Half a month later.

Dali Dongfang, Fubo Sea.

Looking around, the entire sea area was in a mess, the blood was stained red for nearly a hundred miles, and there were densely packed corpses of sea creatures.

Obviously, an earth-shattering fierce battle has just broken out here.


Patriarch Zhenyang didn't say a word, his face was gloomy enough to drip water.

Not only him, the Patriarch Sanshan and Dugu Tianyi beside him also had very ugly expressions.

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to arrive, it was unacceptable for anyone to escape under their noses.

Hundreds of Foundation Establishment Masters gradually gathered from the periphery, each of them kept silent, not daring to take a breath, for fear of being angered by a few Jindan Patriarchs.

"Good means, really good means!"

Patriarch Zhenyang gritted his teeth, and burst out a few words from between his teeth:

"I really didn't expect that this layer of tortoise shell is about to be knocked open, and accidents can happen!"

"The millennium inheritance of Fu Haizong is not empty."

Dugu Tianyi spoke calmly, as if he had recovered from the blow:

"But that's okay."

"All their wings have been cut off by us, and the old man Wanchuan is also seriously injured, and he won't live long."

"Even if you let them run away, it won't pose much of a threat."

"You can't say that."

Patriarch Sanshan shook his head and retorted:

"Old man Wan Chuan is not young, and with the severe injury he suffered this time, he really doesn't have many years to live."

"But his big disciple, Daoist Haihe, is also a water-attribute Heavenly Spiritual Root, and the probability of breaking through the Golden Core in the future is not small."

"If he is allowed to achieve the golden core and find an opportunity to make a comeback in the future, and our family happens to have no successors, then I'm afraid..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was very clear.

The most fearful thing for a big power at the Jindan level is that there will be no successors. Once the Jindan ancestors are missing, they will be reduced to fat.

If you don't die from beating a snake, you will suffer from it. The ancestor of Sanshan obviously advocated hunting it down to the end, killing the grass and roots at once, and eliminating future troubles forever.

"Sanshan, I understand what you mean, but it's not realistic."

Patriarch Zhenyang thought for a moment, then said slowly:

"The Fubo Sea spans hundreds of thousands of miles, and there are more than a dozen countries around the coast. Who knows where they went?"

"Besides, as long as they give up the severely damaged sea and sky floating islands, they can find a place to hide, or even hide in the heart of the Central Plains, then who knows?"

"We don't have so many people to cast a wide net, and if there are fewer people sent, the probability of finding them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and even the people sent will be in danger."

After speaking, he paused for a moment before continuing:

"The most important point is that the Breaker is about to break through to the completion of foundation building, and the conditions for opening the core of the Five Elements Mystery Realm will be fulfilled."

"At this time, we really shouldn't allocate too much power."

Hearing his words, Patriarch Sanshan and Dugutian looked at each other and nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with his decision.

Soon, the three of them reunited with their respective Zongmen Zhuji Daoist, and learned the specific progress of the settlement operation from the reports of their subordinates.


Patriarch Zhenyang was surprised and said:

"You haven't opened the door of the council hall?"

It turned out that at the time of the incident that day:

While fighting inside the Tianbaolou Council Hall, raids and killings were also launched outside.

People from the Lingyang Sect, the Shanhe Sect, and the Dugu Family joined forces with the real Zhuji who belonged to Tianbaolou to launch a major cleansing against the power of the Fuhai Sect.

Due to the overwhelming advantage, the purge went very smoothly. In less than two days, the members of the Overseas Sect faction inside Tianbao Building were almost wiped out.

But then something went wrong:

At this time, everyone realized that something must have happened in the council hall, but they couldn't open the door.

Li Shuixian, who possessed the landlord's order talisman, and several supervisors with secondary authority, were all trapped in the council hall, and it was unclear whether they were dead or alive, and the rest of them had no authority to manipulate the formation at all.

In fact, there is another way at this time, and that is to temporarily send someone to the top floor to directly refine the formation center and take over the authority.

But the question is - who to send?

The selection of Director Jin as the new landlord was just part of the plan, and everyone was not prepared to let Lingyangzong take advantage of it.

After Fu Haizong was suppressed, there is now a three-legged confrontation. Lingyangzong, Shanhe faction and Dugu family are afraid of each other, and no one is willing to back down on this issue.

It is easy to take over the authority, but it is difficult to ask others to hand it over. If you can get the control of Tianbaolou by being shameless, then the ancestors of Jindan can put down their shame temporarily, let alone these real people who established the foundation.

"...That's right."

Patriarch Zhenyang thought about it, and immediately understood their scruples.

None of the three families would back down, so the situation could only be frozen. As for choosing a person from Tianbaolou, it was even more impossible.


When Li Shuixian approached Manager Jin of Lingyang Sect, he planned to report the news in advance and cooperate actively in exchange for his generous treatment afterwards.

Unexpectedly, this incident was keenly noticed by several Jindan ancestors that it was a very suitable time to do it, so she accidentally hit it and became an important role in connecting the three families. Be drawn together by the three families.

It is precisely because of this special status that Tianbaolou's power, driven by a sense of crisis, spontaneously moves closer to her. If things develop smoothly, the probability of her succeeding as the new landlord is actually the greatest.

But this woman is also in the council hall, and anyone else may have problems—then it's better not to choose at all, but to be safer.


Patriarch Zhenyang pondered for a while, then went to Patriarch Sanshan and Dugu Tianyi to discuss the matter.

After all, the three Jindan Patriarchs are not comparable to ordinary people. In a few words, they directly explained the stakes and interests clearly, and initially finalized the matter:

The first step is to select a person with the least experience to refine the formation center from among the supervisors of Tianbao Building, and open the door of the council hall first;

The second step is for the three families to sit down and discuss together. At worst, they will divide the authority of the formation equally, and each will control part of it, and then make plans after the Five Elements Secret Realm reopens.


People from Lingyang Sect, Shanhe Sect and Dugu Family left one after another, leaving only a bloody sea.

Most of the many real people who established the foundation returned to the sect or went to guard in various places. Only a small number of high-level people followed the three Jindan ancestors and went all the way to Qianzhou.


After several hours.

Tianbao Building headquarters, 350th floor.

Patriarch Zhenyang, Patriarch Sanshan and Dugu Tianyi rushed over in person, surrounded by dozens of real people who built the foundation.

Right in front of everyone was the gate of the council hall, which had been tightly closed for half a month, and a young Foundation Establishment in a blue shirt stood beside him.

"Meet the three ancestors."

The thin and trembling young Zhu Ji fell to the ground in fear.

"Get up."

Ancestor Zhenyang looked calm and motioned:

"Go, open the door of the council hall."


The young Zhuji got up, settled down, and stepped forward to play the formula, activate the authority of the formation, and opened the door.


As the formation dissipated, the door slowly opened, and dozens of tyrannical divine thoughts shot out and shot inward in an instant.


Everyone changed their faces in unison.

Even though they had been mentally prepared, the scene inside the council hall still made everyone's hearts sink.

The entire council hall was empty, with no living people or dead bodies. Even the furniture such as tables, chairs, and tables disappeared, leaving only a puff of gray powder, exuding a deadly atmosphere.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Patriarch Sanshan was silent for a moment, spoke first, and stepped into the council hall.

Several Jindan Patriarchs took the lead, and many foundations entered one after another, scattered in the council hall, looking for clues everywhere.

After searching around, the three Jindan patriarchs met first, and after exchanging survey opinions, Zhenyang patriarch said:

"The people who did it cleaned it up very cleanly, leaving almost no clues."


Patriarch Sanshan nodded slightly, and added:

"From the traces, many people died here, but I'm not sure if there are any survivors."

"I have also checked those ashes, and there are traces of flesh and blood of everyone present, one is not too many, one is not, but the burning is too thorough, and it is impossible to trace the source."

"From this point of view, it is impossible to judge whether the person who did the work is hidden among the people who convened this meeting."

Of the more than 20 people who attended the meeting, many of them did not leave their life tokens or soul lamps behind, so it was unclear whether they were dead or alive.

"One thing is certain."

Dugu Tianyi calmly analyzed:

"The person who does it must have mastered the authority of the Tianbaolou Formation, and the authority level is higher than ours!"

"He cut off the spirit travel formation first, then slaughtered the people here, and finally opened the gap and flew away quietly through the wall, avoiding all the monitoring formations!"

His voice fell:

In the hearts of Patriarch Sanshan and Patriarch Zhenyang, the same name appeared almost instantly——Yu Wentai!

Only Yu Wentai's authority can be higher than the three of them combined!

And he is also very familiar with Tianbaolou, he cut off the magic formation immediately, and slaughtered everyone with unparalleled strength!

You must know that there are more than 20 foundation-building real people here, most of whom are famous and powerful for a while. Even if they are suppressed by the formation, they still have an advantage in numbers.

Besides Yu Wentai, looking at the foundation-building cultivators in the twenty-four continents of Dali, who else has such abilities? !

"Currently, Yu Wentai is the most suspected..."

There was a slight hesitation in the expression of Sanshan Patriarch:

"But is there a possibility that someone else did it?"

"After all, Yu Wentai's goal should only be to break through the Golden Core, so there's no need to break the skin with us and do something like this."

Patriarch Zhenyang's complexion was gloomy, and he snorted coldly:

"How could it be someone else?"

"Even if someone really killed Yuwentai, it's impossible for him to be so familiar with Tianbaolou's formation that he can seize authority and reverse control in an instant."

"Besides, who can kill him? Even if I do it myself, I'm not sure to save his life..."

Having said that, he paused, and his voice became colder:

"In my opinion, this is Yu Wentai's tricks in the dark!"

"Seeing that the Breaker is about to finish his work, but he disappeared inexplicably at this juncture, which is very suspicious."

"Maybe, he saw the quarrel between our three families and Fu Haizong, and deliberately disappeared to create an unexpected illusion, so as to detonate the situation and make us fight among ourselves."

Dugu Tian frowned and couldn't help saying:

"It's certainly possible, but there's a lot that doesn't make sense."

"If Yu Wentai really did it, then why did he choose to kill all these people at the Tianbao Conference? What good does it do him?"

"Based on how cunning this person is, he is more likely to hide until the end and wait until the Five Elements Secret Realm is reopened before making a move."

"Not to mention, even if he detonated the situation and used our hands to get rid of Fu Haizong, he didn't take much advantage..."

As he spoke, he thought carefully for a moment before slowly saying:

"In my opinion, it is possible that Yu Wentai really encountered an accident."

"Perhaps a tyrannical foreign Golden Core cultivator killed Yu Wentai, took away his talisman token, and searched his soul at the same time."

"In this way, many doubts can be explained, and..."

Patriarch Sanshan shook his head and retorted:

"I don't think it's possible, especially considering that there are quite a few Golden Core cultivators in the southwest..."

After the three argued for a few words, they did not reach a consensus.

But basically, the three locked their suspicions on Yu Wentai, or a possible hidden Golden Core cultivator.

This made Patriarch Zhenyang and others feel vigilant and alert, and decided to take turns sitting in the Tianbao Tower in the next time and strictly guarding the breakers.


Leizhou, in a deep valley.

"Hoo, hoo..."

Peng Yue fell to the ground first, with disheveled hair, panting violently.

His clothes were torn and stained with a lot of blood, and his face was a little pale, looking extremely embarrassed.

"It's all over now..."

He recalled what he had experienced in the past half month, and still had lingering fears in his heart.

Half a month ago, on the second day after Master Qingxu left, the Cangjiang Water Mansion was besieged on a large scale, and more than 30 Daoist Zhuji joined hands to attack.

The only good news is that the building foundation on the opposite side does not have a Tier 3 secret treasure in their hands, so they were not able to break through the formation immediately, giving them time to react.

But more than 30 Foundation Establishment Daoists joined forces to attack, they were obviously powerless to resist, if they continued to stand firm in the Water Mansion, it would be nothing more than waiting for death.

Ever since:

Under Peng Yuexian's decision, everyone fled separately through the secret passage of the Shuifu, and flew separately when the catastrophe was imminent.

Peng Yuexian himself was also chased and killed by several real people who established the foundation all the way. He managed to escape by relying on some hidden means and good luck.

"Fu Haizong is probably doomed. The real Haihe and the real Qingxu are probably more or less fortunate!"

Peng Yuexian was in a bad mood and sighed:

"Hey... I don't know what happened to the rest of the people, and if anyone escaped."

"The seal of Fu Haizong on my body may not be washed off, and no one wants to surrender... It seems that I can't stay in Dali territory anymore."

Peng Yue quickly made a decision in his heart, and planned to secretly leave Dali during the chaos and go to Dayu Kingdom in the east.

An uncertain future is better than dying in hell.

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