Longevity and Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Controlling Your Own Essence

Chapter 167: The Source of Disaster, The Secret of Light

"The Theory of the Origin of the Spirit?"

Zhang Yao's complexion changed slightly, and he was startled.

He heard about this classic book from Haihe Master. It was not only the chief culprit of Pingdumen's defeat when it was betrayed and besieged by its allies, but also the deep-seated reason why Tianbao Building issued the Wulinggen recruitment order later.

Moreover, the material of this book is obviously extraordinary, and it can make his divine sense automatically skip it, and only his eyes can detect it.

"How did this classic book fall into the hands of Taoist Wanhe?"

"No, it shouldn't be originally..."

In Zhang Yao's mind, thoughts flickered rapidly, and soon there was a speculation.

This "Spiritual Origin and Flow Theory" should not be the same as the one in the Five Elements Secret Realm, but from Wanhe Daoist's own collection.

Master Haihe said in the past that this "Theory of the Origin of Spiritual Origin" is suspected to have come from the Nine Mansions of Tianzhou, which is the core territory of the Hundred Kingdoms of the Central Plains, and Taoist Wanhe came from Jingguo of the Central Plains.

Jingguo ranks in the heart of the Central Plains, not too far from the Tianzhou Nine Mansions, so it is not surprising if there is a chance to get this mysterious book.

"What secret is hidden in this book, that Taoist Wanhe refused to let it go before he died..."

Zhang Yao pondered for a while, and instead of acting rashly, he took out a dharma sword and provoked the "Spiritual Origin Flow Theory" in the hands of Taoist Wanhe.

After testing again and again and confirming that there is no danger, Zhang Yao leaned over to pick up the tome, opened it and checked it carefully.

"The mother of heaven and earth, and the source of primordial beginning, all lie in the change of Qi, the change of yin and yang begins from this, and the sun, moon, and everything are born from this..."

At the beginning of this classic book, it expounds the classic "theory of qi mechanism", which is also the basis of the "theory of sympathy between qi mechanism".

This theory believes that the source of heaven and earth is 'Qi', and all things are born from the change of Qi mechanism, and aura is the most special kind of Qi, which is the source of power that promotes the movement of heaven and earth.

"This is interesting..."

Zhang Yao read it word by word, and quickly immersed himself in it.

This book is simple and easy to understand, describing the various changes in the sympathy of Qi and mechanism, and the most important thing is the essence of the birth of the spiritual root.

The sympathetic theory of Qi and machine holds that:

Before the birth of a person, there is no spiritual root. The so-called "no wisdom, no soul, chaotic chicken", has neither spiritual wisdom nor soul, and the body is full of innate energy.

At the moment of birth, when the baby falls to the ground, the congenital qi and the acquired qi are blended and washed away, and they will immediately suffer from pollution, distortion, passing away and other conditions.

For most babies, the innate energy in the body will be hidden from then on and will no longer manifest;

In a very small number of babies, the combination of innate energy and five-element spiritual energy in the body can manifest externally and retain a little pure root, which is the so-called 'spiritual root'.

Since the aura of heaven and earth is constantly changing like the tide, most of the babies born with spiritual roots are miscellaneous spiritual roots;

The lucky ones who are only affected by one kind of spiritual energy will be born with heavenly spirit roots; if they are less lucky, mixed with a kind of miscellaneous energy in the final sympathetic stage, then a second-class earth spirit root will be born .

There is one more special case -

It is when the Five Elements Spiritual Qi is blended with the Innate Qi, a balance is maintained, and a spiritual root with all five elements will be born.

In the ancient times, the five spirit roots were called "perfect spirit roots" and "the king of spirit roots", and the chance of birth was extremely slim, but in today's era, the five spirit roots have long been reduced to waste, but the chance of birth seems to be higher Not a lot.

"It turns out that this is the root of the birth of the Five Elements Spiritual Root..."

"No, this is just a relatively complete theory that can explain a certain spiritual essence, but it is not necessarily the truth."

Thoughts flickered in Zhang Yao's mind, and he continued to read.

At the end of this "Spiritual Origin and Flow Theory", a special secret method is recorded in detail, called the "five-phase dissociation method".

Through this 'five-phase dissociation method', the natural five spiritual roots can be dissociated and differentiated. The final effect is to only retain a single spiritual root and form an acquired artificial single spiritual root.

"Is this the secret method of man-made Tianlinggen?"

Zhang Yao's heart was terrified, and a stormy sea gushed out.

If he remembered correctly, on the eve of the Great War of Five Sects, Pingdumen obtained the "Spiritual Origin Flow Theory" from the Five Elements Secret Collection, which recorded a secret method to control the variation of five spiritual roots and artificially create different spiritual roots.

And this book "Spiritual Origin Flow Theory" collected by Taoist Wanhe contains a different "five-phase dissociation method", which is a secret method to artificially create the heavenly spiritual root.

Judging by Zhang Yao's vision and experience, at a glance, he felt that the words were convincing and factual, and all the details were very real, logically self-consistent, ingenious, and there was no flaw at all.

No matter who judges, it can be confirmed that this is a secret method that has been tried and tested repeatedly.

"It's no wonder that the ancestors of Jindan were deceived... This thing is simply a source of disaster!"

Zhang Yao's expression was solemn, and he unconsciously clenched the classics in his hand.

The other book "Spiritual Origin and Flow Theory" brought out from the Five Elements Secret Realm back then led to the destruction of Pingdu Gate and disasters affecting the entire Southwest.

And this book in his hand, which records the different versions of the "Five Phase Dissociation Method", "Theory of the Origin of Spiritual Origin", once it spreads out, it may still lead to bloody storms.

If you don't try it, who will know whether the secret technique is true or not?

After all, the method of artificially manufacturing the Heavenly Spirit Root is too terrifying. Once it is secretly mastered by a certain force, it will almost cut off everyone's way of life.


Zhang Yao took a few deep breaths, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and immediately decided to hide this classic book tightly, not to let it out.

He took out a jade box, put the classics in his hand into it, sealed it with the lid, and pasted more than a dozen talismans on it, wrapped it tightly, and put it in the closest storage bag.

After all this was done, Zhang Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the old Taoist corpse with a childlike face and white hair and a simple Taoist robe in front of him.

"This Taoist Wanhe was born in Jingguo, how could he come here?"

Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows, carefully scrutinizing Taoist Wanhe's body.

After reading "The Origin of Spiritual Origin", he became more and more interested in the true origin of Daoist Wanhe.

But no matter how much he observed, he didn't find the demonic characteristics of Taoist Wanhe, he couldn't even see a flaw, and he never sensed the demonic aura.

"It's amazing..."

Zhang Yao was amazed, and his divine sense kept shooting.

Daoist Wanhe is a demon cultivator, and he can still maintain a human body after so many years of death, without revealing his true body, which is beyond his expectations.

A quarter of an hour later, under the continuous investigation of his tyrannical divine sense, through meticulous scanning, he finally found a little inconsistency.


Zhang Yao circulated his mana and used a spell, which destroyed the remaining magic effect on Taoist Wanhe.

In an instant, a ray of purple brilliance flashed, Taoist Wanhe's figure changed drastically, two horns grew out of his head, his skin showed the color and texture of crushed rock, his eye sockets were deep sunken, and the corners of his mouth were wide and thick. Although his figure was still thin, he was full of explosive power .

"It turned out to be an old cow..."

Zhang Yao squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand and picked up the storage bag on Taoist Wanhe's waist.

As soon as he turned his mana, he easily broke through the remaining brand marks on it, and his divine sense penetrated into it and swept it away, revealing a hint of joy in an instant.

"It really is!"

With a wave of Zhang Yao's sleeve, seven or eight metal vials appeared in front of him, which were obviously containers for demon blood.

With the identity and cultivation level of Daoist Wanhe, the blood essence of demon cultivators that he can treasure must be from the foundation establishment period, and with such a large amount, the probability that Zhang Yao can get what he wants is also very high.

After all, most of the demon blood is within the five elements, and Zhang Yao only needs to be of the water attribute, and does not require a specific bloodline.

"Crack, click..."

After Zhang Yao opened them one by one, he was pleasantly surprised to find that two of them happened to be water-type demon blood.

But unfortunately:

One of the monster blood was the same as the one he found on the Hu Family Yaoxiu.


Zhang Yao was extremely regretful and sighed helplessly.

The six-party true blood needs six different types of water-attribute foundation-building monster blood, and if the repeated ones cannot be counted, it is only equivalent to harvesting one type.

"But it's not bad to harvest one."

"It's only the last one to collect the true blood of the six directions!"

After Zhang Yao thought about it, he lifted his spirits, and with a flick of his sleeve, he put away the many metal vials.

He turned around and left the quiet room, swept through the entire Wanhe Cave Mansion, and collected many treasures, spiritual artifacts and classics, and then left the Cave Mansion.

"Since I have taken advantage of you, let's bury you by the way, so as not to disturb others."

After Zhang Yao exited the cave, he shot a beam of golden light and bombarded the mountain.

In the midst of the earth-shaking roar, the entire rock wall collapsed, completely burying the cave inside.


After destroying the cave mansion, Zhang Yao put away the Thousand Changes Glazed Energy and left with the Escaping Light.

He didn't bother to silence the members of the Li family outside, even though Li Changlin guessed that he was related to 'Zhang Qing', but Zhang Qing himself was a fake identity, so it didn't matter.

If Li's two great foundations died without warning, causing chaos in Li Guoxiu's world, it might instead attract attention and cause his current identity to be exposed.


The white light traveled over the sea of ​​clouds, and soon left the mountains and ravines, heading north all the way.

And after more than half an hour passed:

The four people who were lying on the ground woke up slowly, and after going through several stages of panic, bewilderment, and silence, they finally calmed down.

"Now how to do?"

Li Yuanhui only felt full of bitterness and couldn't help saying:

"Uncle Jiu, from what you said, that person's strength is unparalleled, and he is suspected to be a strong man in the late stage of foundation establishment."

"And now Wanhe Cave Mansion has also been breached by him. Our bamboo basket fetching water is in vain. Not only have we been working in vain for more than ten years, we even have to swallow our anger..."


Li Changlin sighed, shook his head and said:

"The matter has come to this, it is useless to say more."

"In this world, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. We can only swallow this dumb loss by ourselves."

Although he guessed that the other party might be related to Zhang Qing, he didn't have the courage to follow this clue at all, so he could only let the matter go.

"Then why don't we move this cave to have a look?"

Li Yuanhui was still a little unwilling:

"Maybe he missed something that he didn't like..."

"Okay, don't think about it."

Li Changlin patted him on the shoulder and said:

"The legacy of Taoist Wanhe is not a small amount. Besides, he is a demon cultivator, and his body after death is a treasure. Do you expect others to leave us some treasure?"

"Let's go, don't worry about it here, let's go back to Mount Mang as soon as possible..."


All the way north.

After many days, Zhang Yao quietly returned to the Cangjiang Water Mansion without disturbing anyone.

In his own cave in the depths of the water mansion, Zhang Yao took out Taoist Wanhe's storage bag and carefully counted the harvest this time.


While counting the spirit artifacts, Zhang Yao found something unexpected.

"Isn't this the 'Taiyi Bright Mask'?"

Zhang Yao held a light golden translucent cover, showing a look of astonishment.

He once got one of these things. It was a spoil of war after Sui Yushan. It came from the old man of the Hu family demon cultivator.

After he took over the power of the GCC, he sold the Taiyi light mask through the chamber of commerce and replaced it with a better protective spirit weapon.

Unexpectedly, today, he found another 'Taiyi Bright Mask' that was almost exactly the same and of the same specification and standard from the relics of Taoist Wanhe.

"No, it's still a little different..."

Zhang Yao observed carefully for a long time, and found from the spiritual feedback that there seemed to be a mark deep in the forbidden spirit pattern.

This is not some kind of functional imprint, but some kind of symbol formed by the spirit pattern alone, like some personal marks left in the works of some master craftsmen.

But the Taiyi light shield in the hands of the old man of the Hu family, he had sacrificed and used it before, but he didn't find anything similar.

"Nine three five...is this some kind of number?"

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, thinking about it for a long time without a clue, so he put the thing down for the time being and continued to count.

It wasn't until he counted the many classics collected by Taoist Wanhe that he discovered another familiar exercise—"Taiyi Mingguang Zhenlu".

"...I just said, why are you so familiar!"

Only then did Zhang Yao belatedly discover that the names of the two are so similar.

One is a top-level cultivation method that has been widely spread, and the other is an ordinary low-level spiritual weapon, which has nothing to do with it except for the name, so he didn't think of it at the first time.

After all, the world of cultivating immortals is vast and boundless, and there are too many people or things with the same name. He has seen and heard of many people with the same name and name as him.

But Taoist Wanhe also has this top-notch exercise book in his collection, which obviously reveals the unusual connection between the two.

"However, this "Taiyi Mingguang Zhenlu" is the orthodox Qi refining method of the human race, not the cultivation method of the monster race."

"Why is Taoist Wanhe collecting this? It can't be just for show, right? After all, the top-level skills are very valuable..."

When Zhang Yao's thoughts were flickering, he flipped through it briefly, and found that this "Taiyi Mingguang Zhenlu" was actually a complete version——

There are contents from refining qi to golden elixir, and finally up to the realm of Yuanying, which is much more complete than the version in his hand, and is on the same level as the "Dafa of Zezhong Cangsheng" obtained from the Secret Collection of Tiandu.

"What's the secret behind this..."

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