-in-a-decade auction is finally drawing to a close and has reached its final stage.

"My friends."

In the center of the venue, Duan Bingxu's enthusiasm remained undiminished, with a bright smile, and he yelled hard:

"The next step is the final part that everyone is looking forward to - the finale treasure!"

"This big auction, there are a total of six finale treasures, including top-grade spirit pills, top-level spirit weapons, rare treasures of heaven and earth...etc."

He said, paused, and raised his voice:

"The first thing to appear on the stage is the first finale treasure - the top-level spiritual weapon 'Thousand Transformation Glazed Qi'!"

After the voice fell, a square beside him rose, and a silver tray was suspended in the air.

Under the eyes of tens of thousands of monks, Duan Bingxu tore off the red cloth on the tray, revealing a mass of colorful translucent objects.

This translucent object is constantly changing and cruising inside. From a distance, it really looks like living glass, giving people a light and floating feeling, obviously gas.

"This is the ever-changing glazed energy, which has the ability to change ever-changing."

Duan Bingxu said, after crossing into the preliminary training of mana, he began to practice the power:

"After the combination of mana, qi and machine, with the movement of the divine mind, the thousand-change glass qi can evolve into any form, simulating thousands of different spiritual weapons."

As he speaks:

The Thousand Changes Glaze Qi shook out of thin air, shining with rainbow-colored luster, and instantly evolved into an extremely sharp flying sword.

In the next moment, the flying sword swayed in the air again, and after a flash of colored light, it turned into a big drum, and then it turned into a stone inkstone, a jade ruyi, a bronze mirror, an ancient lamp, a three-legged tripod...etc. artifact.

"What a rare treasure!"

"That's right, one of these ever-changing spirit weapons can be worth ten!"

"Good guy, whoever wants to buy it back must be a trump card..."

Many Foundation Establishment real people were excited and talked about it.

Different spirit weapons have different levels of power, but they also have different effects. Some spirit weapons of flight, communication, life protection, and assistance are not less valuable than those of killing and body protection.

If you have the Thousand Changes Glass Qi, you can simulate the effects of these different spiritual weapons, not only greatly increase your combat power, but also improve yourself in all aspects.

"Good baby! It really is a good baby!"

Zhang Yao was also heartbroken and quite amazed.

Even though I have seen the relevant introductions long ago, the images on the jade volume and what I actually saw with my own eyes are still different.


The five-color scroll collapsed and turned into colorful glazed gas again, falling into Duan Bingxu's hands.

Duan Bingxu supported it with one hand, looked around, and said loudly:

"A top-level spiritual tool—thousand-change glazed air, with a base price of 100,000 spirit stones, and each price increase should not be less than 1,000 spirit stones. The auction starts now!"

As soon as his words fell, voices of asking prices came from the many boxes on the second floor, one after another:

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

"130,000! I will pay 130,000!"


Almost in an instant, the price soared to more than 150,000 spirit stones, instantly making the entire venue erupt!

"There are plenty of rich people."

Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows, but he was not in a hurry to bid.

"... 180,000 spirit stones!"

After just two breaths, the price of the Thousand Changes Glazed Energy rose all the way to 180,000 spirit stones.

At this point, the number of strong foundation builders participating in the competition suddenly decreased, and there were only a few two or three left.

The elders of Jindan Dazong and the masters of one party's forces present were naturally far more than just a few people, but most of them chose to give up the auction amid hesitation and thinking.

The strong foundation builders who can cultivate to this stage are all well-informed, and they can see the shortcomings of this 'thousand-change glazed energy' at a glance:

First, to maintain the changes, you need extremely powerful magic power; second, it is best to be proficient in refining weapons and forbidden methods, so as to maximize their power.

With these two shortcomings, the attractiveness of the Thousand Changes Glazed Qi is much less.

"Two hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Zhang Yao finally opened his mouth to bid, and the offer was 200,000 spirit stones, which caused a sensation again.

"It's the Yiqi box! A real person from the GCC!"

"The one who can bid 200,000...it seems to be the new leader of the GCC!"

"I guess so. He hasn't been in charge of the GCC for a few years, and he probably doesn't have a top-level spiritual weapon..."

Among the discussions of many Foundation Establishment real people, they were also happy to watch the excitement.

"Twenty-five thousand!"

"Two hundred and one thousand!"

"Two hundred and thirty thousand!"

"Two hundred and fifteen thousand..."

After competing all the way, in the end only Zhang Yao and another leader of the Taoist Society - the 'Old Man in Xuanyi' were left.

The price of the two parties was very tight, and it had already reached the astonishing price of 230,000 spirit stones. It was obvious that both parties were determined to win, and neither party was willing to back down.

"The Master of Qingxu."

Seeing the stalemate, an old voice swayed with the transmission of divine thoughts:

"This thousand-changing glazed energy, the old man is very fond of it, and I also hope that the master of the Qingxu can grow up to be beautiful."

"As long as the leader of Qingxu can sell me this face, I am willing to transfer a top-level spiritual weapon in my hand to the leader of Qingxu at a fair price."

In the eyes of the old man in Xuanyi, his terms are already very sincere.

After all, Zhang Yaocai is a newcomer to Foundation Establishment, even if his mana is far superior to that of the same level, he is definitely not as good as a late-stage Foundation Establishment, perfect powerhouse, not to mention he has to be proficient in the art of refining weapons at the same time.

This thousand-change glazed energy fell into his hands, but it was a waste of money. He was willing to transfer another top-level spiritual weapon at a low price in exchange for this opportunity.

But what he didn't expect was:

"Old man in Xuanyi, I'm sorry."

Zhang Yao responded with a firm attitude:

"I also like this thousand-changing glazed aura very much, so please forgive me for not letting go."


The old man in Xuanyi was silent for a while, and then responded with a slightly cold tone.

"Then I'll give it up to the Master Qingxu."

When it comes to financial resources, he may not lose to Qingxu Daoist who is in charge of the GCC.

But the other party didn't have a single top-level spiritual weapon, so of course he was willing to spend his money, and it would be unwise to fight head-on with the other party, so he had to give up.


Zhang Yao smiled lightly, not caring in his heart.

With his current cultivation speed, he will be able to advance to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment in at most ten years, and his strength will skyrocket by then.

By then, his strength will be comparable to that of Haihe Daoist and Dubu Daoist at their peak, and he will be in the first echelon below Dali Jindan, second only to Yu Wentai.

Strong people in the later stage of foundation establishment like the old man of Xuanmen, if offended, they will be offended, it's no big deal.


Duan Bingxu rang the bell, smiling all over his face, and said loudly:

"Congratulations to Box Yiqi, who won this top-level spiritual weapon 'Thousand Transformation Glass Qi' at a price of 236,000 spirit stones!"

He put the Thousand Changes Glass Qi in his hand back on the tray, and while the grid moved up and down, he took out a new black tray.

"Next, the second finale treasure will be auctioned..."

Zhang Yao stopped paying attention to the auction site, withdrew his gaze and divine sense, and waited patiently.

A moment later, a waiter in black knocked on the door of the box, and after receiving the answer, he bowed in, holding a talisman in both hands and presenting it:

"Really, this is the token of Lot No. 1059."

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