Tianbao Building headquarters, 325th floor.

Just as Zhang Yao arrived at this floor, he ran into Peng Yuexian who was pacing back and forth in the corridor. The latter was relieved to see him:

"Master, you are here."

He lowered his voice subconsciously, and whispered:

"Realist Haihe is waiting for you in the room, I haven't mentioned the Ruyi Zhendan to him for the time being..."

"I see, thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Yao nodded slightly and gestured:

"Old Peng, you should go back first. Xanthium and the others have just left, so I may stay here for another two days."


Peng Yue nodded first, and said in a low voice:

"Then you will be more careful yourself."

After Lao Peng left, Zhang Yao looked away, walked quickly to the door of Tianzi No. 3 room, took out the card talisman and shook it slightly.

"who is it?"

The formation on the door flickered, and Master Haihe's vigilant voice came out immediately.

"Haihe real person, it's me."

Zhang Yao responded.

Soon, the door opened, and Master Haihe poked his head out. Seeing that it was Zhang Yao, he signaled him to enter the room.


He closed the door, turned around, and said doubtfully:

"Old Peng stopped me in a hurry, saying that you have something important to discuss with me, what exactly is it?"

"Is such that……"

After Zhang Yao took his seat, he explained in detail what happened just now.


After listening to Master Haihe, he was quite astonished, and he didn't expect this place at all.

"Then what is the relationship between Li Shuixian and Yu Wentai? Or is there some secret about her that deserves Yu Wentai's solemnity?"

"I don't know much about that either."

Zhang Yao spread his hands and said:

"To be honest, I'm also wondering what kind of medicine Yu Wentai sells in this gourd."

"……All right."

Master Haihe pondered for a moment, then cautiously said:

"Then let's not discuss this issue for the time being."

"You asked Lao Peng to stop me, but in order to deal with the problem of Ruyi Zhendan?"


Zhang Yao's expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"Frankly speaking, Ruyi True Pill is certainly exciting, but I am also worried about what kind of tricks this Yu Wentai is playing on it."

"With his means, if he really wants to leave behind some hidden hands, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to detect..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment before speaking:

"So, I am going to dedicate this Ruyi True Pill to Fu Haizong."

This is the speech he had prepared long ago.

The life-prolonging elixir is a treasure that everyone dreams of. You can't just say that he doesn't need it, so you can only put it another way-worried about Yu Wentai's poisonous hands.

Anyway, there is the relationship between Master Haihe, and after he dedicates the Ruyi Zhendan to Fu Haizong, he will definitely get huge benefits in exchange, and it will also be beneficial to Master Haihe.


Even though Master Haihe had some guesses, he was still taken aback and couldn't help saying:

"Have you thought about it?"

"Once I miss this Wishful True Pill, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get a second one by chance..."

Zhang Yao nodded solemnly and said:

"I've figured it out."

"Life is precious, but instead of gambling on Yu Wentai's character, it is better to exchange it for something more real."

"I see."

Master Haihe nodded slightly, and said:

"Don't worry, I will immediately use Fuhaizong's secret channel to report this matter to my master, Patriarch Wanchuan, so he can make the decision."

"With my master's Golden Core Realm cultivation base, even if Yu Wentai is shameless and really leaves some behind-the-scenes tricks, he can't hide his tricks from the old man."

After speaking, he paused for a while and asked:

"Also, if you want to exchange this Ruyi True Pill for something, you can also explain it in advance, so I can pass it along."

Zhang Yao's expression moved slightly, and he asked tentatively:

"I don't want many things, just a serving of 'Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid'."

"Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid? This..."

Hearing the words, Master Haihe hesitated uncommonly, and then whispered after a while:

"I'm afraid I can't agree to you in advance, I can only respect the old man to speak."


Zhang Yao nodded immediately, expressing his understanding.

The four major golden elixir forces have monopolized many precious resources and outputs, among which Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid is the most precious.

Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid contains a large amount of pure vitality and the essence of heaven and earth, which can directly elevate the cultivation base of foundation-building monks by one level. It is effective for monks in the early and middle stages of foundation building, but not for late-stage and perfect monks.

Once taken, it is often necessary to retreat for at least ten years to consolidate the cultivation base to adapt to the skyrocketing cultivation base and mana.

Despite this limitation, this is still a heaven-defying effect, and it is one of the most valuable of all second-order panacea and spiritual objects, which is rare in the world.

This thing is so precious, it's no wonder that Master Haihe hesitates.

Taking himself as an example, even though he is the most beloved disciple of Patriarch Wanchuan, after he was expelled from Fu Haizong, he never enjoyed the Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid. Otherwise, with his aptitude, he should have built The base is complete.

"There should be a stock of Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid inside Fuhaizong."

Zhang Yao secretly thought in his heart:

"I am in the territory of Dali, and I have to leave after staying for another twenty years at most, so as not to be involved in the vortex of the Five Elements Secret Realm."

"If you can get the Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid, you will be able to attack the late stage of foundation establishment in one go after being promoted to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and leave after earning enough benefits."

He also longed for Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid once, but never had the chance.

The biggest bargaining chip he has that can be sold is nothing more than the Tiandu secret treasure left by the Pingdu Gate in Tianyin Mountain, but he originally planned to use this news in exchange for the blood essence of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, so he had no extravagant hopes. It can be exchanged for Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid.

It wasn't until Yu Wentai gave him the Ruyi True Pill that he finally saw a glimmer of hope.


Three days later.

Zhang Yao and Master Haihe who were waiting at the Tianbaolou headquarters finally received a reply from Fu Haizong.

Along with the reply, there were also several elders of the Fuhai Sect, all of whom were in the late stage of Foundation Establishment and completed their cultivation.

Patriarch Wanchuan agreed to Zhang Yao's conditions, saying that he had prepared a copy of Kunyuan Spiritual Liquid, and that he could pick it up after he achieved the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Zhang Yao was very grateful for this, and handed over the Ruyi Zhendan on the spot, and left the Tianbao Building together with several elders of Fu Haizong and Daoist Haihe.

The journey was safe and sound, and I returned to Fangzhou smoothly.

After returning to the Cangjiang Water Mansion, he explained a few words to Lao Peng and others, and then sneaked out of the Cangjiang River under the pretense of seclusion and headed south all the way.

After a few days.


The white light pierced the sky with lightning speed, and crossed the vast barren belt.

In an environment where the spiritual energy is completely exhausted, such amazing fluctuations in the spiritual energy can naturally spread far away, and can be clearly sensed hundreds of miles away.

However, after sensing the aura of foundation-building level, each robbery cultivator group hid stubbornly like a tortoise, not daring to show their heads at all.


Zhang Yao's spiritual sense sensed this scene, and he couldn't help chuckling.

Thinking back more than ten years ago, he was still a Qi-refining cultivator, so it was inevitable that he would be a little apprehensive of the large number of gangs of robbery cultivators entrenched here.

But now, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. The powerful enemy who was once quite dreaded is now nothing more than a chicken and a dog.

"I hope that Master Wanhe's cave has not been opened by Mangshan Li."

Thoughts flickered in Zhang Yao's mind:

"Otherwise, once they consume or resell the blood essence of the monster race that may remain, it will be a little troublesome for me to get it again."

He basically knew nothing about the specific situation of Wanhe Daoist's cave.

At this moment, he can only hope that Master Wanhe's cave formation should be more powerful, which can stop Li's research and breakthrough in Mangshan for more than ten years.

All the way south.

It took Zhang Yao several days and traveled tens of thousands of miles to return to Li Country.

Outside of Mangshanfang City:

"Well, this formation is not bad..."

Zhang Yao stood with his hands behind his back, maintaining the invisibility spell, and a huge divine sense poured out, strafing the formation in front of him.

The "Wanhuadu Tianzhen Jing" is originally a method of cultivating the formation and entering the body. The stronger the cultivation base is, the stronger the attainment of the formation is.

Now more than ten years have passed, and his formation skills have also made great progress. The Fangshi Grand Formation, which used to be viewed like looking at flowers in a fog, is now as easy as viewing patterns on the palm of your hand.

"The country of Li is a small and poor country after all."

"Although the formation that protects Mangshanfang City is also a second-order formation, it is just the worst second-order formation."

Zhang Yao's eyes were flickering, and he was still deducing the spirit patterns and veins of the formation.

If it was him back then, it would still be very difficult to break the formation in Mangshanfang City, but for him now, it is not so difficult.

After a while, Zhang Yao formed a protective formation for the entire Mangshanfang City, and after thoroughly inspecting the inside and outside, he finally made further moves.


He used his mana, and played more than a dozen formulas one after another, each of which hit the key nodes of the formation's operation. With his own powerful mana, he instantly interfered with the operation of the nearby formations.


The thick clouds dispersed, revealing an obvious gap, and the nearby array veins were also shielded by Zhang Yao's mana, unable to transmit an alarm to the array center.

Zhang Yaofei flew up, directly penetrated the protective formation of the entire method, and sneaked into the inside of Fangshi smoothly, and then withdrew the formula.

Inside Mangshanfang City:

Zhang Yao still maintains the invisibility spell, and with a sweep of his divine sense, he can't help but sigh with emotion.

In more than ten years, a generation has passed in the mundane world, but the world of cultivating immortals still hasn't changed much.

Mangshanfang City is still the familiar look in his memory, and even some of the old neighbors are still there, but they are getting older.


Zhang Yao drove the light, quietly passed through the downtown area, and headed for the Li family mansion at the top.

The reason why he didn't come here with much fanfare, but sneaked in secretly, was precisely to not alarm Li Shi, so as not to startle the snake.

His target was Li Shi's two Foundation Establishment Masters.


The tyrannical divine sense radiated across, instantly piercing through the formation on Li's mansion.

"Found it! But only one..."

In mid-air, Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

"Still an old acquaintance."

He flickered and disappeared in place.

In the depths of Li's mansion, Li Changlin, who was meditating cross-legged and silently cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

He looked around suspiciously, and stretched out his divine sense to shoot in all directions.


Li Changlin frowned, and found that the feedback from the divine sense was normal.

But just at that moment, he had a feeling of palpitations, palpitations like heart twitching, which made it difficult to calm down for a long time.

"Could it be my illusion? It shouldn't be..."

He muttered something to himself, feeling a little uneasy.

"Of course it's not your illusion."

A faint laughter rang in his ears.


Li Changlin's expression changed in shock, he got up abruptly and was about to pull out the spiritual weapon to start, but suddenly his eyes went dark.

A gloomy white brilliance suddenly pressed down, hitting his spirit directly, and fell to the ground without a sound, without moving.

"This strength is really bad enough."

Zhang Yao showed his figure and shook his head secretly.

He took a few steps forward and sealed Li Changlin's mana before waking him up.


After Li Changlin woke up, he saw a figure in a black robe, and then reacted suddenly, and suddenly said angrily:

"Who exactly is Your Excellency?!"

He questioned in shock and anger on the surface, but cold sweat was running down his back, and his heart was extremely frightened and uneasy.

The other party can penetrate the square city and his own mansion, practice the triple formation of the quiet room, approach him silently, and even knock him down with a single encounter.

This kind of terrifying strength is probably stronger than Taoist Wanhe back then, so how can he resist?

He also never expected that he practiced at home in a good manner, but in the end, disasters happened, and his life and death fell into the hands of others.

"Li Changlin, you don't need to know who I am."

Zhang Yao's voice was intentionally hoarse and old, and his tone was indifferent:

"You just need to know what I ask and what you answer."

"If you lie on purpose and it doesn't match the results of my subsequent soul search, then I will kill everyone in your Li family."

The soul-searching secret method in his hands is not high-level, and it still has the possibility of damaging the soul and causing memory loss.

Li Changlin has a weakness in his family, and he is not Feng Dujuan's kind. He would rather torture him himself, and then use the secret method of soul searching to verify.


Li Changlin's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice:

"What do you want to ask?"

"It's very simple."

Zhang Yao stared into his eyes and said hoarsely:

"That's about Wanhe Daoist's cave, I want you to explain it clearly from beginning to end, and don't miss a single word."


Li Changlin trembled for a moment, and said in horror:

"how do you know?!"

It was only a dozen years since the Li family discovered the cave of Master Wanhe, and they have been strictly guarding this secret.

Except for him and another Daoist Zhuji, no more than five people in the whole family know this secret, so how could it be leaked out? !

"Could there be a ghost in the family?!"

This was the first thought in Li Changlin's mind.

"Where did I know that, you don't need to know."

Zhang Yao's tone became cold:

"Don't talk nonsense, you just need to explain the facts."

"If you say one more nonsense, I will kill a direct descendant of the Li family in Mangshan."

"I said, I said!!"

Li Changlin spoke repeatedly, his Adam's apple twitched, and then he said in a low voice:

"It all started with an accident more than ten years ago..."

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