"I see……"

Zhang Yao pondered for a while before slowly saying:

"Most likely Li Shuixian joined the Lingyang Sect and became their pawn."

"I'm afraid there is the instruction of the ancestor Zhenyang behind this incident, and only the direct pressure of an ancestor Jindan can make the other two supervisors disarm and defect."


On the side, Master Bai nodded slightly, and said:

"Brother Qingxu's analysis is very correct, and Elder Cen and Brother Liang have similar opinions with me."

"From the current point of view, there is probably some accident in Yuwentai. It is not certain whether he is dead or alive, so there is no need to think about him anymore."

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, with a hint of caution in his expression:

"I just don't know when exactly Li Shuixian defected to the past, and how long Ling Yangzong prepared to attack."

"If we don't understand this point, we will always have no idea..."

The senior leaders of Lingyang Sect are also wily and calculating. It is impossible for them not to know the decisions made at the seven-seat meeting, and they will definitely not pass.

But they still instructed Li Shuixian to attack at the seven-seat meeting, which proved that they were at least certain that they could continue to have an advantage in the subsequent Tianbao meeting.

And this is the most alarming place.

Elder Cen's expression moved slightly, as if he glanced at Zhang Yao, he asked tentatively:

"Qingxu, I heard that she used to be from the GCC, and even served as your concubine... Is there any way you can persuade her to join us?"

"Elder Cen was joking."

Zhang Yao's expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"When she defected and left, we have nothing to do with each other anymore."

"Not to mention, she is now Yu Wentai's only direct disciple and acts as the landlord's authority. She plays a very important role in Tianbao Tower. How can I be able to speak in a few words?"

"If she really wanted to, she wouldn't choose Ling Yangzong, but would go to you directly."

The Reverend Bai and Reverend Liang at the side couldn't intervene when they heard the words, so they could only keep silent.

Elder Cen sighed, but didn't say anything, because he didn't expect much at first, he just mentioned it casually.

"Then it seems that there is only head-to-head."

Elder Cen changed the subject, took the initiative to change the topic, and said:

"The biggest obstacle at present is that we don't know how many supporters Ling Yangzong has secretly attracted."

"We lack relevant information, so we can only respond to changes with the same. After the conference starts, we must first question the results of the seven-seat conference..."

Elder Cen obviously had plans long ago, and he described the action plan in its entirety, and discussed further with Zhang Yao and others on the specific details.

While several people were discussing countermeasures:

The door of the council hall was opened several times, and several prominent figures in Da Lixiu Immortal Realm came again.

As time passed slowly, more and more powerful people from the continents of Dali gathered, and the holders of the nineteen seats of the Tianbao Conference were gradually coming together.


The door opened again, and there was a loud sound.

A middle-aged Taoist in a sea-blue robe and a purple-gold crown walked in slowly with a calm expression on his face.

"The real master!"

"Master Zhou."

Elder Cen, Zhang Yao and others hurriedly got up and went forward to greet them.

The one who stepped into the council hall now is the true head of this generation's Overcoming Sea Sect——Zhou Tianyi.

"Elder Cen, Reverend Qingxu, Reverend Bai, Reverend Liang."

Zhou Tianyi raised his hand to return the salute, and said solemnly:

"After I received the news, I immediately passed it on to Master. The old man ordered me to handle the matter with full authority, so I rushed over as quickly as possible."

When everyone heard his words, their expressions immediately relaxed.

Now that Patriarch Wanchuan paid close attention to this matter in person, the pressure on them has been greatly reduced. No matter what the final result is, at least they don't need to take the blame.

"It seems that the head of Zhou came prepared."

Zhang Yao thought secretly in his heart.

He knew that at the place where the headquarters of Tianbaolou was established, there was a special magical formation, which not only made it easier for several Jindan ancestors to travel here, but also delivered news at critical moments.

Elder Cen must have used this magic circle when the incident happened, so Zhou Tianyi came here with the 'imperial decree' only after he knew the cause and effect and had corresponding countermeasures.

After several people sat down again, they discussed countermeasures again, but this time it was with Zhou Tianyi as the core.

Zhou Tianyi's coping strategy is actually quite similar to Elder Cen's. It is nothing more than having more power to make decisions on the fly. The main reason is that the current situation is very passive, and even Patriarch Wanchuan has no better way.


While several people were discussing, the door of the council hall opened again.

Li Shuixian, who was dressed in a red palace dress and had a cold face, walked into the hall gracefully, followed by two figures, one fat and one thin, who were the two directors of Tianbao Building.

"is her!"

"Li Narcissus..."

In an instant, many gazes and spiritual thoughts shot away, looking up and down at her figure.

Many people have heard of Li Shuixian a long time ago, but no one has taken her seriously all the time. They only think that she is just a lucky one, all relying on Yu Wentai's protection.

However, the sudden attack of the seven-seat meeting and the upcoming Tianbao meeting made many people know her for the first time.

"Three, you are finally here."

Manager Jin with a smile on his face got up and led a few people to greet him.

The head of Lingyang Sect and other high-level executives did not come. This time, it was the general manager Jin who represented Lingyang Sect, which also indicated that he had a sign of skyrocketing because of this opportunity.

"Everyone is here, let's get started."

Zhou Tianyi spoke suddenly, and said something expressionless.

Haizhou is the farthest to the east of Dali, and he is the last seat owner to arrive.

"Okay, no problem."

Manager Jin was interrupted to exchange pleasantries, but he didn't show annoyance at all, and said with a smile:

"Then let's get started."

"Everyone, please be seated."

The voice fell:

Many foundation builders got up one after another, came to the nineteen tables in the center of the council hall, and found their own seats to sit down.

At the front are the four representatives of Lingyang Sect, Fuhai Sect, Dugu Family, and Shanhe Sect, and the rest are the leaders of fifteen small clans.

"The one who can sit here is the big man who calls the wind and rain in Dali's Immortal Realm."

Zhang Yao sighed in his heart, secretly observing these foundation builders.

In fact, more than half of the fifteen second-rate forces are closely related to the four major Golden Core forces.

Under Fuhaizong's command, there are three major forces: Dongliu League, GCC, and Yuanshan Bai Clan; under Lingyangzong's command, there are also three major forces; Shanhe faction has one family; and Dugu family has two.

It can be said that this Tianbao Conference is actually a game between the four major Golden Core forces.

Although the remaining six independent second-tier forces are generally stronger, the combined stakes in their hands are only close to 20%, and they can't influence the overall situation at all.

"According to the relevant regulations, we are now voting on the results of the seven-seat meeting."

Manager Jin was straight to the point, and said directly:

"Start with me..."


Zhou Tianyi interrupted him unceremoniously, and said in a deep voice:

"Before we start voting, shouldn't we discuss the seven-seat meeting?"

"For example, the process and related results at the seven-seat meeting seem to be illegal in themselves!"


When Director Jin heard this, he smiled on the skin and said:

"Sect Leader Zhou has any insight, you might as well say it clearly."

"It's very simple."

Zhou Tianyi's expression didn't change, he looked at Li Shuixian at the side, and snorted:

"She said that Yu Wentai left suddenly in order to break through the golden core. Do you have evidence? Do you have a token?"

"There is no proof, how can you trust this woman's one-sided words?"

Hearing his words, everyone was immediately refreshed.

Obviously, Fu Haizong's first counterattack came - directly and fundamentally questioning the fairness of the previous seven-seat meeting.

As long as Li Shuixian can't produce any evidence, it's against the rules for her to temporarily take Yuwentai's seat, and the two sides will be tied with three votes against three votes, and Manager Jin's dream of being a landlord will be shattered.

"Of course I have credentials."

Li Shuixian was calm and composed, and took out a pale golden amulet, revealing it:

"My master left in a hurry and didn't have time to explain in detail. This is the landlord's card he gave me before he left."

Many eyes instantly fixed on it, and more than a dozen divine thoughts flocked to shoot at it to confirm the authenticity.

"...It's actually true!"

Zhang Yao withdrew his divine thoughts, feeling a little surprised.

The landlord card talisman in Yu Wentai's hand is still in his hand, so how did Li Shuixian get it?


Zhou Tianyi also withdrew his spiritual thoughts, frowning.

"You all know the strength of my master."

Li Shuixian was calm and composed, talking eloquently:

"How can I get this identity token that symbolizes the landlord of Tianbao if he didn't give it to me personally?"

"Hmph, just a card talisman is not enough!"

Zhou Tianyi snorted coldly, with a hint of mockery in his tone:

"There are too many loopholes in your statement!"

"Yu Wentai is really going to pursue some golden elixir opportunities, why didn't he leave a written letter? Why didn't he send the message to other people, just to you?"

"Is he in such a hurry that he doesn't even have time to say hello?"

"Besides, in the past few months, you didn't say anything about this situation at all, but this morning..."

He asked several sharp questions in succession, and Li Shuixian remained calm and explained:

"Master Zhou doesn't know something..."

After she explained a few words, she rounded it up, and Manager Jin at the side also spoke to help.

However, Zhou Tianyi refused to let him go lightly, and insisted on this issue of legitimacy, and started a direct debate with Director Jin, who insisted on their own opinions, and the situation fell into anxiety.

Li Shuixian has evidence, but the evidence is insufficient, and there are still loopholes in logic.

Lingyangzong and Fuhaizong competed endlessly around this issue, and the affiliated forces of both sides also stepped down one after another, and their rhetoric gradually became fierce.

"...I think there is something wrong with this landlord's amulet."

Zhang Yao naturally chose to support Zhou Tianyi, pointing directly at the vital point when he opened his mouth:

"I wonder if you can prove that you can use this amulet to control the key formation in the building?"

Many formations in Tianbao Building were changed by Yu Wentai himself after he came to power, and only he can control them.

No matter how the amulet in Li Shuixian's hand came from, even if the material and refining method are exactly the same, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the same effect as the one in Yu Wentai's hand.

Hear his words:

Everyone fell silent, staring at Li Shuixian, waiting for her response.

Li Shuixian took a deep look at Zhang Yao, looked away and fell silent for a moment, then said in a low voice:

"Before the master left, he just handed over the token to me, without giving me the corresponding authority."

"After all, with my cultivation base, I can't control such a huge monster as Tianbaolou. I'm just a transitional candidate, so I took the initiative to recommend Manager Jin."

This explanation is reasonable, but it is not enough to be completely convincing.

Zhou Tianyi lifted his spirits, seized this point and continued to attack, but Manager Jin also dealt with it with ease, and argued hard.

The people at the seats got together in twos and threes, whispering to each other, while the Dugu family and the Shanhe faction stood on the sidelines, causing the dispute between the two families to fail to come to fruition for a long time.

At a time of stalemate between the two sides:

"Okay, don't bother with them anymore."

In Zhou Tianyi's mind, an old voice suddenly appeared:

"The card talisman in her hand is real, it should be the one in the hands of Old Ghost Zhenyang."

"Continue to argue with them, it won't help, let's go to the vote..."

The old voice said, paused, and then continued:

"Whether it's an enemy or a friend, we will be able to tell when the voting starts."

"Yes, Master."

Zhou Tianyi responded in his mind, and immediately adjusted his strategy.

Therefore, after Zhou Tianyi's slight release, Manager Jin quickly gained the upper hand, and finally "forced" Zhou Tianyi to agree to a vote.

"Then let's vote!"

Director Jin made a vigorous announcement, and raised his hand first, supporting the resolution on behalf of Ling Yangzong.

He just made a move, and the Xuanmen Society under his command and the three affiliated forces raised their hands in unison, occupying four votes in an instant.

Immediately afterwards——

Among the six independent forces, the Patriarch of the Taihe Sect quickly raised his hand, while the Patriarch of the Dumen Zeng Clan hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his hand slowly.

The heads of the remaining four families spoke together, expressing the resolution to advance and retreat together:

"We abstain!"

This time, four of the nineteen seats were removed, leaving only fifteen votes.

"Six votes..."

Zhou Tianyi's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help raising his heart.

With two more votes, Ling Yangzong will have the upper hand, and then it will enter the stage of equity voting. Once the voting is completed, the resolution cannot be overturned.

Under normal circumstances, the share of dry shares that has an advantage in voting also has an advantage, which naturally worries him.

Fortunately, he looked east and west, and there seemed to be no one raising his hand in the seat, and he was relieved immediately.

"Fortunately, the time is too short, they probably didn't have time to win over more people..."

But just when he was about to speak, he suddenly froze.

Beside his seat, a beautiful woman in a plain palace dress and a golden bow slowly raised her hand:

"Our Dugu family supports Director Jin and serves as the new landlord of Tianbao!"

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